RON GREGORY 1959 - 1986 PILOT BIL DEN HUSBAND OF FLIGHT ATTENDANT DOROTHY CLARK GREGORY, DECEASED R.W. Gregory Seniority date 5/1/59 per 9/1/72 seniority list. Full page article about Ron in the Dec 1969 FL Arrow-Jet News, page 11. -Jake Lamkins (2/14/06) Flacebook Post 7/15/21 by Jake Lamkins Yesterday I discovered quite a story. We prided ourselves at Frontier on solving problems, taking the initiative, being adaptable and getting the job done - on time. I discovered this story buried in a 60 year old CAB Report. Flight 61 landed at LBF on Oct 23, 1959 in a windstorm. The wind was so strong that the DC-3 could not get to the terminal. There were deplaning and enplaning passengers. What do you do? The Frontiersmen facing this problem were Capt George Graham, first officer Ron Gregory, station manager Vern McMullen and station agent Art Key. Get an adult beverage and read how they solved the problem but got in trouble with the Feds. Steven Graham My dad mentioned this on several occasions. Thanks, Jake for finding this. Fucking Feds, Never willing to solve a problem but always finding fault with those who are actually out there doing the job. Nothing has really changed since they founded the agency in 1958. Jake Lamkins Steven Graham, do you recall your dad saying if the company did anything to the four involved? Steven Graham I don't recall. This all happened before I was even born LOL. (7/16/21) Carolyn Boller FLacbook on 7/23/22 I got a call today from Jennifer Bayne, daughter to pilot Ron Gregory. Ron has dementia and is in a care facility. Jennifer would appreciate any notes or cards sent to her dad, as he perks up whenever Frontier or the airlines is mentioned. She is printing the newsletters for him to read. Her mother was also a Frontier flight attendant until 1964...and her name was Dorothy Clark (now deceased) Bonnie Dahl Hi Jake, Please help me get this information out to Frontier Folks: Captain Ron Gregory has dementia , but loves hearing from Frontier friends. He had heart surgery in 2017, but recovered. He eventually sold the Ranch and moved to Cheyenne in 2017. He is now being cared for at care center in Casper, Wyoming. He is 89 years old. His wife Dottie (Dorothy) Clark was a stewardess from 1960-1964. She passed away March 28, 2021 in Cheyenne, Wyoming, from complications of lung cancer. You can talk to his daughter Jennifer for further information. She lives near him in Wyoming & had been his care giver, as long as she could. (8/2/22) Karen Davidsaver I'll never forget seeing Ron Gregory all banged up and such on a flight, asked him what happened. He said buffalos are monsters!!! He's an expert on buffalo! Pat Williams-harter I’m sorry to hear about Ron. Thanks for the update though! Gretchen Densley Sorry to hear George Fay Ron was one of our best..… a great pilot and a super employee. I wish him all the best! Patty Hughes Smith He’s was a wonderful. Captain to fly with! Diane Wright Smith Certainly one of the good guys- great to fly with Mary Dipper Thank you Bonnie! Really liked Ron! (8/4/22) Jennifer Gregory Bayne Notice of death I hope I'm emailing to the correct email address in order to let you know that my father, Ronald Gregory, Sr. died last night suddenly from cardiac arrest. His funeral will be 7/19/2024 in the afternoon in Cheyenne, Wyoming most likely in the afternoon. If anyone is able to make it and needs the exact time and place, please have them call me, Jennifer Bayne. The funeral home that will be handling the service is Schrader's and we're hoping the mass will be at St. Mary's. Ronald W. Gregory, Sr. 10/23/32 - 07/09/24 May his Memory be a Blessing (7/10/24) Aaah, Jennifer, I'm so sorry for your loss. Ron was a popular employee at Frontier and had many friends. I'll post notices to our Facebook group and my