YVONNE BENNETT WALKER 1966 - 1986 RESERVATIONS AGENT DEN Jake: Yvonne Bennett from the reservations group wants to get the Frontier News. What does she need to do? Thanks, -Trish Swanson-Hawk (4/12/11) Hi Trish, Have her send me a check for $10 per year. I'll get her started right away. Hope you and Buck are well. -Jake Lamkins (4/12/11) Y BENNETT Reservation agent seniority date of 4/11/66, emp# 00900, on the 1/1/74 FL/ALEA Seniority List. Y A WALKER Reservations agent seniority date of 4/11/66, emp# 00900, on the 1/1/86 FL/ALEA Seniority List. -Jake Lamkins (4/12/11) Note with subscription: Jake, I received your name and address from Trish Swanson-Hawk. She said you author the Frontier News. I would love to be on your mailing list and am enclosing a check for $10. I was wondering if you have a copy of the Winter 2011, number 42. Trish said you had a very nice memorandum in that issue. I was with Frontier from 1966 - 1986. Thank you, -Yvonne Bennett (4/19/11) Hi Yvonne, Great hearing from you. The last two issues of FL News are enclosed which leaves two to go in your subscription - Jul and Oct. If you're online, email me at ExFAL@yahoo.com and I'll connect you to all the online Frontier stuff. What have you been doing since FL? I came back to FYV, worked at the post office and retired in 2003. Take care and thanks for your support. -Jake Lamkins (4/19/11) Jake, I am sending you back the latest edition of the Frontier Newsletter. When received in an envelope, the newsletter arrives in good condition. When not, they are torn a little; but this looks like the mail truck ran over this copy. I am enclosing a check for $3.00 for a readable copy and envelopes for you to send future editions. Thank you and thank you for producing this newsletter. -Yvonne Bennett (7/30/12) <The enclosed FL News did indeed look run over! Sent replacement with note of apology.> Trish Swanson-Hawk Latest on Peggy Spencer she is out of the sling for her arm and now has a compound fracture of L2 and is in a brace. Yvonne Bennett has a lower esophagus problem. (6/22/17) Hi Jake, It is Yvonne Bennett from Colorado. I have been enjoying your newsletter for many years. As I did not receive the Summer July 2020 newsletter, I called Trish Hawk to see if she had received one. She had not and forwarded an email from you stating that you had problems with the summer newsletter and especially in Colorado. Could you please elaborate on that? I am not sure if the problem stemmed in Colorado post office or in Arkansas post office. She also stated that the newsletter will no longer be printed and mailed but posted online. Is that true? Most importantly, I just received the Summer July 2020 newsletter yesterday in perfect condition!?! Thank you, -Yvonne Bennett (9/26/20) Hi Yvonne, Thanks for your note about getting your Summer issue of the FL Newsletter. I mailed 250 newsletters on Jun 29. Mine arrived three days later so I thought everything was okay. Then a month ago I began to get reports of non deliveries. I've mailed so many replacements I ran out of extra copies. Some of the replacements never arrived either and they were first class. Nearly all the non-deliveries were in CO with a few in AZ and NV. So I made the decision to go digital and not print hard copies since delivery is so bad. It's amazing your issue shows up nearly three months after I mailed it. I have all 81 issues of the news letter posted at http://FAL-1.tripod.com/FL_News.html They are in color and a much better quality than the printed version. Stay well and thanks for you support all these years. -Jake Lamkins (9/26/20) Hello Jake: I just got a telephone call from Yvonne's niece advising me that Yvonne passed away on Thursday, August 15, 2024. Yvonnne has had cancer plus other issues for quite some time. Her niece says there will be a notice in the paper plus she will have a funeral in the Denver area. She will keep me advised as I will with both of you. She was one fine lady. -Trish Swanson-Hawk (8/20/24) Oh my..she responded to the reunion and said she was not coming and sent a donation. Not a mention of illness. I will check the paper..Thx Trish Shock! -Carolyn Boller (8/20/24) Trish, Thanks for letting me know. -Jake Lamkins (8/21/24) Hi Trish, Any new info on Yvonne Bennett's FLight West? Obituary, etc? Thanks, -Jake Lamkins (8/27/24) Jake: No, have not heard anything yet. I gave Carolyn the phone number for Yvonne's niece. I will give her a call in a few days and will let you know. -Trish Swanson-Hawk (8/27/24) Y BENNETT Emp# 00900 DEN reservations agent DOB 11/6/44 DOH 4/11/66 Per the Dec 1970 employees roster. ------------------------------ Y BENNETT Emp# 00900 4/11/66 reservations agent seniority date Per the Jan 1974 reservations agents seniority list. ------------------------------ Y WALKER Emp# 00900 DEN SO travel center Per the Nov 1984 employees roster. ------------------------------ Y A BENNETT Emp# 00900 DOB 11/6/44 DOH 4/11/66 and reservations agent seniority date Org# 2230 - DEN RK Per the Oct 1986 reservations agents seniority list. -Jake Lamkins (9/2/24) Carolyn, I've started working on Yvonne Bennett's memorial webpage. I still can't find an obituary. -Jake Lamkins (9/3/24) I have not seen an obituary. I can call her niece. -Carolyn Boller (9/3/24) OK, thanks. I need a photo of Yvonne if you have one. Jake Lamkins (9/3/24) I put a call into Crystal, Yvonne's niece, but have not heard back - I will try again tonight. -Carolyn Boller (9/3/24) I spoke with Yvonne's niece tonight. and they are waiting on the Pastor to contact them. Will do an obituary after they have the plans. I gave her may email and phone and asked her for a picture. I will keep in touch. -Carolyn Boller (9/3/24) Thanks for your help. Jake Lamkins (9/4/24) FLacebook FLIGHT WEST POSTED YVONNE BENNETT WALKER 1966 - 1986 RESERVATIONS AGENT DEN http://FAL-1.tripod.com/Yvonne_Bennett_Walker.html Post your remembrances of her. -Jake Lamkins (9/6/24) Karen Ward Berry RIP Yvonne. Patricia Trish Swanson-Hawk I got to know Yvonne early on while working for Frontier. You could not ask for a more loyal friend and worker. She enjoyed working at Frontier. I kept in contact with her throughout the years, she was a friend for life and well be truly missed. May her soul now be at rest from her health problems. Fred Watson R.I.P Yvonne. (9/6/24)