We are FLamily!
Old Frontier Airlines pilots and aircraft dispatchers memorial webpages


Jay Abbott
1/29/15, age 67

Joe Abell
5/11/24, age 86

Jim Actor
6/6/11, age 71

Dick Adair
12/8/11, age 91

Don Adams
3/11/02, age 66

Carl Ade
2/19/15, age 81

Ev Aden
1/7/08, age 86

Les Allen
10/30/98, age 81

Milt Altmark
7/20/14, age 83

John Andrews
1/8/14, age 73

Ardell Arfsten
6/14/16, age 77

Army Armstrong
9/4/09, age 91

Bob Arnot
9/1/96, age 63

George Arwood
9/19/99, age 83

Bob Ashby
3/5/21, age 94

Art Ashworth
3/17/77, age 64

Wayne Aspinall
1/26/79, age 55

Ace Avakian
2/18/11, age 86

Forrest Bailey
9/26/23, age 77

Joe Baker
9/2/11, age 75

Jerry Balfanz
7/11/18, age 87

Ed Balkenbush
9/22/06, age 84

Karl Bancroft
5/19/13, age 82

Tom Banister
3/27/18, age 86

Ken Banks
6/10/10, age 77

Bob Banta
3/15/19, age 93

Chuck Barker
12/23/08, age 75

Hugh Barron
8/20/22, age 88

Larry Beardsley
3/2/10, age 92

Dave Beckley
5/26/16, age 80

Phil Beckman
11/17/15, age 74

Ernie Bell
2/14/04, age 59

Jimmy Bennett
3/10/90, age 50

Bryan Benton
4/30/98, age 78

Jack Bernette
Need info

Max Bierwolf
6/11/14, age 87

George Bilotta
10/22/19, age 86

Bill Blackmon
8/6/14, age 90

Chuck Blair
12/16/13, age 85

Frank Blair
5/19/61, age 48

Fred Blakeley
9/18/01, age 82

Gary Blanchard
4/2/16, age 85

Bill Blumberg
5/6/24, age 75

Bob Bollinger
11/12/96, age 73

Dick Bombard
7/31/19, age 85

Del Booth
5/10/07, age 90

Tom Boren
10/21/00, age 61

Gordon Bourland
2/3/94, age 75

Jack Bozarth
5/17/24, age 79

Whit Brandon
4/23/01, age 57

Frank Brgoch
7/25/95, age 70

Don Bridie
Need info

Gerry Britton
1/15/03, age 69

Bill Brodie
5/23/92, age 45

Bob Brooks
11/23/04, age 81

Willie Brown
1/5/15, age 78

Winfred 'Brownie' Brown
10/1/10, age 89

Chuck Buckingham
9/9/11, age 85

Jim Buick
9/5/20, age 79

Art Burnett
3/2/08, age 78

Mark Burke
5/19/97, age 70

Elmer Burson
9/1/93, age 78

Jack Burt
2/11/15, age 79

Read Burt
10/15/60, age 43

Dan Cady
10/26/14, age 72

Chuck Callahan
8/1/09, age 82

Ron Callan
Need info

Leo Canavan
11/19/16, age 81

Dave Cannon
8/28/12, age 94

Paul Carey
5/20/20, age 88

Don Carman
3/21/01, age 67

Jim Carney
8/18/03, age 82

Butch Carr
10/13/04, age 66

Jack Cashel
8/12/02, age 76

George Ceshker
1/22/17, age 101

Harvie Chaddock
5/7/06, age 77

Red Chambers
3/6/09, age 85

Bob Chilton
Need info

Joe Claffy
6/13/14, age 97

Bruce Clapham
May89, age 59

Bert Clark
12/28/98, age 88

Sam Clark
6/13/23, age 89

Wayne Clay
5/25/18, age 74

Danny Cobb
9/20/83, age 42

Dick Cochran
2/12/07, age 72

Rick Cochran
12/21/67, age 33, in a DC3 crash at Denver, Colorado

Ken Coggeshall
5/27/00, age 67

Ron Combs