Frontier pilots e-list. You are invited to join our Facebook group at the link below. Later, I'll build a Frontier memorial webpage for him. Jake Lamkins (7/10/24) FLacebook & FL E-List FLIGHT WEST REPORTED RON GREGORY 1959 - 1986 PILOT BIL DEN Just received this email: "I hope I'm emailing to the correct email address in order to let you know that my father, Ronald Gregory, Sr. died last night suddenly from cardiac arrest. His funeral will be 7/19/2024 in the afternoon in Cheyenne, Wyoming most likely in the afternoon. If anyone is able to make it and needs the exact time and place, please have them call me, Jennifer Bayne. The funeral home that will be handling the service is Schrader's and we're hoping the mass will be at St. Mary's. Ronald W. Gregory, Sr. 10/23/32 - 07/09/24 May his Memory be a Blessing Sincerely, Jennifer Gregory Bayne" He was 91 years old. Post your remembrances of Ron. -Jake Lamkins (7/10/24) Dave Kaplan So sorry to hear that…He was A GREAT GUY Billy Walker Thanks Jake! I had a nice visit with Jennifer! I wanted her to hear what she already knew, that her Dad was a hellofafella! I never flew with Ron but we shared common interests me being from Wyoming. He ran a herd of buffalo near Centennial not far from my home town of Saratoga! I’ve never known anything about Ron that wasn’t good. For sure, he sure brightened up the crew room ! Ron was a great pilot who truly loved aviation. After the FAA forced him out of his seat he flew a number of years in Belgium, Turkey & UAR! Yup! Ron was an aviator! Bonnie Dahl Hi Jake, That’s sad news. I knew Ron was in a home in Wyoming, I had talked to Daughter a year or so ago. He was a great pilot and loved and respected by all. Karen Berry RIP Ron. Joanne Griffin This news is so sad. Ron was such a great guy and friend. Merri Bryant Such a good guy. Carol Bartley So sorry! He was a wonderful Man and Pilot. Love the picture. Joy Trudeau Prayers for the Family. Rick Broome Here’s a Toast Gretchen Densley Such a nice man.. sorry for your loss. Enjoyed flying with Ron and always felt safe with him!! Mary Pat Simpson I AGREE...Ron was a true Officer and Gentleman ! Ginger Treptow May Ron Rest in Eternal Peace and my Condolences to his Family and many friends! H Glade Carpenter God bless him and his family Tom Robertson I really enjoyed flyin with Ron. A great guy. RIP Ron. Patty Hughes Smith Always a joy to fly with and everyone loved him ! Special man and amazing pilot ! Prayers for Family. It is a great picture ! (7/10/24) Tyler Vance Great guy, prayers for the family. (7/11/24) Bonnie Dahl Ron Gregory was the best, good pilot and friend. I knew he was in memory care in Wyoming, I feel so sad that he has flown West. He and Dottie were special people. God Bless you both! Liz Gomez Prayers & blessings to the family! RIP, Ron. Dennis Lacy So sad. I really enjoyed flying copilot for Ron. One of the best. Pamella Corvelli A great guy. I loved flying with him. My sincere condolences. Kathie Fahrenholz So sorry! Ron was one of the good guys! RIP Ron! (7/11/24) Lynn Osadchuk Absolutely one of the best!! Rest in peace Captain Ron. (7/14/24) R W GREGORY Emp# 03276 DEN first officer DOB 10/23/32 DOH 5/1/59 Per the Dec 1970 employees roster. ---------------------------------- R W GREGORY Pilot seniority date of 5/1/59 Per the Sep 1981 pilots seniority list. ---------------------------------- R W GREGORY Emp# 03276 DEN Address in Centennial, Colorado Per the Nov 1984 employees roster. ---------------------------------- Ron is not on the Sep1985 pilots seniority list so he left the company in late 1984 or early 1985. I'll show the latter date until more info is received. -Jake Lamkins (7/16/24) FLacebook FLIGHT WEST POSTED RON GREGORY 1959 - 1986 PILOT BIL DEN Post your remembrances of him. -Jake Lamkins (7/22/24)