We are FLamily!
Old Frontier Airlines obituaries


Phil Achey, MTJ RKS SEA station agent, 6/17/13, age 55, accident at work
Don Adams, TUL station agent, 12/8/99, age 62
Don Adey, MKC OMA ABQ HOU station agent, ticket counter agent, 3/10/96, age 62, cancer
Fred Aerni, HYS OMA DEN station agent, 7/7/14, age 78, pulmonary fibrosis
Lila Ravins Agena, LNK ticket counter agent, 8/19/18, age 87
Marlen Agena, LNK station agent, 5/25/06, age 67
Harold Akens, DEN provisioning agent, crew scheduler, 10/9/04, age 58, heart disease
Walt Albany, GUC ABQ station agent, 10/31/88, age 73
June Aldrich, DEN executive secretary, 7/23/14, age 84
Karen Allen, STL ticket counter agent, 10/28/76, age 29, during childbirth
Kerry Allen, SAD FLG STK MKC CYS station agent, station manager, 8/18/13, age 78, cancer
Virgil Allen, RIW station agent, 5/2/06, age 80
Dave Allison, LAW DFW station agent, 7/11/80, age 34, motorcycle accident
Margaret Allspach, DEN secretary, communications coordinator, 10/25/06, age 88
Bob Anderson, CYS station manager, 12/3/65, age 42, heart attack
Glen 'GE' Anderson, RAP RDD FSD station agent, 5/10/23, age 70, scleroderma
Don Anderton, SLC senior ticket counter agent, 8/8/12, age 80, cancer
Wilma Herlacher Antos, DEN senior accounting clerk, 4/29/05, age 84
Tony Aragon,  DTW SCK station agent, 12/5/12, age 61, cancer
Enos Archuleta, ALS PSC EUG station agent, station manager, 12/3/19, age 83
Don Armstrong, RIW RKS BIL OMA SLC station agent, 10/1/13, age 88, pneumonia
Jim Ashley, LNK senior station agent, 6/6/95, age 65
Dennis Atenhan, DEN station agent, 1/8/21, age 82
Zeke Atwood, BIL senior station agent, 4/11/09, age 80, cancer
Irma McCoy August, DEN reservations agent, 10/1/17, age 70, cancer
Kelly Backstrom, PHX DEN reservations agent, senior reservations agent, 3/2/20, age 74, stroke
Marguerite Bagley, DEN reservations agent, 5/26/04, age 76
                    relief station agent/manager, payload controller, 5/30/12, age 87
Helen Baker, DEN reservations agent, ticket counter agent, 3/3/2023, age 93
Jerry Baker, PUB DEN station agent, 8/28/14, age 65
Elsie Ballard, DEN clerk, 5/5/00, age 94
Jack Ballard, LAW DEN MAF station agent, 2/12/93, age 44, heart attack
Roger Ballast, DEN station agent, 5/7/07, age 70, cancer
Jerry Baltz, DAL STL station agent, 3/25/07, age 65
Ken Banman, HUT ICT PHX station agent, 5/21/19, age 81
Eileen Barker, DEN clerk, 3/5/02, age 78
Hub Barker, DUC OKC station agent & manager, 9/15/92, age 62 
Roger Barks, TUS station agent, 7/11/93, age 52
Burt Barnes, FLG station agent, 12/30/90, age 65
Bob Barrett, MKC DFW OMA station agent, 3/28/09, age 68
Patrick Barry, DEN reservations agent, 9/24/90, age 46
Ken Bartholoma, DEN PHX station agent, 3/28/19, age 88
Jack Bass, PHX ABQ DEN station agent, JAMTO agent, president's assistant, 1/4/19, age 95
Ellie Bastar, DEN flight attendant, crew scheduler, 10/14/87, age 63, hit & run
Dave Batchelor, SLC station agent, reservations agent, 2/25/22, age 70
Margaret Goodman Battles, DEN reservations agent, 3/16/15, age 91
Jerry Bauer, LBF LNK senior station agent, 5/18/14, age 73
Ralph Bauman, LNK station agent, 10/28/2017, age 89
Gary Bayley, DSM station agent, 4/6/19, age 71
Marge Bayliss, Need info, 4/13/07, age 66, pancreatic cancer
Frank Bazadier, MCI skycap, Jul 82, age 68
Armon Beard, MKO FSM DAL HOT HOU, station agent, station manager, senior station agent, 1/19/21, age 89
Dave Beckley, PRC EAR ELP FMN station agent and DEN GTF pilot, 5/26/16, age 80
Al Beek, CDR BFF COS station agent, 12/18/89, age 68
Lamar Belnap, PUC SVC station manager, 12/21/11, age 85
Foy Belvin, DEN OKC station agent, 6/12/05, age 64
Jim Beu, DEN maintenance scheduler, 8/11/00, age 87
Les Belyea, BZN station agent, 10/22/01, age 65, heart failure
Les Bendickson, POY RIW LAR CPR BFF GJT station agent, senior station agent, station manager, 7/14/16, age 88
Lysle Bevans, PUB station agent, 9/6/89, age 55
Lloyd Bibo, DEN FCA station agent, 8/20/88, age 45, heart attack
Dottie Bingham, DEN accounting clerk, 10/7/07, age 61
Cliff Birdsinger, DFW station agent, 1/6/18, age 70, agent orange
Elvin Black, MHK station manager, 4/26/89, age 70
Freida Black, GSW stenographer, senior stenographer, 3/16/06, age 81
Harry Black, DRO station agent, 7/14/04, age 78
Eldon Blake, EAR DEN station agent, 9/24/07, age 57, cancer
John Blake, MCK GRI PDX station agent, 6/18/06, age 63, cancer
Tom Blanchard, GRI EAR OMA senior station agent, 10/22/2024, age 91
Don Blanford, PHX station agent, 11/1/90, age 78
Norm Blank, RAP OLU station agent, 6/16/10, age 71, COPD 
Phyllis Blecha, ACF GSW DAL STL KCK DEN reservations agent, 3/13/23, age 95
Norm Blum, SLC ticket counter agent, 5/18/06, age 82
Earlene Bollers, DEN clerk, senior clerk, accounting clerk, lead accounting clerk, 1/26/01, age 78
Gary Bollschweiler, FMN BFF CNY DEN GTF SLC  LEX  station agent, senior station agent, station manager, 7/18/20, age 85
Phil Bolt,  DEN station agent, 4/25/02, age 73
Billy Bonds, GJT DEN station agent, 1/6/15, age 67
Dan Boone, DEN GEG senior station agent, 2/22/12, age 72
Jim Booth, DEN JAC RNO station agent, 6/12/82, age 35, cancer
Gordon Bost, SLC station agent, 11/7//00, age 75
Leroy Bowman, DEN SNY STL station agent, 1/15/05, age 59, diabetes
Mary Bradford, DEN accounting clerk, 4/28/75, need more info
Bob Brewer, FLG DSM senior station agent, 6/24/19, age 73, cancer
Bob Bricker, PUB STK LNK OLF GUP MSO station agent, senior station agent, station manager, 2/10/22, age 91
Guy Brinkman, LNK DEN GFK FAR BIL ELP HLN OMA station agent, 9/12/24, age 74
Cliff Brown, DEN senior station agent, 3/29/16, age 81
Pat Bagdonas Brown, DEN communications operator, 2/4/19, age 82
Mary Brazda, DEN secretary, 11/1/21, age 87
Sonja Brown, DEN accounting clerk, 12/17/99, age 62, cancer
Sue Brown, FSM reservations agent, 4/10/14, age 79
Arnie Bruns, GJT station agent, 3/19/18, age 87
Ollie Brunz, BIL MSO station agent, 2/11/14, age 87
Shirlie Bryan, DEN reservations agent, 3/17/99, age 72
Dean Buethe, LAR FMN SLC senior station agent, 4/2/14, age 77