6/6/15, age 72

Ron Confer
4/30/10, age 82

Duane Cook
5/10/94, age 59

Owen Cook
3/9/00, age 83

Dick Cottingham
12/7/06, age 90

Cal Cowley
10/14/83, age 60

Denny Cox
8/1/20, age 73

Glenn Cox
12/2/74, age 55

Bo Craig
4/14/13, age 82

Rocky Crane
12/21/67, age 34, in a DC3 crash at Denver, Colorado

Gary Craven
8/1/18, age 82

Jim Crowell
7/30/86, age 55

Jim Currie
12/2/22, age 76

Jay Curtis
9/23/11, age 91

Homer Dahl
1/10/11, age 82

Ray Damato
Spring 1989, need more info

George Dardano
12/24/86, age 46

Vic David
12/30/98, age 64

Keith Davies
11/22/13, age 82

Dick Davis
5/26/80, age 41

Wes Davis
10/15/11, age 84

Walt Day
1/15/91, age 45

John Deahl
4/9/81, age 36

Ken Dealy
10/10/94, age 78

Bill Dickson
12/3/16, age 83

Duane Dillard
11/19/74, age 32

Lou Dionne
11/6/14, age 87

Curt Dixon
Aug68, age 51

Mel D'Loss
1/6/93, age 59

Dave Dodd
9/15/12, age 84

Don Donaldson
2/6/04, age 67

Leo Dorsey
4/22/17, age 93

Bob Douglas
12/8/89, age 63

Joe Doussard
7/20/90, age 81

Bob Drake
7/13/02, age 65

Paul DuPree
5/23/05, age 84

Denny Dykes
4/21/20, age 90

Nelson Embleton
7/2/07, age 79

Del Erickson
1/10/93, age 64

Ken Erickson
5/11/23, age 91

Ron Farquer
1/13/84, age 41

Mike Faas
10/3/16, age 72

Fetch Fechner
1/16/03, age 78

Bob Fedel
6/25/19, age 89

Jack Fellows
6/19/18, age 87

Joe Ferguson
12/17/21, age 90

Matt Ferguson
1/6/11, age 90

Bill Fette
8/23/15, age 73

Rob Field
9/6/82, age 39

Dan Fink
11/25/06, age 72

Denny Finke
8/31/19, age 78

Weldon Finney
4/25/20, age 88

Ken Flegal
Oct 91, age 45

Hal Fletcher
1/3/17, age 83

Skip Fletcher
1/31/17, age 82

Paul Floyd
2/21/07, age 84

Jim Ford
3/17/23, age 80

Tom Foster
2/2/05, age 52

Bob Fothergill
6/28/23, age 81

Jerry Francis
12/7/99, age 72

Jesse Franklin
4/10/12, age 82

Frosty Frost
6/1/17, age 84

Von Fulenwider
11/24/02, age 68

Mike Gadow
7/21/24, age 93

Paul Gailey
4/12/13, age 86

Dee Galli
9/20/24, age 86

Jack Gardner
2/26/81, age 56

Max Gardner
10/8/88, age 70

Donna Garland
9/1/99, age 50

Rob Gerritsen
7/29/97, age 41

Glen Gettman
8/24/85, age 57

Jack Gibson
4/7/14, age 74

Walt Gilliam
5/17/13, age 87

Dale Glenn
1/18/78, age 35, FL Twin Otter crash at PUB

Gerry Goss
8/15/07, age 75

Dan Gough
3/12/64, age 25 - in the crash of flight 32, at Miles City, Montana

George Graham
5/23/00, age 76

Sam Grande
2/11/15, age 96

Ron Gregory
7/9/24, age 91

Jack Griffin
10/4/74, age 35

Ken Griffith
7/7/13, age 86

Bob Grisanti
6/2/94, age 46

Hal Grogg
1/16/82, age 53

Turk Gross
12/16/06, age 73

Roger Guinther
7/27/96, age 49

Dan Gunn
1/12/06, age 72

Les Guthrie
11/30/99, age 74

Henry Haldeman-Julius
1/7/90, age 70

Bert Hall
