We are FLamily!
Old Frontier Airlines pilots and aircraft dispatchers memorial webpages


Jay Abbott
1/29/15, age 67

Joe Abell
5/11/24, age 86

Jim Actor
6/6/11, age 71

Dick Adair
12/8/11, age 91

Don Adams
3/11/02, age 66

Carl Ade
2/19/15, age 81

Ev Aden
1/7/08, age 86

Les Allen
10/30/98, age 81

Milt Altmark
7/20/14, age 83

John Andrews
1/8/14, age 73

Ardell Arfsten
6/14/16, age 77

Army Armstrong
9/4/09, age 91

Bob Arnot
9/1/96, age 63

George Arwood
9/19/99, age 83

Bob Ashby
3/5/21, age 94

Art Ashworth
3/17/77, age 64

Wayne Aspinall
1/26/79, age 55

Ace Avakian
2/18/11, age 86

Forrest Bailey
9/26/23, age 77

Joe Baker
9/2/11, age 75

Jerry Balfanz
7/11/18, age 87

Ed Balkenbush
9/22/06, age 84

Karl Bancroft
5/19/13, age 82

Tom Banister
3/27/18, age 86

Ken Banks
6/10/10, age 77

Bob Banta
3/15/19, age 93

Chuck Barker
12/23/08, age 75

Hugh Barron
8/20/22, age 88

Larry Beardsley
3/2/10, age 92

Dave Beckley
5/26/16, age 80

Phil Beckman
11/17/15, age 74

Ernie Bell
2/14/04, age 59

Jimmy Bennett
3/10/90, age 50

Bryan Benton
4/30/98, age 78

Jack Bernette
Need info

Max Bierwolf
6/11/14, age 87

George Bilotta
10/22/19, age 86

Bill Blackmon
8/6/14, age 90

Chuck Blair
12/16/13, age 85

Frank Blair
5/19/61, age 48

Fred Blakeley
9/18/01, age 82

Gary Blanchard
4/2/16, age 85

Bill Blumberg
5/6/24, age 75

Bob Bollinger
11/12/96, age 73

Dick Bombard
7/31/19, age 85

Del Booth
5/10/07, age 90

Tom Boren
10/21/00, age 61

Gordon Bourland
2/3/94, age 75

Jack Bozarth
5/17/24, age 79

Whit Brandon
4/23/01, age 57

Frank Brgoch
7/25/95, age 70

Don Bridie
Need info

Gerry Britton
1/15/03, age 69

Bill Brodie
5/23/92, age 45

Bob Brooks
11/23/04, age 81

Willie Brown
1/5/15, age 78

Winfred 'Brownie' Brown
10/1/10, age 89

Chuck Buckingham
9/9/11, age 85

Jim Buick
9/5/20, age 79

Art Burnett
3/2/08, age 78

Mark Burke
5/19/97, age 70

Elmer Burson
9/1/93, age 78

Jack Burt
2/11/15, age 79

Read Burt
10/15/60, age 43

Dan Cady
10/26/14, age 72

Chuck Callahan
8/1/09, age 82

Ron Callan
Need info

Leo Canavan
11/19/16, age 81

Dave Cannon
8/28/12, age 94

Paul Carey
5/20/20, age 88

Don Carman
3/21/01, age 67

Jim Carney
8/18/03, age 82

Butch Carr
10/13/04, age 66

Jack Cashel
8/12/02, age 76

George Ceshker
1/22/17, age 101

Harvie Chaddock
5/7/06, age 77

Red Chambers
3/6/09, age 85

Bob Chilton
Need info

Joe Claffy
6/13/14, age 97

Bruce Clapham
May89, age 59

Bert Clark
12/28/98, age 88

Sam Clark
6/13/23, age 89

Wayne Clay
5/25/18, age 74

Danny Cobb
9/20/83, age 42

Dick Cochran
2/12/07, age 72

Rick Cochran
12/21/67, age 33, in a DC3 crash at Denver, Colorado

Ken Coggeshall
5/27/00, age 67

Ron Combs
6/6/15, age 72

Ron Confer
4/30/10, age 82

Duane Cook
5/10/94, age 59

Owen Cook
3/9/00, age 83

Dick Cottingham
12/7/06, age 90

Cal Cowley
10/14/83, age 60

Denny Cox
8/1/20, age 73

Glenn Cox
12/2/74, age 55

Bo Craig
4/14/13, age 82

Rocky Crane
12/21/67, age 34, in a DC3 crash at Denver, Colorado