Mike Bumstead, DEN MKE ticket counter agent and CSR-InFlight, 3/2/92, age 49
Martin Bunjes, DEN mail clerk, 2/13/90, age 76
Ann Bunn, DEN reservations agent & ticket counter agent, 1/14/10, age 77, pancreatic cancer
Charlie Burgess, DAL DFW station agent, 11/26/95, age 53
Diane Burke, DEN executive secretary, 4/15/17, age 82
Dale Burns, MKC MCI senior station agent, 7/2/08, age 71
John Burrows, TUS station agent, 4/12/12, age 73
Gary Burson, BFF DEN MHK LAW station agent, SATO, 9/9/93, age 53
Marg Bussell, DEN OMA PHX STL ATL flight attendant, ticket counter agent, 11/18/10, 78 years old, heart attack
Unave Bussell, DEN secretary, 4/10/92, age 71
Gayle Bussinger, MLS station agent, 3/12/64, age 27, DC-3 crash at MLS
Jim Butler, TUS PHX station manager, LAS station agent, 3/19/06, age 85
Ray Butler, LAW DEN station agent, 11/6/22, age 82
Loren Butterfield, EAR station agent, 7/10/05, age 72
Ken Byers, LNK station agent, 4/16/12, age 76
Boby Byrd, RKS DEN GTF station agent, 9/17/03, age 60
Bud Cain, RIW station agent, 10/17/92, age 72
Clif Calcote, MKC MCI ticket counter agent, 6/4/91, age 49, cancer
Harvey Cale, GDV RKS station agent, 7/4/02, age 67
Doug Calvird, station agent and DEN flight attendant, 12/25/13, age 64
Sid Camomile, PHX station agent, 2/28/14, age 70
Jim Camp, FYV SHV OKC station agent, 2/10/22, age 80, pulmonary fibrosis and Covid
Charlie Campbell, FSM MLC AMA LAW GUY station agent, relief station manager, 4/5/03, age 74
Joan Marquez Campbell, DEN reservation agent, ticket counter agent, 6/8/02, age 68, leukemia
Ralph Canseco, MCI DEN station agent, 3/16/20, age 65
Dan Capra, DEN station agent, 6/2/21, age 68
Jeannie Carey, DEN accounting clerk, 1980, need more info
Lillian Teske Carl, DEN communications operator, 7/17/24, age 80
Lefty Carlson, DEN reservations agent, 6/2/99, age 66, stomach aneurysm
Marybeth Carlson, DEN accounting clerk, 11/15/13, age 73
Ron Carlson, MKC station agent, 5/15/18, age 70
Sparky Carlson, SLC agent, 4/27/02, age 65
Sandy Ware Carper, DEN secretary?, 6/13/14, age 76
Marietta Shivvers Carr, DEN PBX operator, 7/13/15, age 88
Dave Carter, CPR BIL senior station agent, 6/16/18, age 83
Jack Casey, DEN station agent, president's assistant, 6/5/13, age 76
Mary Dazevedo Casey, DEN secretary, 3/27/05, age 55, brain cancer
Rudy Castillo, ELP OAK MAF DEN SLC station agent, reservations agent, age 49, cancer
Ferd Castrop, EAR OKC station agent, 7/4/14, age 84
Del Caudle, FYV MAF station agent, 2/18/92, age 56
Homer Cauthon, RIW OMA station agent, senior station agent, 2/9/17, age 88
Jim Charbonneau, DEN station agent, 4/4/93, age 49
Mark Charles, MKC ABQ ELP station agent, 12/25/07, age 73, brain hemorrhage
Herb Chesney, PRC station agent, 11/8/23, age 92
Ed Chladek, RIW STL MEM TUS ELP station agent, 8/21/04, age 78
Laudie Chorne, ISN BIS station agent, 10/5/13, age 84, COPD
Ruby Hamm Church, DEN lead data conversion operator, 5/14/89, age 64, heart attack
Linnie Ward Churchill, ACF reservations agent, 6/8/21, age 87
Jerry Churchwell, DEN station agent, Inflight CSR, 6/19/07, age 60
Al Ciferri, ABQ station agent, 10/9/02, age 70
Ed Ciskowski, PNC WWR DUC COS STL JLN SGF station agent, station manager, 9/26/13, age 83, cancer
Clyde Cisneros, DEN network control operator, 3/12/09, age 62
Charlie Clark, STL DEN SMF station and ticket counter agent, 7/14/17, age 79
Liz Clark, JAC customer service representative-ground, 1/22/15, age 64, lung disease
Tom Clarke, AIA ALS MTJ PUB TUS SMF ELP LAA HOT COS PHX station agent/manager, 10/5/17, age 79
Wilber Clemons, BFF ELP station agent, 10/30/10, age 74 
Helen Cline, GSW clerk and secretary, 1/9/20, age 96
Steve Collins, DEN accounting, need more info
Walker Collins, FYV PNC SLC FSM DEN station agent, 6/23/07, age 65
Dave Coats, PHX station agent, 4/1/98, age 71
Linda Cobb, KCK LRF reservations agent, sato agent, sato manager,  9/28/23, age 77
Dewayne Combs, GBD ICT OKC station agent & ticket counter agent, 4/7/19, age 87
Bob Connolly, DEN provisioning agent, senior provisioning agent, station agent, 1/17/23, age 80, cancer
Bill Cook, RIW WRL, station agent & manager, 7/12/08, age 82
Shirley Cook, DEN clerk & secretary, 2/7/01, age 66, ALS
June Cooper, DEN accounting clerk, 8/13/23, age 97
Don Cope, DEN senior ticket counter agent, 2/4/11, age 87
Ron Cornelison, OKC station agent, 12/16/04, age 64
Steve Cornish, GJT DEN senior station agent, 10/9/24, age 79
Pete Couk, PHX station agent and BIE station manager, Nov 68, age 41
Connie Felt Cowardin, ABQ ticket counter agent, 10/16/17, age 73
Bill Craney, DEN accounting clerk, 3/11/12, age 58
Vern Crawley, DRO FMN DIK PHX WYS senior station agent, 3/26/20, age 91
Claire Creviston, MKC MCI station agent, 5/1/10, age 90
Paul Crosbie, MHK station agent, 12/1/24, age 76
Walter Crouch, DEN chief storekeeper, Jul 82, age 85
Willard Crouch, DEN senior stock clerk, 2/1/76, age 75
Ann Crowhurst, OAK station agent, 11/17/02, age 49
Harry Cutler, MTJ station manager, 7/24/94, age 70
Kasey Dahle, LAS SLC VEL MSO DEN station agent, 3/28/20, age 72, pancreatic cancer
Marshall Dake, TBN JAC SGF station agent, 2/9/24, age 88
Danny Daniel, FOE DEN station agent, 1994, age 39, need info on date of death
Dean Daubert, DDC SLN JAC station agent, 1/19/08, age 70
Lois David,  DEN ticket counter agent, 7/3/94, age 62, cancer
Bearl Davis, MKO TUL station agent/manager, 3/12/17, age 77
Chiquita Wheeler Davis, DEN reservations agent, 4/12/15, age 60
Glen Davis, STL station agent, 11/11/11, age 67
Jewel Davis, DEN ICT provisioning agent, station agent, 2/4/19, age 80
Vince Davis, OMA BIL ABQ DEN RDD RNO senior station agent, 4/15/22, age 81, Alzheimer's
J. E. Dawson, WRL MKC FSM station agent, 1/3/22, age 82
Jim Dawson, DEN ABQ FMN PSC SEA station agent/manager, 11/25/17, age 73
Henry Deane, TUL OKC ABQ porter, 3/10/09, age 91
Bill Delaney, DEN station agent, ticket counter agent, 4/30/24, age 82
Dick Demos, CYS station agent, 10/1/01, age 64 
Carol Hollander Dendy, PHX passenger & reservations agent, 8/13/21, age 84