4/24/10, age 92

Bob Hammarley
4/18/05, age 62

Mike Hampton
11/26/23, age 79

Doug Hanson
4/11/98, age 48

Jim Hanson
7/2/13, age 92

Jim Harcrow
6/17/13, age 75

John Harlan
1/12/98, age 72

Les Harper
9/13/16, age 100

Al Harris
5/23/20, age 84

Bill Harrison
4/10/19, age 93

Gary Harsen
3/7/84, age 45

Clyde Hart
11/9/13, age 80

Fred Hart
2/7/94, age 76

Dell Harty
8/17/11, age 79

Ray Harvey
12/13/01, age 87

Jim Hass
12/5/11, age 76

Kevin Hayes
10/24/20, age 65

Paul Haynie
6/23/09, age 73

Bill Hays
10/7/21, age 100

Bruce Hayward
10/6/24, age 83

Buddy Head
12/2/10, age 80

Roger Heckman
Mar03, age 60

Ron Heckman
6/19/17, age 73

Warren Heckman
3/1/17, age 96

3/26/04, age 70

Bob Hermann
3/15/07, age 78

Carl Herring
2/24/82, age 57

Kent Higgins
1/23/21, age 77

Bill Hilbert
2/24/11, age 92

Bill Hill
10/8/11, age 72

Joe Hill
2/24/59, age 33

Art Hillis
11/24/08, age 80

Bill Hines
2/17/04, age 66

Duane Hingst
7/27/00, age 75

Dale Hladik
4/23/12, age 66

Dick Hoffman
11/5/03, age 84

Frank Hoffman
7/15/17, age 81

John Hoffman
8/31/13, age 69

Grant Holmes
4/24/12, age 71

Tom Horan
5/12/20, age 87

Andy Hoshock
10/18/96, age 75

Clayton Housh
5/18/13, age 87

John Houston
7/17/05, age 72

Tom Howard
Jul 21, age 91

Mac Howe
11/12/14, age 90

Jack Howell
1/18/78, age 48, FL Twin Otter crash at PUB

Kenny Huber
3/12/64, age 42 - in the crash of flight 32 at Miles City, Montana

Phil Huebner
9/29/24, age 81

Bill Huffman
1/1/14, age 87

Max Hunt
10/29/16, age 93

Brad Hurd
7/1/09, age 84

Willie Hurt
4/30/16, age 97

Fletch Huskey
6/17/19, age 85

Dave Hyde
10/23/15, age 74

Ike Isaacs
2/27/15, age 91

Dan Jacoby
4/10/63, age 24

Jug Jella
5/14/93, age 72

Buck Jennings
6/10/86, age 62

Roger Johnson
3/27/08, age 70

Terry Johnson
1/21/09, age 71

Bob Johnston
2/19/05, age 70

Don Jones
5/19/24, age 80

Gary Jones
11/4/10, age 72

Gerry Jones
5/3/96, need info

Pete Jones
3/19/16, age 85

Walt Jones
9/20/08, age 82

Dave Joyner
8/21/03, age 60

Mike Kaiser
1/24/96, age 76

Barry Kankel
10/10/14, age 72

Dick Kardell
11/24/21, age 83

Terry Karpen
1/4/17, age 71

Earl Keene
1/22/04, age 79

Scott Keller
12/15/05, age 87

Al Kendell
11/25/19, age 92

Karl Kenney
2/26/18, age 87

Ted Kentroti
11/10/05, age 83

Jack Kettler
2/10/03, age 80

Joe Killinger
2/25/94, age 49

Kenny Kingdon
10/31/01, age 84

Dave Kleinhans
1/8/04, age 71

Bob Klingensmith
9/21/82, age 55

Dennis Klock
2/28/79, age 33

Dick Klumker
10/16/16, age 74

Lamar Knight
8/29/97, age 68

Dick Koplitz
2/2/92, age 75

Buddy Kopp
Aug 82, age 62

Sandy Kudlac
3/9/07, age 60

Charlie Lambert
8/5/17, age 82

Rusty Lambert
12/26/17, age 82

Bob Lambourne