Gary Craven
8/1/18, age 82

Jim Crowell
7/30/86, age 55

Jim Currie
12/2/22, age 76

Jay Curtis
9/23/11, age 91

Homer Dahl
1/10/11, age 82

Ray Damato
Spring 1989, need more info

George Dardano
12/24/86, age 46

Vic David
12/30/98, age 64

Keith Davies
11/22/13, age 82

Dick Davis
5/26/80, age 41

Wes Davis
10/15/11, age 84

Walt Day
1/15/91, age 45

John Deahl
4/9/81, age 36

Ken Dealy
10/10/94, age 78

Bill Dickson
12/3/16, age 83

Duane Dillard
11/19/74, age 32

Lou Dionne
11/6/14, age 87

Curt Dixon
Aug68, age 51

Mel D'Loss
1/6/93, age 59

Dave Dodd
9/15/12, age 84

Don Donaldson
2/6/04, age 67

Leo Dorsey
4/22/17, age 93

Bob Douglas
12/8/89, age 63

Joe Doussard
7/20/90, age 81

Bob Drake
7/13/02, age 65

Paul DuPree
5/23/05, age 84

Denny Dykes
4/21/20, age 90

Nelson Embleton
7/2/07, age 79

Del Erickson
1/10/93, age 64

Ken Erickson
5/11/23, age 91

Ron Farquer
1/13/84, age 41

Mike Faas
10/3/16, age 72

Fetch Fechner
1/16/03, age 78

Bob Fedel
6/25/19, age 89

Jack Fellows
6/19/18, age 87

Joe Ferguson
12/17/21, age 90

Matt Ferguson
1/6/11, age 90

Bill Fette
8/23/15, age 73

Rob Field
9/6/82, age 39

Dan Fink
11/25/06, age 72

Denny Finke
8/31/19, age 78

Weldon Finney
4/25/20, age 88

Ken Flegal
Oct 91, age 45

Hal Fletcher
1/3/17, age 83

Skip Fletcher
1/31/17, age 82

Paul Floyd
2/21/07, age 84

Jim Ford
3/17/23, age 80

Tom Foster
2/2/05, age 52

Bob Fothergill
6/28/23, age 81

Jerry Francis
12/7/99, age 72

Jesse Franklin
4/10/12, age 82

Frosty Frost
6/1/17, age 84

Von Fulenwider
11/24/02, age 68

Paul Gailey
4/12/13, age 86

Jack Gardner
2/26/81, age 56

Max Gardner
10/8/88, age 70

Donna Garland
9/1/99, age 50

Rob Gerritsen
7/29/97, age 41

Glen Gettman
8/24/85, age 57

Jack Gibson
4/7/14, age 74

Walt Gilliam
5/17/13, age 87

Dale Glenn
1/18/78, age 35, FL Twin Otter crash at PUB

Gerry Goss
8/15/07, age 75

Dan Gough
3/12/64, age 25 - in the crash of flight 32, at Miles City, Montana

George Graham
5/23/00, age 76

Sam Grande
2/11/15, age 96

Ron Gregory
7/9/24, age 91

Jack Griffin
10/4/74, age 35

Ken Griffith
7/7/13, age 86

Bob Grisanti
6/2/94, age 46

Hal Grogg
1/16/82, age 53

Turk Gross
12/16/06, age 73

Roger Guinther
7/27/96, age 49

Dan Gunn
1/12/06, age 72

Les Guthrie
11/30/99, age 74

Henry Haldeman-Julius
1/7/90, age 70

Bert Hall
4/24/10, age 92

Bob Hammarley
4/18/05, age 62

Mike Hampton
11/26/23, age 79

Doug Hanson
4/11/98, age 48

Jim Hanson
7/2/13, age 92

Jim Harcrow
6/17/13, age 75

John Harlan
1/12/98, age 72

Les Harper
9/13/16, age 100

Al Harris
5/23/20, age 84

Bill Harrison
4/10/19, age 93

Gary Harsen
3/7/84, age 45

Clyde Hart
11/9/13, age 80

Fred Hart
2/7/94, age 76

Dell Harty
8/17/11, age 79

Ray Harvey
12/13/01, age 87

Jim Hass
12/5/11, age 76

Kevin Hayes
10/24/20, age 65

Paul Haynie
6/23/09, age 73

Bill Hays
10/7/21, age 100

Buddy Head
12/2/10, age 80

Roger Heckman
Mar03, age 60

Ron Heckman
6/19/17, age 73

Warren Heckman
