WILEY ALLEN 1967 - 1986 STATION AGENT, SENIOR STATION AGENT STL WIFE WAS STL TICKET COUNTER AGENT KAREN ALLEN, AND MOTHER-IN-LAW WAS STL AIRCRAFT CLEANER JOANN COLBERT Jane worked ticket counter for years, married Robert Neudeck, an agent, he worked mostly ramp. They got bumped to DEN together for awhile. You might have known her as Jane Rodgers. Jane was one of my late wife's best friends. Karen & Jane worked the counter together before my wife died in '76. -Wiley Allen (11/26/11) What was your wife's name? I may have a memorial webpage built for her. -Jake Lamkins (11/27/11) I'll send you the obit tomorrow. Karen and I were married for 5 years when she died. Two years after Karen's death I remarried, a Frontier flight attendant (coincidently also named Karen). We've been married 33 years now. -Wiley Allen (11/26/11) K ALLEN TCA seniority date of 5/19/70, emp# 05541, per the 1/1/74 FL/ALEA Seniority List. -Jake Lamkins (11/28/11) Thanks, Wiley, I'll start working on a webpage for her and email you when it's completed. My belated condolences - what a tragedy. Can you send a better photo for it and anything else you would like included? -Jake Lamkins (11/29/11) Karen's mother, JoAnn Colbert, also worked for FLrontier for a few years, she was an aircraft cleaner in STL. Karen was actually one of those people that was hired after she graduated from an airline school. One of those schools that used to teach ticketing and such. The unnamed infant that Karen died giving birth to I named Kimberly Ann, the name that Karen chose. Kimberly died when she was three and a half from meningitis. She's buried next to her mother. I'll be able to show the link to Denise, who was three years old when her mother died, and Denise's daughter, Zoe. Thanks for doing this Jake. An unexpected tribute, thanks for your kindness. -Wiley Allen (11/29/11) Hey Wiley, I just noticed you have some money coming from the FL ESOP plan. Check out http://FAL-1.tripod.com/ESOP2002.html for details. -Jake Lamkins (5/21/13) Thanks for the info Jake. I am always willing to accept money. 'Money is as good as cash' said Yogi Berra -Wiley Allen (5/21/13) Google Alert - "frontier airlines" obituary Wiley Allen Obituary (2025) - St. Charles, MO - Paul Funeral Home, Inc. Wiley worked at Frontier Airlines as a supervisor... -https://www.paulfuneral.com/obituaries/Wiley-Allen?obId=35252221 (2/13/25) W E ALLEN Emp# 00343 STL station agent DOB 6/20/45 DOH 11/28/67 Per the Dec 1970 employees roster. ------------------------------------ W E ALLEN Emp# 00343 STL OO Per the Nov 1984 employees roster. ------------------------------------ W E ALLEN Emp# 00343 ORG# 3377 - STL OO DOB 6/20/45 DOH 11/28/67 and station agent seniority date Per the Oct 1986 station agents seniority list. -Jake Lamkins (2/15/25) FLacebook FLIGHT WEST POSTED WILEY ALLEN 1967 - 1986 STATION AGENT, SENIOR STATION AGENT STL http://FAL-1.tripod.com/Wiley_Allen.html Post your remembrances of him. -Jake Lamkins (2/16/25) Marcie Lubin RIP. Prayers for his family. Trish Swanson-Hawk Prayers for his wife Karen, family and many friends. (2/16/25) Thomas Schuhardt RIP, Wiley, my old friend. (2/17/25) Fred Watson R.I.P Wiley (2/18/25) Pamella Corvelli My sincere condolences to family and friends. (2/19/25)