11/8/07, age 91

Harry Lambourne
8/11/18, age 75

Pete Lamkin
2/12/21, age 87

Larry Lammey
8/5/18, age 75

Ed Landrum
9/4/00, age 61

Bob Lane
9/19/21, age 93

Jim Langhofer
5/7/20, age 94

Jim Lankton
4/28/13, age 96

Ken Larason
2/13/17, age 79

Steve Larsen
7/10/07, age 65

Leo Larson
8/27/06, age 86

Marv Larson
4/9/21, age 79

Bill Lasseter
10/16/06, age 82

George Lawrence
Dec 73, age 55

Lloyd Leach
11/4/92, age 73

Pete Lee
6/22/18, age 84

Lefty Leftwich
4/13/16, age 88

Al Lerrette
Need Info

John Leslie
7/16/13, age 87

3/26/23, age 89

Jim Liddle
12/20/08, age 85

EP Lietz
10/29/05, age 85

Roger Lippert
6/27/24, age 89

Paul Liscomb
5/1/12, age 95

Ron Litton
11/28/87, age 62

Bob Lockett
8/1/82, age 60

Don Lockwood
1/11/18, age 84

Harry Logsdon
10/15/88, age 67

CK Logue
9/12/00, age 80

Carol Loos
1/27/90, age 38

Bob Lukow
9/13/13, age 83

Hank Lux
3/19/14, age 91

Jack MacDermott
11/19/09, age 86

Jed Mackenroth
11/18/96, age 64

Bill MacLeod
1/29/96, age 64

Don Madden
4/5/19, age 78

Jimmie Maris
11/29/99, age 70

Stu Marks
5/17/01, age 67

Mark Markwart
5/9/95, age 77

Don Marso
5/8/09, age 69

Chuck Martin
Need info

Jack Martin
11/4/18, age 82

Mel Maynard
7/18/15, age 83

Bill McCaffrey
1/28/18, age 84

Gene McCaleb
2/19/18, age 89

Bill McChrystal
7/8/92, age 76

Rick McCoy
3/14/14, age 88

Dennis McCright
8/13/11, age 69

Doug McDonald
7/21/61, age 46

Patt McDonald
11/9/06, age 63

Boom Boom McDowell
10/17/05, age 78

Jim McGhee
2/1/06, age 69

Herve McGlashan
4/24/22, age 86

Bob McKesson
8/20/17, age 85

Warren McLellan
8/24/11, age 90

Bill Medcalf
4/18/06, age 74

Fred Mercer
6/1/07, age 74

Bob Methven
6/9/11, age 61

George Meshko
4/15/14, age 89

Jack Metzker
3/29/95, age 64

Denny Meyer
1/18/78, age 34, FL Twin Otter crash at PUB

Frank Meyer
1/16/16, age 87

Larry Miles
6/2/13, age 77

Deke Miller
8/12/02, age 79

Jay Miller
2/26/16, age 76

JW Miller
12/11/03, age 68

Russ Miller
5/18/97, age 72

Scotty Millis
10/18/83, age 62

Ed Mills
12/8/95, age 75

Les Mince
6/22/91, age 63

Mark Mischker
3/11/14, age 64

Mitch Mitchell
6/22/80, age 59

Al Mooney
8/21/72, age 46

Mel Moore
11/28/20, age 89

Eddy Morgigno
12/19/17, age 92

Earle Morris
7/31/17, age 82

Paul Morris
9/21/80, age 46

Wes Morris
3/4/ 92, age 59

Les Moss
7/19/84, age 73

Tom Munden
9/18/99, age 73

Ron Munson
5/2/94, age 46

Ev Myers
1/9/82, age 43

John Myers
7/20/94, age 79

Bill Neff
11/21/16, age 72

Swede Nettleblad
2/23/93, age 76

Jack Newland
7/27/98, age 70

Dick Nicewander
3/22/20, age 87

Bob Nicholson
7/6/09, age 89

Ed Nielsen
9/6/21, age 91

Dave Norland
11/28/07, age 71

Bill Norris
4/16/05, age 73

Bill Obendorf
