TOM SIEMS 1962 - 1986 PILOT DEN MARRIED TO DEN FLIGHT ATTENDANT & TICKET COUNTER AGENT MARY BISHOP SIEMS FLacebook req to join on 7/22/21 Rory Siems My dad was a captain on the 737 and MD-80. He also flew the Convair 340/580 and the 727. My dad was a copilot and captain. I think he started in 1967 J T SIEMS Pilot seniority date of 6/11/62, # 73 Per the Sep 1986 pilots seniority list. -Jake Lamkins (7/23/21) FLacebook post on Mar 31, 2023 Old Frontier Airlines Rory Siems Hello All, Captain Tom Siems, Flew West Wednesday March 29th. Thank you, Rory, for letting the FLamily know about Tom's flight west. I'll put him on the queue for a memorial webpage on the Old Frontier Airlines website. -Jake Lamkins (3/31/23) Billy Walker Tom Siems was smooth, full of grace and a gentleman of class. When I checked out in the MD-80, Tom was the check airman and he certainly made it a pleasant experience. Smooth air, warm - soft tailwinds and a bright star to steer by on your westerly flight, Captain. Bonnie Dahl on FLacebook on 4/5/23 Photo of Tom and Mary Siems from the DEN Reunion, August 2015. Tom Siems passed away with family by his side on March 30, 2023. Pete Ramsey So sorry for your loss.Thoughts and prayers Ginger Treptow So very sorry for your loss! May Tim Rest in Eternal Peace! Patty Hughes Smith Sadly, we have lost another one of the amazing Frontier icons! Always professional and made every trip better! You will be missed Captain! Jack McLaughlin Another really classy guy! Tom Robertson I echo Jack's thoughts. Tom was a classy guy with a gentle soul. RIP and condolences to the family. (4/6/23) FL Mail/Inbox Death Apr 7, 2023 Gary McCullough Tom Siems died 29 March, 2023 according to an email I received. Did not give reason or age. Thanks, Gary. -Jake Lamkins (4/7/23) FL Mail/Inbox Re: Death Apr 10, 2023 Gary McCullough Good morning, I just want to apologize for not giving a little more information. I will forward the email I received. We are both the same age and probably appreciate that we lived through the best times for our country. Also, thank you for the wonderful Frontier web site. I go through the memorial pages every three months or so. You are a true gift to the Frontier family. All the best. -Gary McCullough Thanks for all the info you sent. I'm slowly working through the queue. Got Chuck Levine finished up. -Jake Lamkins (4/11/23) Shirley Wade-Hayhurst on 4/14/23 I just received a text from Mary Siems that Tom passed away. Did you get the info? There is a memorial service in Omaha tomorrow. She sent it by text. I’ll be happy to forward it to you. Please let me know what your phone number is. Thanks, Shirley, Tom's son Rory sent me the info. -Jake Lamkins (4/14/23) Shirley Wade-Hayhurst I was in Walmart last spring & a couple in front of me was having some difficulty getting around. I opened the door for them & was surprised to find the couple was Mary & Tom. We chatted for a few minutes. Tom was using a walker & Mary was doing her best to assist him. I remember them as a vibrant couple. I was taken back on how lives can change so quickly. I walked out of Walmart thankful for reconnecting with them & glad I took the time to help, unknowingly who they were Jake Lamkins I've had similar things happen where your first thought is what a small world. It seems to happen often here in Fayetteville. I ran into my college English professor recently who just turned 90. He taught me in 1965! J T SIEMS EMP# 07901 DEN first officer DOB 10/2/38 DOH 7/1/62 Per the Dec 1970 employees roster. ----------------------------- J T SIEMS DEN 737 F/O Per the 4/75 pilots domicile list. J T SIEMS DEN 580 captain Per the 4/76 pilots domicile list. J T SIEMS DEN 737 captain Per the 3/79 pilots domicile list. ----------------------------- J T SIEMS EMP# 07901 DEN Address in Arvada, CO Per the Nov 1984 employees roster. ----------------------------- J T SIEMS Pilot seniority date of 6/11/62, #73 Per the Sep 1986 pilots seniority list. -Jake Lamkins (4/28/23) FLacebook FLIGHT WEST POSTED TOM SIEMS 1962 - 1986 PILOT DEN Post your remembrances of him. -Jake Lamkins (5/1/23) Posted at Rory's Facebook page. All of your dad's many friends at the old Frontier Airlines are saddened to hear of his passing. Our condolences to you and his family. -Jake Lamkins (5/1/23) Rory Siems Thank you very much, Jake Lamkins! It means so much to our family that he is so well remembered by friends he worked so closely with at Frontier over the years. We love hearing the stories. Thanks very much for your tribute page. Richard Stevens Great guy! Tom was in my new hire class Jack McLaughlin Tom was a great guy and a pleasure to fly with. Great pilot! Lanette Duncan A great guy to fly with. Lance Brough Prayers of comfort for his family! Pam Coffman Ellis Great guy! Prayers for the family and friends Fred Watson R.I.P Tom Karen Berry RIP Tom. You were great to work with! Bonnie Dahl One of the best! Irene Fairweather A kind and sweet man. RIP Tom. Patricia Trish Swanson-Hawk Sending prayers to Mary and family. RIP. 5/1/23) Carolyn Lutz RIP Steve Tidler Great pilot and wonderful guy to work with! Rest in peace, my friend! Jan Lefler So sorry Mary and family my condolences. RIP Tom. Jaynie Bishop Another wonderful gentleman Diane Wright Smith All the good guys are flying west: Tom was one of the best! (5/2/23) Ronald Caraway A real loss (5/3/23) Kayla Naima My condolences to Tom’s family . (5/4/23) Tina Larreau Prayers to Tom’s family. (5/5/23) The Siems Family Thank you for such a nice tribute to our father and husband! (5/6/23) Shirley Wade-Hayhurst Mary & Family, you are in my Prayers. Tom was an amazing individual & I’m sure he is flying high among the clouds watching over you. (5/15/23)