Chuck Dessauer, DEN station agent, 9/15/90, age 52
Lynne Dessauer, DEN reservations agent, 9/15/04, age 69
Danny DeVore, FMN RNO station agent, 5/12/12, age 65
John DeYoung, PHX station agent, 11/7/02, age 72
Elton Dial, FYV HOU SGF station agent, 11/20/00, age 72, heart attack
Kathy Hunter Dinsberg, DEN reservations agent, 12/28/15, age 66, stroke
Richard Dix, OMA station agent, 12/27/12, age 69, cancer
Elaine Ritchey Dixon, DEN clerk-typist, secretary, executive secretary, 5/25/19, age 78
Mona Waller Dobbs, FSM or BVO ticket counter agent, 3/4/21, age 83
Gordon Dockter, RAP station agent, 5/9/08, age 59
Candy Ore Dolan, DEN accounting clerk, ticket counter agent, 12/18/13, age 63
Lana Doll, DEN accounting clerk, 7/5/03, age 59
Wayne Doty, MKO PPF TUL station agent/manager, 7/20/82, age 54
Rod Downey, OKC FYV LIT FSM DEN station agent, 2/13/19, age 79, heart failure
Richard Draddy, MKC FSM MEM DEN station agent, 3/8/07, age 71
Shirley Drnovsek, DEN secretary, 4/2/16, age 78
Ray Duffek, GJT OFK RAP MKC LBF LNK station agent/manager, 9/30/19, age 88, pancreatic cancer
Maudine Dunaway, GSW clerk/typist, 5/15/15, age 75
Jean Dunn, DEN accounting clerk, 3/22/96, age 57
Carol Dunning, TUL reservations agent, 6/14/19, age 89
Judy Bunn Eagle, DEN accounting clerk, 9/20/03, age 63
Greg Eckert, DEN GUC TUS accounting clerk, station agent, 6/19/24, age 73
Bob Eckhardt, RKS RIW BIL station agent, 5/28/10, age 79
Ron Eckles, GRI FSD station agent, 9/6/93, age 53, cancer
Bob Ediger, SVC MSO station agent, 1/9/11, age 66
Cal Eiker, PHX senior station agent, 12/11/08, age 83
Sue Elder, DEN accounting clerk, 5/23/06, age 80
Marvin Eller, STK station agent, 4/14/24, age 85
Bob Elliott, DEN station agent (#1), 1/9/02,  age 76
Ouita Elliott, GJT DEN senior ticket counter agent, 1/23/11, age 93
GeorgAnn Ellis, DEN reservations agent, 1/16/16, age 75
Gloria Elquest, DEN accounting clerk, 11/1/00, age 68, cancer
Linda Emley, MCI SLC reservations agent, 3/8/18, age 61
Blaise Engelking, FSM LAW SEA senior station agent, 12/16/14, age 83
Tom Enger, JAC station agent, 5/8/11, age 67
Liz Enright, DEN buyer-purchasing agent, 5/31/03, age 72, emphysema
John Ensign, DEN ticket counter agent, 7/1/16, age 73, brain tumor
Vern Erickson, MOT station agent, 3/3/88, age 44
Bob Ervin, FYV station agent, 12/8/17, age 81
Bob Eubanks, ABQ BIS ALS station agent/manager,  Apr 81, age 56
Linda Evans, DEN reservations agent, ticket counter agent, 12/18/17, age 64, cancer
Luther Evans, DEN SMF station agent, Jul 86, age 62
Gaylord Evanson,  MOT BIL RIW DEN GEG station agent, 11/24/15, age 74
Duane Faltys, TUS station agent, 2/28/02, age 67 
Ray Farnam, DRO RAP station agent, 2/2/04, age 76
Wally Farrar, PUB DFW station agent, 6/10/98, age 65
Dick Faucett, DEN flight attendant & MVS station agent, 10/16/19, age 92
Garry Felzien, RKS LAX station agent, 2/11/06, age 62
Shirley Middlebrook Finkbeiner, DEN reservation agent, 12/12/08, age 70
Helen Frank Finney, DEN ticket counter agent, 2/25/23, age 87
Louie Fiorelli, DFW senior station agent, 4/14/98, age 75
Bob Fish, PHX senior station agent, 7/2/07, age 86
Dean Fisher, ANW LNK station agent, 10/4/80, age 49
Ralph Fisher, SVC station agent, 3/9/00, age 76
Mark Fitzwater, DEN station agent, 7/28/23, age 70
Bob Flatten, ABQ GJT DEN station agent, 11/15/24, age 89
Clara Nelle Kelley Fleet, DEN clerk, legal secretary, 3/7/98, age 69
Bill Fleming, SLN DEN PHX station agent, 7/6/06, age 65, from a fall
Tom Flynn, DEN ticket counter agent and station agent, 2/11/95, age 50
Woody Fogg, BZN station agent, 10/23/20, age 75, Parkinson's disease
Bill Folda, HVR station manager, 11/17/72, age 36
Mary Graeber Ford, DEN reservations agent, 8/19/23, age 73
Danny Foreman, DEN JAC ISN SAF station agent/manager, 9/11/19, age 85
Frank Fountain, ADH HYS station agent, 9/13/08, age 74
Manita Fowler, DEN accounting clerk, 4/14/06, age 90
Tony Fresquez, DEN ticket counter agent/station agent, 7/19/17, age 73
Toshie Fresquez, DEN pass bureau, 10/1/87, age 54, heart attack
L A Fuller, OKC PNC SLN MHK FSM FOE HOU station agent/manager, 6/7/18, age 87
Dale Fultz, TOP DEN station agent, senior station agent, president's assistant, 1/25/05, age 70
Dee Lanick Fulscher, DEN flight attendant, reservations agent, 9/5/21, age 91
Gary Frogge, MCI ATL senior station agent, 8/3/84, age 45, heart attack
Ken Gadison, DEN customer service representative, 8/11/22, age 65, auto accident
Mary Jean Gallagher, DEN reservation agent, 12/13/04, age 78
Gabe Gallardo, DEN station agent, 9/13/13, age 68
Al Garcia, ABQ station agent, ticket counter agent, senior ticket counter agent, 10/25/22, age 82
Art Garcia, MCI LIT station agent, 7/19/79, age 44, auto accident
Lorie Gasiorowski, DEN accounting, Nov 85, age 52
Gordon Getz, ABQ PVU NOG ALS GUP station agent/manager, 8/6/09, age 81
Johnny Gibbs, ABQ station agent, 1/8/11, age 72, cancer
Ken Gieck, COS station agent, 5/4/93, age 53
Jeff Gilbert, ABQ station & ticket counter agent, 2/18/95, age 64
Larry Gilbert, GLD SLC JAC COS FSD station agent & station manager, 8/4/09, age 62
Jerry Gill, FSM station agent, 7/29/19, age 71
Bruce Gipson, DEN station agent, 10/22/22, age 67
Roy Glasgow, SAF ELP station agent, 2/1/14, age 76
Hank Goffart, SWO LIT ATL HOU station agent, 9/3/98, age 60, Lou Gehrig's disease
Ora Goode, LNK GGW JAC ICT DSM station agent/manager, 5/3/18, age 88
Bill Goodrich, ABQ RNO station agent, 5/13/00, age 74
Audrey Goudy, DEN clerk-typist, reservations agent, 11/29/22, age 82, cancer
Marti Grass, DEN reservation agent, 6/27/84, age 41, brain tumor
Mona Gregg, DEN reservations agent, 1/15/16, age 53, breast cancer
Phil Green, FSM MEM DEN station agent, 1/15/19, age 81, cancer
Tom Green, DFW SWO PRX station agent/manager, 4/6/96, age 61
James Greer, CYS COS GLD MLC HOT LIT HOU station agent, 10/1/86, age 60, Lou Gehrig's disease
Bill Greiner, LBF LNK DEN senior station agent, 11/13/19, age 78
Buddy Griffin, LBL FYV LIT DEN SGF station agent, 10/16/21, age 85
Louis Groh, RWL station manager, 12/22/05, age 93