4/21/12, age 62

Bill Ockerman
1/15/00, age 70

Bill O'Meara
10/1/06, age 88

Ed O'Neil
9/25/75, age 60

Dick Orr
7/29/23, age 102

Hal Osborn
4/8/99, age 60

Gene Owen
7/20/75, age 45

Bob Parcell
6/8/18, age 81, cancer

Denny Parks
3/1/99, age 53, heart attack

Fuzz Parten
3/11/21, age 85, lung cancer

Karl Penner
3/22/69, age 37, aircraft crash

Skip Pennyweight
11/10/09, age 72

Les Phillips
4/12/18, age 77

Al_ Pierce
12/6/09, age 75

William Poe
5/27/72, age 35

Joe Portlock
5/7/19, age 80

Don Powell
1/24/08, age 75

Jack Powell
1/25/20, age 85

Bob Prange
1/7/13, age 80

Leonard Pratt
9/11/04, age 89

Leon Prokuski
6/6/10, age 65

Jack Purdie
8/3/10, age 81

Ed Radford
10/4/80, age 44

Charles Rainey
9/27/00, age 68

Dave Rampton
3/22/19, age 86

Ron Rasmussen
11/22/14, age 82

Bob Reisig
5/22/12, age 69

Woody Reynolds
3/7/87, age 70

Bob Rich
5/18/09, age 88

Jim Rimer
11/28/83, age 49

Floyd Ririe
3/4/99, age 92

Jack Rogers

Joe Romano
7/30/92, age 71

Joe Roorda
1/6/22, age 87

Jim Roper
11/27/71, age 38

Lee Roser
2/24/01, age 73

Allen Ross
11/10/99, age 64

Don Rounds
3/13/03, age 73

Walt Ruehle
10/11/22, age 92

Rusty Ruster
8/1/09, age 85

Maury Ryan
3/13/22, age 83

Tom Ryan
11/16/16, age 87

Bob Sampson
2/1/13, age 81

Dick Sanders
2/2/01, age 73

Jack Schade
6/25/14, age 93

Les Schaffer
8/10/05, age 88

Jerry Schleiger
3/29/79, age 49

Mac Schow
3/7/89, age 64

Jim Schwartz
5/6/24, age 95

Rich Schwartz
3/7/12, age 66

Bobby Scott
5/22/01, age 60

Sam Scott
3/7/10, age 88

John Scrivner
2/15/77, age 44

Tex Searle
2/13/21, age 93

Norm Sexton
5/28/13, age 81

Bubba Shanahan
4/17/22, age 89

Stan Shaw
12/30/20, age 85

Ed Sherman
10/30/08, age 72

Dick Shirling
9/7/10, age 73

Archie Showell
10/10/14, age 84

Tom Siems
3/29/23, age 84

Lou Simmons
9/25/71, age 37

Chris Simpson
4/30/08, age 77

George Sims
11/9/15, age 94

Art Sinclair
Need info

Keith Sleater
8/1/18, age 87

F.O. Smith
11/2/07, age 77

Frank Smith
11/2/10, age 87

Jim Smith
10/3/17, age 97

Mike Smith
11/15/98, age 88

Rod Smith
12/16/12, age 76

Ron Smith
3/13/89, age 59

Tom Smith
8/19/23, age 82

Emmett Spinks
7/11/04, age 88

Tom Sponsler
10/24/98, age 54

John Stark
8/11/05, age 75

Phil Steen
6/18/13, age 89

John Steinberger
10/7/92, age 45

Jim Stelter
11/18/00, age 72

Boyd Stevens
12/22/00, age 78

Chick Stevens
6/4/01, age 79

Vern Stever
11/7/61, age 44

Jesse Stokes
11/4/20, age 87

Bob Stone
3/13/20, age 75

Lloyd Stoops
2/8/21, age 72

Ben Stuart
2/1/92, age 70

Chuck Sullivan
8/22/86, age 62

George Swan
9/13/09, age 70

Fred Symmes
9/19/16, age 79

Jack Taggart
5/17/81, age 59

Dal Taylor
May 66, age 52

Ken Taylor
