ROB GERRITSEN 1986 - 1986 PILOT DEN According to the Social Security Death Index, Robert Gerritsen was born 4Jul56 and died 29Jul97, age 41. Jake Lamkins (6/22/00) ROB GERRITSEN 7-97 Per FARPA Gone West List dated Jan 2011 R M GERRITSEN Pilot seniority date of 3/11/86 per the Sep 1986 FL/ALPA Seniority List. Nothing at -Jake Lamkins (5/15/15)

Bob Gerritsen
7/29/97, age 41 (5/18/15) R M GERRITSEN Emp# 19791 Address in Boulder CO per the Aug 1990 FL Roster. -Jake Lamkins (5/17/15) FLacebook - FL Club FLight West: Rob Gerritsen DEN pilot Rob Gerritsen's memorial webpage has been upgraded: Still need a photo and obituary for Rob. -Jake Lamkins (5/18/15) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXT FOR WEBPAGE ROB GERRITSEN 1986 - 1986 PILOT DEN ROB GERRITSEN 7-97 Per the Jan 2011 FARPA Gone West List R M GERRITSEN Pilot seniority date of 3/11/86 per the Sep 1986 FL/ALPA Seniority List. -Jake Lamkins (5/15/15) R M GERRITSEN Emp# 19791 Address in Boulder CO per the Aug 1990 FL Roster. -Jake Lamkins (5/17/15) FLacebook - FL Club FLight West: Rob Gerritsen DEN pilot Rob Gerritsen's memorial webpage has been upgraded: Still need a photo and obituary for Rob. -Jake Lamkins (5/18/15)