Jack Groom, SGF BIL DEN ALS PHX station agent, 9/11/03, age 65
Madge Cassinat Groth, RWL RIW station agent, 9/6/62, age 37
Smokey Groth, GJT FLG  BIL COS STL station agent/manager, 9/30/73, age 48
Reub Gutierres, GRI ABQ station agent, 2/15/05, age 63
Ben Gutierrez, DEN senior station agent, 6/12/14, age 77, heart disease
Lynn Haarberg, LNK station agent, 9/19/23, age 82
Barb Hackathorn, DEN reservation agent, 11/26/08, age 67, heart failure
Jim Haley, DAL GSW LAW DEN station agent-reservation agent, Aug78, age 48, heart attack
Bob Hall, ADM OLU MKC OMA DEN station agent, 3/19/21, age 79, heart failure
Linda Casey Starkey Hamala, DEN PHX JAC ticket counter agent, 10/9/20, age 77, ALS
Doug Hamblin, PRC station agent, 12/29/14, age 86
Bob Hamilton, DEN reservations agent, 9/28/09, age 50
Bill Hamlin, LAW DFW DEN station agent, 7/16/20, age 73, cancer
Arlene Pait Hampton, MKC MCI secretary, 1/19/18, age 69
Carol Hanna, DEN accounting clerk, 7/16/18, age 80
Doug Hanna, LNK PHX station agent, 9/6/15, age 74, cancer
Terry Hansen, GEG station agent, 5/20/10, age 70, heart attack
Vickie Perry Hanson, DEN crew scheduler, 11/11/13, age 60
Chuck Harding, MKC STL SLC SNA SAN station agent, 8/10/06, age 66
Tom Harding, DEN station agent, 5/25/04, age 63
Marie Hardwick, DEN accounting clerk and PHX ticket counter agent, 9/10/04, age 72
Ernie Harms, BIL DEN station agent, 8/5/21, age 86, cancer
Larry Harms, LNK station agent, 7/27/20, age 78, cancer
Larry Harms, FMN LNK station agent, 8/18/21, age 82
Linda Harris, GSW DFW DEN reservations agent, station agent, 1/5/11, age 66
Marlena Harris, SLC ticket counter agent & SATO agent, 11/3/99, age 59, heart attack
Tom Harris, DEN station agent, 12/14/23, age 83
Gene Harrison, STL senior station agent, 9/3/01, age 64, heart attack
Nancy Vannoy Harrison, DEN SLC reservations agent, 1/31/17, age 81
Bonnie Fisher Hart, DEN reservations agent, 7/12/15, age 69, corticobasal degeneration
Joan Hartman, DEN executive secretary, 2/14/20, age 77
Bill Hatfield, PNC ACF DAL GUC station agent/manager, 7/25/00, age 68
Gary Hatterman, DEN reservations agent, ticket counter agent, 3/3/22, age 69, pancreatic cancer
Carol Haught, DEN accounting clerk, ticket counter agent, 8/15/96, age 53
Don Haven, GTF station agent, 9/5/05, age 68, Parkinson's
Everett Hawthorne, BIL senior station agent, 4/23/00, age 87
George Hayes, STL station agent, 10/27/08, age 66
Barbara Lamkin Head, DEN clerk, 7/5/23, age 84
Dean Head, RIW GRI station agent, 3/23/98, age 76
Nancy Heath, DEN reservation agent, 2/10/05, age 65
Mark Heerboth, PUB BFF MKC MCI senior station agent, 3/23/17, age 81
Jesse Heidrich, GJT senior station agent, 2/24/15, age 90
Gary Heikes, DSM OMA station agent, 11/2/19, age 65, cancer
Lary Heinbaugh, DEN station agent, 2/17/21, age 79
Lizzie May Heinz, DEN accounting clerk, 3/7/72, age 65
Carl Henderson, WRL COD POY RIW COS station agent/manager, 5/7/02, age 78
Harvey Hendrix, COS TOP TUL station agent, 11/20/23, age 85
Lee Henneberg, MKC MCI ATL DEN station agent, 8/2/11, age 64, liver disease
Lyle Henrikson, RAP station agent, 5/8/21, age 89
Marilyn Kountz Hermann, DEN reservations agent, 11/27/08, age 78, cancer
Kenny Hett, TUS station agent, 1/9/93, age 71
Carol Hexum, DEN air freight clerk, station agent, senior station agent, 5/26/20, age 68
Jim Hicks, LIT station agent, 9/2/16, age 81
Jim Hildebrand, GUP ABQ OKC senior station agent, 12/10/21, age 85
Dick Hill, DRO station agent, 12/26/09, age 79, Alzheimer's disease
Patty Duff Hill, STL MCI LAX ticket counter agent, 3/20/14, age 73, pulmonary fibrosis
Chuck Hilton, TUS station agent, 6/6/01, age 56
George Hobbs, SLC station agent, Mar 87, age 69 
Okie Hobbs, FMN LNK OKC station agent, 11/19/22, age 83, cancer
Millie Hodges, DEN reservations agent, 7/8/07, age 60
Marybelle Hoffman, DEN reservations agent, clerk-typist, 7/25/23, age 91
Dan Hogberg, GFK MAF RFD MSP FAR station agent, 2/27/13, age 59, heart disease
Wayne Holder, FYV JLN DFW station/ticket counter agent, 1/3/02, age 65, heart disease
Phyllis Holec, DEN secretary, 4/15/20, age 87, pneumonia
Leo Hongsermeier, DEN STJ station agent, station manager, 6/21/91, age 62
Harold Hopkins, TUL SWI SAF SLC DEN PUB COS station agent, senior station agent, station manager 
Al Horn, PRC ABQ station agent, 2/27/19, age 85
Ray Horrell, SLC reservations agent, 2/2/85, Age 25
John Horvath, STL station agent, 7/29/09, age 71
Hilary Hosman, MKC MCI senior station agent, 2/6/90, age 61
Vern Hostetler, ABQ station agent, 11/26/90, age 55
Ken Houchens, FMN GUP GRI LNK station agent, station manager, senior station agent, 2/17/24, age 94
Marlene Houck, DEN secretary, 12/15/13, age 72, cancer
Ro Howenstine, DEN reservation agent, 2/20/13, age 86
Mike Hudson, MEM ATL station agent, 7/8/16, age 61
Larry Hughey, DEN LAR RWL FMN GUC GJT senior station agent, 1/23/00, age 66, cancer
Bill Hull, OKC senior station agent, 11/18/69, age 36, heart attack
Melvin Hullet, DRO DEN senior station agent, 11/20/86, age 53
Jerry Humbracht, ABQ CEZ SLC station agent, 3/17/03, age 85
Irwin Humphrey, MKC MSO BIL station agent, 12/8/18, age 82
Gordy Hunt, GTF station agent, senior station agent, 12/11/20, age 82
Ken Hunt, GUC MTJ JLN ABQ station agent, 7/6/10, age 78
Larry Hunt, DEN accounting clerk, 7/15/98, age 50
Max Hunt, IML MTJ GJT DEN station agent, 9/10/85, age 53, heart attack
Ed Huntsman, GUP ABQ HOU LAS DRO station agent, senior station agent, 5/1/24, age 72, cancer
Dottie Hurlburt, DEN secretary, reservations agent, 5/1/20, age 94
Ermund Huseth, ISN CPR COD SCK station agent & station manager, 3/19/14, age 77
Marge McAlister Hushka, DEN PBX operator, 2/5/21, age 95
Fletch Huskey, FMN PHX DFW DEN station agent, pilot, 6/17/19, age 85
Jan Hyatt, DEN ticket counter agent, 2/24/08, age 65
John Hynes, CPR RAP senior station agent, 4/7/10, age 76, COPD lung disease
Tony Illich, DIK LWT COD BIL FCA BZN PDX station agent & station manager, 8/12/16, age 84
Terry Ino, DEN secretary, 5/15/00, age 73
Fred Ireland, ICT ACF COS CN station agent/manager, 4/28/62, age 31