3/1/17, age 96

3/26/04, age 70

Bob Hermann
3/15/07, age 78

Carl Herring
2/24/82, age 57

Kent Higgins
1/23/21, age 77

Bill Hilbert
2/24/11, age 92

Bill Hill
10/8/11, age 72

Joe Hill
2/24/59, age 33

Art Hillis
11/24/08, age 80

Bill Hines
2/17/04, age 66

Duane Hingst
7/27/00, age 75

Dale Hladik
4/23/12, age 66

Dick Hoffman
11/5/03, age 84

Frank Hoffman
7/15/17, age 81

John Hoffman
8/31/13, age 69

Grant Holmes
4/24/12, age 71

Tom Horan
5/12/20, age 87

Andy Hoshock
10/18/96, age 75

Clayton Housh
5/18/13, age 87

John Houston
7/17/05, age 72

Tom Howard
Jul 21, age 91

Mac Howe
11/12/14, age 90

Jack Howell
1/18/78, age 48, FL Twin Otter crash at PUB

Kenny Huber
3/12/64, age 42 - in the crash of flight 32 at Miles City, Montana

Bill Huffman
1/1/14, age 87

Max Hunt
10/29/16, age 93

Brad Hurd
7/1/09, age 84

Willie Hurt
4/30/16, age 97

Fletch Huskey
6/17/19, age 85

Dave Hyde
10/23/15, age 74

Ike Isaacs
2/27/15, age 91

Dan Jacoby
4/10/63, age 24

Jug Jella
5/14/93, age 72

Buck Jennings
6/10/86, age 62

Roger Johnson
3/27/08, age 70

Terry Johnson
1/21/09, age 71

Bob Johnston
2/19/05, age 70

Don Jones
5/19/24, age 80

Gary Jones
11/4/10, age 72

Gerry Jones
5/3/96, need info

Pete Jones
3/19/16, age 85

Walt Jones
9/20/08, age 82

Dave Joyner
8/21/03, age 60

Mike Kaiser
1/24/96, age 76

Barry Kankel
10/10/14, age 72

Dick Kardell
11/24/21, age 83

Terry Karpen
1/4/17, age 71

Earl Keene
1/22/04, age 79

Scott Keller
12/15/05, age 87

Al Kendell
11/25/19, age 92

Karl Kenney
2/26/18, age 87

Ted Kentroti
11/10/05, age 83

Jack Kettler
2/10/03, age 80

Joe Killinger
2/25/94, age 49

Kenny Kingdon
10/31/01, age 84

Dave Kleinhans
1/8/04, age 71

Bob Klingensmith
9/21/82, age 55

Dennis Klock
2/28/79, age 33

Dick Klumker
10/16/16, age 74

Lamar Knight
8/29/97, age 68

Dick Koplitz
2/2/92, age 75

Buddy Kopp
Aug 82, age 62

Sandy Kudlac
3/9/07, age 60

Charlie Lambert
8/5/17, age 82

Rusty Lambert
12/26/17, age 82

Bob Lambourne
11/8/07, age 91

Harry Lambourne
8/11/18, age 75

Pete Lamkin
2/12/21, age 87

Larry Lammey
8/5/18, age 75

Ed Landrum
9/4/00, age 61

Bob Lane
9/19/21, age 93

Jim Langhofer
5/7/20, age 94

Jim Lankton
4/28/13, age 96

Ken Larason
2/13/17, age 79

Steve Larsen
7/10/07, age 65

Leo Larson
8/27/06, age 86

Marv Larson
4/9/21, age 79

Bill Lasseter
10/16/06, age 82

George Lawrence
Dec 73, age 55

Lloyd Leach
11/4/92, age 73

Pete Lee
6/22/18, age 84

Lefty Leftwich
4/13/16, age 88

Al Lerrette
Need Info

John Leslie
7/16/13, age 87

3/26/23, age 89

Jim Liddle
12/20/08, age 85

EP Lietz
10/29/05, age 85

Roger Lippert
6/27/24, age 89

Paul Liscomb
5/1/12, age 95

Ron Litton
11/28/87, age 62

Bob Lockett
8/1/82, age 60

Don Lockwood
1/11/18, age 84

Harry Logsdon
10/15/88, age 67

CK Logue
9/12/00, age 80

Carol Loos
1/27/90, age 38

Bob Lukow
9/13/13, age 83

Hank Lux
3/19/14, age 91

Jack MacDermott
11/19/09, age 86

Jed Mackenroth
11/18/96, age 64

Bill MacLeod
