PHIL BOLT STATION AGENT DEN Good Morning. It seems that the only time I seem to get to talk to you is when it is with sadness. Doug Knipfer, died last month from Cancer.. He was living in Reno, Nevada area. He worked many places with Frontier but was with us in Denver in the early years. I know that Jake has more info on his Web site.. so please check there.. Phil Bolt also died this past week. He worked on the Ramp for many years in Denver.. He never missed a reunion.. We became closer in the past 15 years then when we were all at FL.. Again.. with sadness.. I would enjoy hearing from any of you from time to time. As we all grow older it is nice to hear from other Fl family Members..So please keep in touch Now with a simple moment and millions of thoughts and memories for those who have passed.. Your old Friend Eric Mason (4/29/02) ToEric, et al: Please send me any further info you have on Phil such as time & where/when at FL. An obituary, personal comments, a photo - anything would be appreciated. I can then put something on the FL webpage and the FL newsletter. I've also notified the FLolks at the FL Online Club. Thanks, Jake Lamkins (4/29/02) Obituaries & Memorials Phillip J. Bolt View BOLT, PHILLIP J. Phillip J. Bolt, Denver. Published in the Denver Newspaper Agency on 4/28/2002. Legacy website (4/30/02) My most sincere condolences to the family of Phil. My husband, Pat, and I worked with him at Frontier. He was a wonderful, kind fellow employee. My husband died Jan1, 2002 so I can feel the feeling of loss you are experiencing. I am not able to attend the funeral but my thoughts and prayers are with you all. Maybe he and my Pat can now take the fishing trip they had frequently talked about. Regards, Barbara Turner (Aurora,, CO ) April 30, 2002 Legacy website (4/30/02) All Phil's friends at Frontier Airlines are sorry to hear about his death. Please accept our condolences. Jake Lamkins Legacy website (4/30/02) Jake, The attachment is copy of obituary for Phil Bolt that appeared in the Rocky Mountain News on Tuesday, April 30, 2002. Phil died at his home in Denver on April 25, 2002. He surely was a very nice person. Barb Turner (5/4/02) For those of you who sent notes about Phil Bolts passing.. He worked ramp in denver and was always at the Fl reunions.. he was of African American decent and the nicest guy.. Probably in his 60's.. and luve to fish. hopefully that will make more of you remember.. Eric Mason (6/10/02) PHILIP J BOLT Born 20 May 1928 Died 25 Apr 2002 Age 73 At 80207 (Denver, Denver, CO) SSN issued in Pennsylvania -SSDI (9/18/03)