Mickey Ishida, DEN clerk, 1/21/62, age 33, heart disease
Gene Iverson, MCI senior station agent, 9/26/15, age 76
Wayne Jack, WDG TUL station agent, 1/22/11, age 80
Gary Jackson, LBL SHV OMA MAF station agent, 9/12/17, ag 71
Ray James, GEG senior station agent, 2/28/08, age 68, cancer
Don Jansen, GLD TOP station manager, 5/21/68, age 33, auto accident
Charlie Janssen, DEN station agent, 7/29/08, age 67
Bud Jensen, SLC station agent, 9/18/18, age 79, cancer
Roger Jensen, BIL BZN SMF PDX senior station agent, 3/16/20, age 76, fall at store - broken neck
Jan Jernegan, DEN ticket counter agent,  2/6/00, age 63
Bill Johnson, DEN station agent, 6/13/10, age 83
Bob Johnson, RWL GXY RKS station agent/manager, 7/25/07, age 82
Dell Johnson, RAP station agent, 11/26/08, age 67
Edgar Johnson, ABQ station agent, 9/25/71, age 65
Elvin Johnson, GJT COS DEN station agent, 4/13/19, age 83, cancer
Jerry Johnson, HOU station agent, 3/24/15, age 77
Jim Johnson, FLG JAC TUS RNO station agent, 5/27/07, age 65
Warren Johnson, DEN reservations agent, 4/20/19, age 70, liver and kidney diseases
Doug Johnston, JAC LBF MKC senior station agent, 7/25/18, age 75, cancer
Lewis Johnston, TUL HOT LIT OKC station agent, 4/19/12, age 74
Ray Johnston, CEZ PHX station agent/manager, 1/1/09, age 83
Darrell Jones, GDV SDY GJT station agent, 11/7/19, age 77, cancer
Ed Jones, RIW FSM DEN station agent, 8/2/15, age 75
Don Kadrmas, DIK BIS station agent, 12/15/18, age 80
Tom Kaley, DEN station agent, 8/25/20, age 66
Myron Kamarad, PHX SNA SAN station agent, 12/22/94, age 64, cancer
Dee Kearns, PRC TUS station agent/ticket counter agent, 9/1/07, age 76
Art Keck, OFK CNY RKS station manager, 7/3/02, age 67
Tom Keeling, CYS ALS HRO RNO station agent, 2/26/16, age 84
Don Keener, 7/29/13, ADH MKO GCK OKC station agent/manager, ticket counter agent, age 81
Nile Keesey, DEN station agent, 2/7/04, age 65, lung disease
Larry Kefalas, DEN station agent, 11/27/13, age 64
Wayne Kegley, SDY station agent, 7/2/03, age 71
Steve Keller, PNC station agent/manager, 3/25/11, age 73
Evelyn Kelly, DEN lead clerk-secretary, 4/15/22 age 98
John Kelly, FSM station agent, 2/23/19, age 78, stroke
John Kelley, MEM station agent, 8/15/19 age 82
Bob Kelsch, SLC DEN PHX station agent, 7/28/13, age 75
Ira Kemp, FMN INW PHX station agent, 9/25/17, age 83
Oran Kennedy, LNK senior station agent, 3/15/94, age 76
Julie Kennie, DEN secretary, 6/19/03, age 56, cancer
Phyllis Seeley Kent, DEN reservation agent, Jun 13, age 83
Darwin Kerr, GEG senior station agent, 2/20/16, age 84
Art Key, LAS senior station agent, 12/3/01, age 65
Bill Kilian, DEN senior station agent, 11/24/76, age 31, killed by gun in luggage
Dale Kindred, GEG senior station agent, 2/3/07, age 77, cancer
Bill Kirkley, DAL DFW station agent, 4/18/12, age 71
Dean Kirksey, STL senior station agent, 5/15/95, age 64
Bill Kirkwood, RKS station manager, 9/4/01, age 73
Corwin Kitelinger, RKS station agent, 2/13/12, age 76
Fred Klatt, DRO station agent/manager, 7/28/12, age 92
Matt Klingensmith, DEN station agent, 1/16/23, age 68
John Klonizos, RKS SLC station agent, 8/20/20, age 83
John Knapp, CPR senior station agent, 8/23/07, age 80
Doug Knipfer, DEN JAC RNO station agent, 3/8/02, age 63, cancer
Mark Knosalla, FAR station agent, 1/6/04, age 51
Don Knudsen, CPR MSO station agent, 11/2/22, age 83
Ginni Kolb, DEN accounting clerk, 6/11/17, age 66, cancer
Don Koughn, PHX GUP LNK GJT TUS SLC HLN RNO station agent & manager, 10/15/13, age 83
Barbara Babcock Kramer, DEN flight attendant, payroll clerk, 7/3/14, age 67, lung cancer
Al Krauter, ISN CPR BIL PDX LAS station/ticket counter agent, 3/12/20, age 80
Fred Krebs, MKC DEN station agent, 10/28/22, age 85
Mel Kreimier, MEM DEN COS station agent, Feb 86, age 50, heart disease
Paul Kreitman, ALS GRI CDR STL HVR EUG station agent, 7/22/04, age 78
Erv Kroeplin, TUS station agent, 4/16/02, age 84
Lyle Krueger,  MKC GFK PHX LAX station agent, 3/30/22, age 87
Roland Kuhn, BFF MKC HUT FOE ICT station agent, 10/1/97, age 68, leukemia
Floyd Lafferty, DEN senior ticket counter agent, 9/18/02, age 54, heart attack
Dee Lake, POY FLG station manager, 3/12/10, age 80, cancer
Cel Landi, PHX DEN reservation agent, 4/6/00, age 61
Jerry LaQuey, FMN station agent, 8/27/18, age 78
Ann Latimer, PHX STL DEN reservation agent, 12/4/07, age 90
Jack Latta, DEN senior station agent, 11/9/13, age 77
Corinne Lawrence, DEN executive secretary, 1/11/25, age 98
Jeane Laws, DEN secretary, 3/15/89, age 61
Paul Lawson, AIA station manager, 11/28/93, age 74
Gary Lee, INW MOT GFK station agent, 4/25/07, age 61
Helen Lee, DEN reservations agent, ticket counter agent, 10/3/20, age 79
John Lee, ELP station agent, 1960s, need info
Robert Lee, TUS station agent, need info
Chris Leferink, COS ticket counter and station agent, 6/4/13, age 60
Marsha Lehman, DEN reservations agent, ticket counter agent, 10/31/23, age 89
Maggie Leicht, DEN accounting clerk and SLC reservations agent, 5/26/04, age 49, cancer
Roy Lemay, DEN TCA & DRO SCK station agent, 1/16/19, age 72
Walter Lemke, ABQ station agent, 4/30/24, age 86
Peggy Lenig, DEN executive secretary, 1/17/14, age 77
Theo Leprich, PHX res & tkt agent, Mar82, age 54, lung cancer
Warren Lester, RIW ECS RAP CPR LAR HLN DEN station agent, 12/8/16, age 92
Art Lewis, MKC MCI station agent, DEN president's assistant, 7/20/11, age 81
Sol Lockett, GSW DAL JLN DFW station agent, ticket counter agent, 8/21/06, age 68
Don Lockwood, DEN station agent & pilot, 1/11/18, age 84, lung cancer
Norm Loehr, MKC MCI station agent, 10/19/17, age 84
Harold Long, RIW OMA CPR station agent, 3/17/02,  age 70
Butch Loucks, FTW GSW DEN reservation agent, 11/25/06, age 76
Herschel Lowe, GJT STJ MKC DEN station agent, 12/9/02, age 81
Jeff Luginbuel, DEN ticket counter agent, 11/16/08, age 62, cancer
Frank Lummie, DEN senior station agent, 3/21/20, age 62
Bob Lutkiewicz, DEN senior station agent, 12/17/05, age 78 
John Lyons, DFW station agent, 7/20/03, age 66
Otis Lytle, JLN SGF station agent, 10/7/07, age 81
