ROGER LIPPERT 1966 - 1986 PILOT DEN FLacebook Darrell Robson So many stories can be told! One that I recall, is Captain Bob Banta and co-pilot Roger Lippert (they flew many hours together on the 3), arrived in MOT on our RON trip. There was a little old lady casually taking her time exiting the aircraft. Bob didn't realize she was on there, and made the comment that they had better get off this son-of-a-bXXXXh before it blew up. Needless to say, that little old lady moved like a track star at that point. :-) (7/17/13) Roger Lippert Centennial CO per the 6/20/13 DENFL Reunion Mailing List. R D LIPPERT Pilot seniority date of 7/05/66 per the 9/1/86 FL/ALPA Seniority List. -Jake Lamkins (7/17/13) FLacebook post re Bob Banta's FLight West: Darrell Robson R. I. P, Captain! You were one of the greatest. Always enjoyed visiting with you, and riding jump seat with you and Roger Lippert on the DC-3s. (Even though that old stogie you puffed on stunk up the cockpit). (3/15/19) FL Mail/Inbox Cpt Roger Lippert's passing Hello. I'm looking for the person(s) who oversees the content on the Old Frontier web page and lists those who have passed. Can you put me in touch? My dad has just passed and I would like to eventually have his obituary and other info posted. Thank you, -Lisa Lippert Zeiher (6/27/24) Hi Lisa, My condolences for the loss of your dad. I am the one who handles the webpage, FLacebook and FLights West, along with many other old Frontier things. I've started a folder and will do the memorial webpage for him. Send me Roger's obituary, photos you would like on the page. It would be great if you had some pix from his Frontier days. With sympathy, -Jake LAMKINS Frontier Airlines senior station agent, 1964 - 1986 (6/27/24) FLacebook FLIGHT WEST REPORTED ROGER LIPPERT 1966 - 1986 PILOT DEN His daughter emailed: "My dad has just passed and I would like to eventually have his obituary and other info posted. Thank you." Lisa Zeiher Post your remembrances of him. -Jake Lamkins (6/27/24) Billy Walker Sorry to hear this, Jake! Roger was such a bright & shining personality who warmed the crew room atmosphere! I never saw him without his cherubic smile! I will say a prayer t'nite in hopes he receives the welcome he deserves at those Heavenly Gates. Fred Watson R.I.P Sir George Fay Rest In Peace, my friend. Karen Berry RIP Roger. Pam Coffman Ellis RIP, Roger. Prayers for his family, friends and all who love him. (6/27/24) Henry Rankin Sad. (6/28/24) Pamella Corvelli Rest in peace, Captain. (6/29/24) Steve Tidler I knew your dad, and he was a great guy to work with! Sorry to hear of his passing , Lisa. (7/1/24) FL Mail/Inbox Re: Roger Lippert's passing Here are a few pics. Obituary on the way. Thank you, -Lisa Lippert Zeiher (7/1/24) Hi Lisa, Thanks for the info you sent. Send a photo, if possible, of your dad in a pose similar to the ones used in other pilot memorial webpages at and anything else you would like posted. Any dates and/or comments on the pix you sent. I'll get started on his webpage which will be posted at May your good memories sooth your grief and I hope his webpage will help too. -Jake Lamkins (7/2/24) R D LIPPERT Pilot seniority date of 7/5/66 #341 DOB 2/25/35 Per the Sep 1970 pilots seniority list. ------------------------------- R D LIPPERT Emp# 05272 DEN first officer DOB 2/25/35 DOH 7/25/66 Per the Dec 1970 employees roster. ------------------------------- R D LIPPERT Emp# 05272 DEN Per the Nov 1984 employees roster. ------------------------------- R D LIPPERT Pilot seniority date of 7/5/66 #106 Per the Sep 1986 pilots seniority list. -Jake Lamkins (7/3/24) I'll send the cropped photo of just his face soon. I'll work on it this weekend. I don't have dates or names of those in the photos with him. I believe one of them is taken at the Jackson Hole Airport; it looks familiar. Thanks. I'll get back soon. -Lisa Lippert Zeiher (7/4/24) Hi Lisa, Sounds good. I finished his memorial webpage with what you sent. We can always add more later. Hope you like it. -Jake Lamkins (7/5/24) FLacebook - FL E-List FLIGHT WEST POSTED ROGER LIPPERT 1966 - 1986 PILOT DEN Post your remembrances of him. -Jake Lamkins (7/5/24) Fred Watson R.I.P Sir Jan Gassett One of our own. RIP sir. H Glade Carpenter God bless you and your family Don Hartje R.I.P. Patty Hughes Smith Many fond memories of flying with Roger esp as a new F/a on the 580! I sold my 69 Camaro to him for his daughter . George Fay Sorry to hear this news. He was a good guy, lots of fun.. and a good pilot. Rest In Peace, my friend! Trish Swanson-Hawk Prayers for his wife, Maureen, family and many friends. Karen Berry RIP Roger. You were a great guy to work with. Lisa Lippert Zeiher This is so great! We love it!! Thank you so much for all the work you do! (7/5/24) Jim Patton A great guy, we had some fine times on the 580! (7/6/24) Lynn Osadchuk You will be missed Roger Pam Coffman Ellis So sorry to hear this. Prayers for his family and all who love him. Rick Broome Super cool friend from my salad days! Here’s a Toast… (7/7/24)