41. Dave Schuck
42. Dan Capra, Joe Fogarty & Dave (can't remember his last name)
Just finally going thru all Mojo's photos..#42 L or top rampie is Dan Capra with Joe and don't know the other
one...Thanks, Judi Fenton Plumer
43. Dave Trujillo & Ralph Longo
44. Need help here - Dave something & don't know the other
Paul Ruberg: "The guy on the left looks like it might be Jim Lengyel (hire date 8/27/73).
The guy on the right I worked with on rare occasion but I can't remember his name.
Hopefully someone else can confirm that.
Jim and I went to Piedmont Airlines after the shutdown.
Jim passed away a few years ago at age 69 and had been working in Charlotte for then USAirways."
Linda Sciacca: "On MoJo's pictures, pic #44 is Dave Krueger and Rich Moore. Identified by Tom Sciacca."
Jake Lamkins: "Spelled Krieger in my records."
45. This is Dee "whatsherlastname?"
46. Dee again, Don Pruitt & two others whose names we need
47. Air Freight building from the street
48. Inside Air Freight
49. Dennis McNeal
50. Dennis Dow and Randy Milton.
Picture #50 - that is Dennis Dow, he went to the ticket counter, he had been selected to drive one of the people
movers and went to the counter when that didn't work.-Steve Cole (12/7/03)
51. Donny Romero
52. Don Pruitt, Leon Robinson & Hervey Bolden
Herbie in picture is actually Hervey Belden. An unforgettable character.-Roger Wallace (quack) (12/8/03)
I hope you have received my prior message about Herbie? His name is Hervey Bolden, weird spelling. This is
really the quacker talking to you right now. -Roger Wallace (12/8/03)
Leon died 11/9/1998, age 52 - Jake Lamkins (4/19/10)
53. Doug Bittner & Herschel Lowe
Herschel died 12/9/2002, age 81 - Jake Lamkins (4/19/10)
54. Doug Farris and Dale Bristol
55. Doug Farris, Jerrick Johnson, Gil Martinez & Jim Charbonneau
Jim died 4/4/1993, age 49 - Jake Lamkins (4/19/10)
56. Ed Good & Larry Kefalas
57. Eldon Blake
Eldon died 9/24/2007, age 57 - Jake Lamkins (4/19/10)
58. Eric Wilson
59. Everett Donaldson & Johnny Sharp
60. Gary ?
#60 is Gary ??. For some reason I think he may have worked at ATL - but don't
count on me being correct!
I seem to remember he and Tom Thwaits and I working
in ATL before I transferred to DEN.
He may have even been some other places
before ATL. - Tomi Parr (4/23/10)
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