Gary Mackie, LBB PVW AMA MLC TUL OKC DAL TUS senior station agent, 4/30/24, age 83, cancer
Cliff Maggard, MVS ALS FLG BOI station agent & station manager, 12/23/06, age 76, cancer
Leo Maldonado, OMA senior station agent, 1/24/02, age 58, stroke
Marvin Mallen, MCI DEN station agent, 10/4/13, age 61, heart failure
Rex Marble, INW station agent, Feb67, age 60 
Charlie Marquez, DEN senior station agent, Jun93, age 54
Bob Marshall, LAR station agent, 6/15/99, age 70
Roy Marshall, DEN station agent, senior station agent, 3/26/23, age 85
Claudia Jarvis Marth, DEN reservations agent, 3/22/18, age 74
Doug Martin, TBN station agent, 5/1/11, age 68, pneumonia
Gene Martin, BIL senior station agent, 1/30/07, age 77
Billy Maxwell, DEN LAW MAF station agent, 1/3/16, age 59
Wanda Maxwell, DEN accounting clerk, 7/9/22, age 93
Joe McCaleb, PUB station agent, 6/7/87, age 62
Dave McCall, LBF FSD station agent, 8/15/91, age 57, heart attack
Carolyn McCallister, DEN accounting, need more info
JoAnne Chippindale McCann, DEN reservations agent, 3/12/18, age 70
Gary McCarrel, SLC senior station agent, 5/2/07, age 72, pneumonia
Mimi Buckstead McCartney, MCI DEN SMF station agent, 12/4/16, age 76, cancer
Paul McClure, RIW LAR PUB MOT DEN station agent/manager, 12/26/17, age 86
Jack McDermott, MVS HSR BIS station agent, 11/1/21, age 85, cancer
Mac McElhaney, ABQ station agent, 9/2/13, age 86, renal failure
Gary McGee, PUB ALS ATL DEN station agent, 3/23/13, age 70
Jack McGee, BFF station agent, 1/2/86, age 66
Jerry McGrath, CDR GLD station manager, 1/3/91, age 67
Mark McGrath, LEX DEN station agent, 6/27/04, age 47, heart attack
Pat O'Connor Cannon McGregor, DEN reservations agent, 11/3/19, age 70, cancer
Larry McIntosh, OMA station agent, 1/19/04, age 64
Muriel McKenney, DEN secretary?, 9/4/11, age 88
Albert McKenzie, LAW DFW JAC FSI station agent, SATO agent, 11/4/22, age 71, Parkinson's disease
Norma McLean, DEN clerk - log & inspection office, Jul 82, age 51
Joan McMullen, DEN reservations agent, 2018 or 2019, age 79 or 80, fall in home
Dolly McPhee, DEN reservations agent & ticket counter agent, 8/11/98, age 70
Dick Medinger, DEN RAP GRI LNK SEA station agent, 10/11/17, age 74, heart attack 
Terry Meehan, ALS station agent, 1/18/2001, age 72
Dorothy Meisenbach, DEN secretary, 6/26/18, age 96
Paul Merrick, DEN station agent, Oct 2019, age 76
Frank Merrill, VEL station manager, 7/7/89, age 66
Dana Henry Merten, DEN reservations agent, 7/31/08, age 48, auto accident
Sallie McCrea Alumbaugh Meyer, DEN ticket counter agent, 2/7/11, age 73, stroke
Larry Middleton, DEN BOI senior station agent, 10/27/20, age 79, cancer
Curt Milberger, GBD BGD DDC FMN SEA station agent, station manager, 2/27/23, age 80
Dennis Miller, 3/31/23, DEN SEA station agent, age 69, cancer
Duane Miller, INW station agent, 3/31/01, age 67
Glendora Miller, KCK DEN reservations agent, 12/9/01, age 74
Larry Miller, DEN OAK station agent, 8/31/12, age 63
Stu Miller, PHX station agent, 12/21/89, age 56
Connie Maughan Mitchell, SLC ticket counter agent, 1/14/16, age 68
Gary Mitchell, DEN reservations agent and crew scheduler, 3/23/09, age 69
Raymond Mitchell, FYV senior station agent, 8/4/10, age 78
Vee Young Mitchell, PHX DEN secretary, flight attendant, 8/28/22, age 81
Frank Monheiser, CYS DEN station agent, 12/7/19, age 76, fall at home - head injury
Becky Kesterson Morgan, PHX DEN reservation agent, 11/5/07, age 79, lung disease
Mark Moritz, DEN station agent, 12/13/21, age 65, COVID & heart failure
Nancy Moritz, DEN reservations agent, Oct 86, age 53
Shirley Kendig Moritzky, DEN secretary, 11/23/16, age 85
Dave Morris, RAP JAC DEN LAX station agent, 10/31/07, age 68, cancer
Francene Morris, GSW DEN reservations agent, 9/22/01, age 86
Larry Morriss, LNK station agent, 2/4/19, age 79, drowning
Al Mosley, PHX station agent, senior station agent, ticket counter agent, 12/5/99, age 78, heart attack
Glenn Mullins, DEN station agent, 5/18/05, age 66, lung cancer
Tom Munden, ACF GSW MKC MCI DAL DFW station agent/manager & pilot, 9/18/99, age 73, heart disease
Clara Murdock, DEN secretary,7/1/18, age 97
Chuck Murray, DEN ticket counter agent, 10/14/08, age 86
Bob Muske, DEN station agent, 10/23/16, age 77
Larry Musselman, FOE DEN station agent, 2/16/94, age 66
B K Myers, AMA FMN ABQ station agent, 5/30/14, age 81, Alzheimer's disease
Donna Myers, DEN executive secretary, 1/23/01, age 85
George Myers, DEN ticket counter agent, 12/7/92, age 46
Bernie Nagle, LIT DEN station agent, 2/16/07, age 75, cancer
Don Naile, HRO SGF station agent, 5/1/09, age 78
Stan Needham, JAC senior station agent, 6/8/99, age 76
Bill Nelson, FMN senior station agent, 12/12/10, age 89
Lewis Nelson, BFF station agent, 2/9/14, age 81
Walt Ness, SLC station agent, 11/14/22, age 85, dementia
Ora Nestelroad, ICT station agent, 8/12/00, age 66
Mike Nettleton, DEN senior station agent, 5/6/06, age 61
Jane Rodgers Neudeck, DEN STL ticket counter agent, 11/26/11, age 68
Louise Newton, DEN accounting, need more info
Herb Nichols, DEN station agent, 9/18/2018, age 93
Bob Niejadlik, FLG BOI station agent, 11/23/04, age 61, cancer
Larry Norman, HRO FYV LIT STL station agent, 7/2/20, age 72
Leon Northrop, MKC GDV SDY MOT SGF station agent/manager, 12/18/17, age 84
Joann Norton, MCI secretary-line maintenance, 5/15/93, age 54
Don Oberg, MCI station agent, 1/6/04, age 56, heart attack
Obie Oberhaus, STL station agent, 1/10/17, age 66
Jim Oby, ALS LNK JAC TUS station agent, 2/11/20, age 82, COPD
Ian O'Connor, YVR YQR station agent, 2/17/12, age 56
Bob Olds, DEN maintenance scheduler, 3/1/14, age 86
Ron Olinger, DEN SEA station agent, 3/6/23, age 75
Buzz Oliver, CNY VEL GJT station agent, station manager, 3/6/21, age 83, COVID-19
Joe Oliver, DEN MKC OMA PHX senior station agent, 1/15/11, age 72, cancer
Jan Hagen Olmsted, DEN reservations agent, 9/17/19, age 80
Bev Myrick Olsen, PHX WYS BOI ticket counter agent, 8/27/22, age 78, COVID-19, pneumonia
J. L. Olsen, PHX BOI station agent, 11/20/08, age 74