6/6/19, age 84

Wes Te Winkle
8/6/24, age 93

Bob Tersteeg
9/8/21, age 89

Joe Tesar
1/19/06, age 61

Chick Thomas
10/10/10, age 80

Mike Thomas
4/9/22, age 81

Dick Thomason
3/8/11, age 79

Bob Thompson
8/16/90, age 60

Hugh Thornton
10/14/20, age 86

Elmer Tidmarsh
10/19/08, age 78

Glenn Tidwell
5/25/23, age 97

Dirk Tollenaar
11/10/18, age 78

Maury Tompkins
2/24/14, age 70

Marion Tongish
11/11/23, age 92

Bill Trimble
6/16/12, age 74

Ed Trimble
4/29/24, age 92

Walt Tubb
Jul 78, age 62

Don Turner
8/6/14, age 82

Gary Turner
11/16/21, age 75

Ralph Turner
4/15/96, age 64

Sam Turner
8/20/74, age 59

Johnnie Tyler
3/17/14, age 74

Larry Udelhoven
11/19/24, age 80

Bob Ullrich
8/2/11, age 81

Dick Ure
3/17/71, age 42

Ted Van Steenburgh
4/21/06, age 79

Bill Vance
6/28/12, age 89

Sam Vascellaro
5/1/89, age 64

George Veldboon
7/26/80, age 57

Larry Vied
6/4/08, age 81

Ken Vradenburg
11/3/09, age 87

Jack Waddell
11/18/02, age 80

Ed Walker
10/21/71, age 49

Johnnie Walker
12/18/69, age 56

Jim Walraven
7/9/97, age 57

Jim Walsh
3/20/23, age 87

Bill Wardell
10/8/10, age 80

Dave Wardle
Jun 2017, age 78

Bill Warinner
6/7/78, age 44

Emily Howell Warner
7/3/20, age 80

Bill Wayland
4/15/14, age 89

Jimmy Webster
12/27/20, age 71

Charlie Weed
6/6/93, age 72

Don Welch
4/13/23, age 91

Dale Welling
1/27/98, age 76

Ken Wells
10/9/04, age 76

Hal Wheeler
12/16/10, age 80

Walt Whitlock
Oct 71, age 54

Wick Wicker
5/26/03, age 75

Don Widman
7/23/00, age 72

Charlie Wiggs
5/8/08, age 83

Bob Wilbanks
Jan 81, age 51

Charlie Wilkinson
10/27/74, age 46

Jim Willard
12/18/13, age 83

Bob Williams
4/9/98, age 66

Bob Williams
9/7/18, age 79

Roy Williams
6/21/86, age 59

Bob Wilson
9/25/23, age 88

Warren Wilson
10/15/01, age 59

Gary Winn
6/13/23, age 87

John Winter
8/12/22, age 85

Rick Wise
1/26/18, age 73

Ray "Woody" Woodson
4/8/17, age 87

Burt Wrasse
3/7/02, age 74

Johnny Wright
1/31/00, age 77
Jim Wyche
9/4/10, age 75

Dick Ziegler
4/10/00, age 75

Del Zusman
4/22/77, age 49

If you know of others from the Frontier Family who have "flown west" that are not listed here
or have more info on those listed, please send an e-mail with details.
Stories, Photos, tales, & recollections about these old friends are especially welcome.

More information can be found at the
Old Frontier Airlines, Frontier Airlines Club, Frontier Airlines Collection, Central Airlines, Frontier Websites and Central Airlines Collection sites.

Many thanks to those who have helped gather this information,
especially Ace Avakian, Ken Schultz, Bill Blackmon, Billy Walker, Al Kendell, Herb Schmidt and H.A. "Frosty" Frost.

Established March 10, 1999