1/29/96, age 64

Don Madden
4/5/19, age 78

Jimmie Maris
11/29/99, age 70

Stu Marks
5/17/01, age 67

Mark Markwart
5/9/95, age 77

Don Marso
5/8/09, age 69

Chuck Martin
Need info

Jack Martin
11/4/18, age 82

Mel Maynard
7/18/15, age 83

Bill McCaffrey
1/28/18, age 84

Gene McCaleb
2/19/18, age 89

Bill McChrystal
7/8/92, age 76

Rick McCoy
3/14/14, age 88

Dennis McCright
8/13/11, age 69

Doug McDonald
7/21/61, age 46

Patt McDonald
11/9/06, age 63

Boom Boom McDowell
10/17/05, age 78

Jim McGhee
2/1/06, age 69

Herve McGlashan
4/24/22, age 86

Bob McKesson
8/20/17, age 85

Warren McLellan
8/24/11, age 90

Bill Medcalf
4/18/06, age 74

Fred Mercer
6/1/07, age 74

Bob Methven
6/9/11, age 61

George Meshko
4/15/14, age 89

Jack Metzker
3/29/95, age 64

Denny Meyer
1/18/78, age 34, FL Twin Otter crash at PUB

Frank Meyer
1/16/16, age 87

Larry Miles
6/2/13, age 77

Deke Miller
8/12/02, age 79

Jay Miller
2/26/16, age 76

JW Miller
12/11/03, age 68

Russ Miller
5/18/97, age 72

Scotty Millis
10/18/83, age 62

Ed Mills
12/8/95, age 75

Les Mince
6/22/91, age 63

Mark Mischker
3/11/14, age 64

Mitch Mitchell
6/22/80, age 59

Al Mooney
8/21/72, age 46

Mel Moore
11/28/20, age 89

Eddy Morgigno
12/19/17, age 92

Earle Morris
7/31/17, age 82

Paul Morris
9/21/80, age 46

Wes Morris
3/4/ 92, age 59

Les Moss
7/19/84, age 73

Tom Munden
9/18/99, age 73

Ron Munson
5/2/94, age 46

Ev Myers
1/9/82, age 43

John Myers
7/20/94, age 79

Bill Neff
11/21/16, age 72

Swede Nettleblad
2/23/93, age 76

Jack Newland
7/27/98, age 70

Dick Nicewander
3/22/20, age 87

Bob Nicholson
7/6/09, age 89

Ed Nielsen
9/6/21, age 91

Dave Norland
11/28/07, age 71

Bill Norris
4/16/05, age 73

Bill Obendorf
4/21/12, age 62

Bill Ockerman
1/15/00, age 70

Bill O'Meara
10/1/06, age 88

Ed O'Neil
9/25/75, age 60

Dick Orr
7/29/23, age 102

Hal Osborn
4/8/99, age 60

Gene Owen
7/20/75, age 45

Bob Parcell
6/8/18, age 81, cancer

Denny Parks
3/1/99, age 53, heart attack

Fuzz Parten
3/11/21, age 85, lung cancer

Karl Penner
3/22/69, age 37, aircraft crash

Skip Pennyweight
11/10/09, age 72

Les Phillips
4/12/18, age 77

Al_ Pierce
12/6/09, age 75

William Poe
5/27/72, age 35

Joe Portlock
5/7/19, age 80

Don Powell
1/24/08, age 75

Jack Powell
1/25/20, age 85

Bob Prange
1/7/13, age 80

Leonard Pratt
9/11/04, age 89

Leon Prokuski
6/6/10, age 65

Jack Purdie
8/3/10, age 81

Ed Radford
10/4/80, age 44

Charles Rainey
9/27/00, age 68

Dave Rampton
3/22/19, age 86

Ron Rasmussen
11/22/14, age 82

Bob Reisig
5/22/12, age 69

Woody Reynolds
3/7/87, age 70

Bob Rich
5/18/09, age 88

Jim Rimer
11/28/83, age 49

Floyd Ririe
3/4/99, age 92

Jack Rogers

Joe Romano
7/30/92, age 71

Joe Roorda
1/6/22, age 87

Jim Roper
11/27/71, age 38

Lee Roser
2/24/01, age 73

Allen Ross
11/10/99, age 64

Don Rounds
3/13/03, age 73

Walt Ruehle
10/11/22, age 92

Rusty Ruster
8/1/09, age 85

Maury Ryan
3/13/22, age 83

Tom Ryan
11/16/16, age 87

Bob Sampson
2/1/13, age 81