Milford Olson, MOT station agent?, 2/18/06, age 93
Ray Orr, DFW ticket counter agent, 12/28/14, age 76
Bud Ortgies, BIS LWT GLD WYS station agent, 8/1/16, age 79
Gary Osadchuk, CYS GUC DEN VEL GJT DFW station agent, station manager, 8/13/24, age 76, stroke
Doyle Osborn, FSM FYV PNC PUB JLN ICT station agent, station manager, 6/4/21, age 85
Mo Osborne,  station agent, system relief agent, dozens of stations, 5/22/94, age 56
Rich Owens, STL DEN station agent, 2/16/05, age 55, heart attack
Glenn Palser, DEN senior agent, 11/9/03, age 79
Darrol Parker, FLG station agent, 1960s, need info
Jerry Parkhill, FYV HRO HOU SGF station agent/manager, 1/14/15, age 83
Fuzz Parten, RIW DEN station agent, pilot, 3/11/21, age 85, lung cancer
Steve Pastrick, MKC MCI station agent, ticket counter agent, 5/10/17, age 73
Sue Paul, DEN secretary, 11/1/13, age 65
Jack Payne, FMN MEM MAF senior station agent, 11/20/05, age 64
Bob Pearson, DEN ticket counter agent, 10/12/2016, age 89
Lou Pecora, OLF BIL station agent, 4/22/14, age 77, stroke
Johnny Pellin, MKC station agent, 1/18/08, age 70
Linzy Pendergraft, OKC senior station agent, 7/19/89, age 60 
Dewey Penley, FMN MTJ DFW station agent, 9/8/13, age 92
Herman Pennington, SAD TUS station agent, 6/9/07, age 69
Ken Perkins, GEG station agent, 4/26/00, age 72, heart attack 
Lenda Persiko, DEN Administrative Assistant, 11/28/07, age 86
Pat Reeves Pester, DEN secretary, 7/29/13, age 65, cancer
Orval "Pete" Peterson, FSM DEN station agent, 11/3/98, age 76, cancer
Howard Petracek, ICT OAK senior station agent, 2/5/10, age 75, cancer
Cy Pfannenstiel, DEN accounting clerk, 7/14/98, age 61
Ted_Pfau, BIL GDV SLC MLS ABQ station agent, 2/5/19, age 85
Jackie Pfeiffer, RAP BIL RNO SAN SNA senior station agent, 4/24/04, age 59, heart disease
Bob Phiffer, CPR LBF SGF station agent, 9/12/15, age 81
Joyce Phillips, DEN secretary, 5/18/19, age 92
Jerry Pickering, CDR LNK PUB JAC DEN MKC SLC CYS LAW JLN TUL station agent, senior station agent, 11/5/23, age 83
Margaret Pickering, GSW CN statistician, 12/21/97, age 79
Bob Pier, DEN senior station agent, 5/14/95, age 69
Teddy Pierce, LAW station agent, 7/14/01, age 70
Gary Pinson, DFW MKC SLC JAC DEN station agent, 10/28/07, age 60
Betty Pladson, DEN secretary, executive secretary, senior clerk, 7/31/23, age 82
Will Pliska, KCK reservation agent, 9/7/76, age 29, motorcycle accident
Don Plunkett, LIT senior station agent, 10/10/98, age 68
Luella Polcyn, DEN accounting clerk, 9/14/19, age 96
Karen Pollak, DEN secretary, executive secretary, 10/17/08, age 64, diabetes
Lynn Pope, VEL GJT station agent, 11/19/70, age 47, car wreck
Mary Warhover Pover, DEN flight attendant, chief clerk, 9/23/75, age 52
Sandi Potts Powers, DEN reservations agent, 5/15/21, age 73
Jack Prather, DAL DFW senior station agent, 7/27/17, age 83
Ken Prather, PUB station agent, 1/20/21, age 90
Pretz Prellwitz, OLF BIL station agent, 4/16/13, age 89
Murry Price, PHX ticket counter agent, 6/26/14, age 91
Mike Prince, MKC DEN provisioning agent, station agent, senior station agent, 9/29/16, age 64, lung cancer
Lynn Puckett, DEN senior clerk typist, 7/1/85, age 44
Valinda Pudelek, DTW station agent, 10/1/22, age 65, accident
Dave Query, LBF MSN SLC LAS station agent, 11/12/08, age 57
Jane Quimby, DEN reservation agent, 10/30/09, age 74, cancer
Ed Quisenberry, DEN ticket counter agent, senior ticket counter agent, Mar 13, 2024, age 80
Eileen Ragan, DEN expendable inventory controller, 3/8/18, age 89
Eleanor Randall, DEN secretary, 11/7/02, age 82
Norm Rankin, ALS DEN station agent, 4/4/19, age 79
Elden Rasband, SLC? station agent, 2/27/18, age 90
Dorothy Ray, DEN accounting clerk, 10/24/07, age 76
Ralph Rea, DRO SVC station agent, station manager, 3/20/97, age 70
Walt Rea, DRO station agent & station manager, 8/14/02, age 75
Judy Sutton Reavis, DEN reservations agent, 5/11/15, age 73, Alzheimer's disease
Jo Crowdy Rector, DEN PHX reservations agent, 6/21/06, age 67, lung cancer
Herb Red Cloud, SNY CDR BIL DFW DEN station agent, 11/16/21, age 68, motorscooter accident
Pam Hampton Reed, DEN senior accounting clerk, 1/20/01, age 59
Celeste Reid, MLS station manager, 4/17/81, age 21, Air U.S. aircraft crash
Dottie Relaford, DEN reservation agent, supervisor-pilot crew scheduling, 10/11/08, age 63, cancer
Conrad Remmel, TUS station agent, 8/4/94, age 60
Kent Retchless, DEN LAS station agent, 10/1/87, age 32, auto accident
Dean Reynolds, VEL station agent, 2/6/15, age 91
Peg Richard, DEN secretary, 6/27/07, age 74, cancer
Dave Richards, DEN SEA station agent, 9/15/87, age 42
Dennis Richards, CYS station agent, 7/21/17, age 68, cancer
Fran Richards, RAP station agent, 5/27/07, age 69
Jon Riedl, SLN DEN station agent, 1/30/22, age 81, stroke
Bobbie Sherman Rieger, TOP reservations agent, 5/12/20, age 82
Don Riek, DEN MHK station agent, 6/6/11, age 85
Kent Rimer, DEN station agent, 3/10/14, age 51
Brone Roberts, DEN computer operator, 9/16/2017, age 93
Larry Roberts, MOT SNY COS STL DEN GUP PHX station agent, station manager, 11/16/24, age 83
Monica Robertson, DEN accounting, need info
Julie Hanks Robinson, DEN reservations agent, Mar 20, 2024, age 78
Leon Robinson, DEN station agent, 11/9/98, age 52
Darrell Robson, GDV LNK MOT BIL BZN station agent, 9/9/23, age 77, Crohn's disease
Ron Rogers, FSM station agent, 5/12/98, age 56, cancer
Dave Rogstad, GTF station agent, 7/7/24, age 81
Ed Rohlmann, STL station agent, 3/23/03, age 61
Tami Rooks, DEN reservations agent, 12/14/21, age 67
David Root, DEN OMA station agent, 9/3/10, age 87
Boyd Rose, OKC DEN station agent, 8/10/19, age 77, brain cancer
Leon Ross, BFF LAS station agent, 3/21/13, age 73
Larry Roster, MKC MCI station agent, 8/21/18, age 81
Betty McIntosh Rotenbery, DEN reservations agent, 11/9/17, age 90
Gary Rowe, STL COS FCA station agent, 3/3/17, age 77, cancer
Dolores Roybal, DEN reservations agent, 11/15/20, age 77, liver cancer
James Russell, CN agent, 6/9/02, age 62, cancer
Freida Russell, DEN data conversion operator, 7/27/87, age 55
John Sacotte, OKC station agent, 3/1/04, age 57
Bob Salazar, LNK DEN station agent, senior station agent, 8/29/23, age 84
Mike Sallee, MCI DEN reservations agent, 6/14/82, age 26, home accident
Jack Sandberg, ISN GDV MOT OMA station agent, relief agent, 9/28/96, age 67
Bill Sanders, HOT LIT station agent, 6/3/15, age 85
Wes Sarver, COS JLN MKC MEM DEN SGF station agent, 6/28/15, age 85
Walt Sayre, DRO COS FCA station agent, 1/6/15, age 77, stroke
Earl Schall, PNC OKC station agent/ticket counter agent, 7/8/94, age 75
Don Scheetz, SDY CPR senior station agent, 3/30/18, age 79
Tricia Horning Scheick, DEN reservations agent, 2/12/22, age 61
Horace Schenck, DEN station agent, 5/15/97, age 67
Eva Schiele, DEN secretary, 4/30/91, age 66
Harvey Schiermeyer, STJ MKC MCI station agent/manager, 5/10/07, age 83
Dana Razee Schiff, DEN station agent, 9/22/07, age 48, heart failure
Jerry Schimetz, MOT BIL station agent, 4/27/22, age 80, cancer
Alan Schlosser, ABQ station agent, 2/21/99, age 82
Ken Schmale, LNK station agent, 3/20/21, age 86
Nellie Wood Schneider, DEN communications coordinator, 7/15/19, age 85
Joe Schoentrup, GEG station agent, ticket counter agent, 12/1/21, age 74, cancer
Roy Schreder, MKC STL station agent, 5/26/23, age 88
John Schulte, FMN OMA station agent, 1/8/97, age 65
Jerry Schultz, OLU GRI DEN OMA station agent, 3/12/2024, age 85
Rosemary Sullivan Schuster, DEN secretary, 12/29/14, age 87
Ed Schutter, LAW MHK station agent, 5/2/18, age 76
John Scott, DEN senior station agent, 2/14/04, age 66, murdered
Marsha Seib, DEN reservations agent, senior reservations agent, 1/24/23, age 82 
Leon Segebartt, MKC MCI ICT station agent, 10/21/12, age 70
Shirley Shackelford, GSW DAL MCI DEN LAX PSP reservations/ticket counter./station agent, 3/12/17, age 81, cancer
Virginia Shacklett, DEN secretary, 8/26/08, age 85
Ron Shamburg, GUP AMA MEM DEN station agent, 6/7/09, age 66
Jan Shannon, DEN station agent, 4/2/20, age 73, heart attack
Delbert Shape, OMA GTF DEN station agent, 8/21/20, age 81
Duane Sharp, ABQ DEN JAC BOI station agent, 10/29/99, age 61
Johnny Sharp, DEN provisioning agent & station agent, 11/25/08, age 79
Bill Sharkey, BGD WWR GUY LBL DEN station agent/manager, 7/9/88, age 67
Gleason Shaver, LNK senior station agent, Nov 80, age 62
Bud Shepherd, COD BIL POY ABQ FLG GDV station agent/manager, 6/3/04, age 77 
Tony Shepherd, PUB HYS HVR COS station agent/manager, 12/28/17, age 91
Dave Shuck, DEN station agent, senior station agent, 9/12/21, age 71, COVID-19
Jeanette Sickler, DEN accounting clerk, 12/3/93, age 55, cancer
Len Siler, DEN station agent, computer operations, 11/25/10, age 67, infection
Everett Simkins, GTF WRL COS HDN station agent/manager, 4/26/11, age 84
Dale Simonin, MCI FAT DEN station agent, 11/26/97, age 61, cancer
Les Simpson, DEN senior station agent, 6/6/22, age 85
Rosanna Sims, DEN reservation agent, 3/29/97, age 65
Janet Sisk, DEN executive secretary, 7/19/16, age 75, cancer
Bobby Sissons, DEN senior station agent, 1/29/10, age 69
Tom Sittler, AIA DEN station agent, 12/29/21, age 83
Rudy Skeen, DEN station agent & manager, 4/30/01, age 68, cancer
Tom Slade, DEN RAP LAS PHX station agent, ticket counter agent, 7/28/20, age 70, stroke
Ron Slater, DEN BOI station agent, 4/20/04, age 62
George Slivka, SLC ticket counter agent, 10/24/04, age 80
Marv Slotterback, DEN station agent, 8/8/19, age 77
Jon Sluder, ACF MLC GSW DAL LIT DFW, station agent, senior station agent, 6/5/08, age 74, brain tumor
Kaye Smedly, DEN reservation and ticket counter agent, 3/23/08, age 69
Baird Smith, LAR station agent, 5/8/12, age 88
Bob Smith, MCI STL DEN station agent, 3/10/14, age 67
Bob Smith, SLC station/ticket counter agent, 9/15/98, age 55, car wreck
Dan Smith, DEN station agent, 9/2/86, age 30, motorcycle crash
Gary Smith, PUB DEN COS, station agent, 2/18/24, age 70, multiple myeloma
George Smith, GJT SLC CDR AIA BIL station agent, 9/4/18, age 86
Jane Whitmore Smith, DEN SAN accounting clerk, ticket counter agent, 9/7/13, age 65
Jim Smith, RIW PUB MCK station manager, 3/6/96, age 62
Leon Smith, LIT DEN station agent, 12/1/05, age 68
Ric Smith, PUB COS DEN station agent, 11/22/07, age 60, Alzheimer's disease
Thelma Evans Smith, DEN flight attendant & stenographer, 10/18/16, age 94
Tommy Smith, ELP station agent/ticket counter agent, May 88, age 51, cancer
Bernie Smolczyk, MCK DEN station agent, 5/29/14, age 81
Charla Kramer Smyth, DEN clerk, marketing administrative assistant, 12/29/21, age 80, cancer
Pat Snoke, DEN secretary, 7/3/14, age 79
Jim Sorg, TUL STL station agent, 10/9/21, age 84
Charley Southerland, PHX station agent, 3/27/14, age 84, strokes
Marion Southerland, PHX reservation agent, 3/20/03, age 68, heart failure
Dick Sowerwine, BFF DEN station agent, 12/1/23, age 85
Harry Sparks, LEX SNA DFW station agent, ticket counter agent, 7/12/24, age 78
Dorsey Spencer, TBN station agent, 10/1/03, age 60, cancer
Ivan Spencer, COS station agent, 12/1/13, age 78
Peggy White Spencer, PHX DEN SLC reservations agent, 11/10/20, age 92
Ray Spiars, RIW LAR HSI GRI WRL SEA senior station agent, 1/6/96, age 64
Darlene Spieler, BIL flight attendant & ticket counter agent, 6/26/21, age 81
Darlene Wiley Sprenger, DEN communications operator, reservations agent and flight attendant, 12/31/13, age 73
Gerry Wilson Staley, DEN senior reservations agent, 12/25/20, age 79
Kayleen Coon Stangor, DEN reservations agent, 10/15/99, age 41
Paul Stevenson, DEN station agent, 3/10/04, age 58
Howard Stewart, DEN DSM ticket counter agent, 8/10/92, age 50
Ken Stewart, FYV senior station agent, 11/25/10, age 77, stroke
Mattie Stibrich, DEN accounting clerk, 6/13/96, age 72
Clyde Stillman, SLC station agent, 4/21/05, age 63, heart disease
Bob Stine, MCI FYV station agent, 9/23/06, age 57, heart attack
Carl Stinson, MCI station agent, 6/24/06, age 73
Martha Stockard, MCI DEN reservations agent, 9/3/17, age 62
Keith Strickland, DEN station agent, 9/21/01, age 71
Paul Struch, YXE or YQR? station agent, 11/3/19, age 73
Jim Stuart, DEN station agent, clerk, accounting clerk, 10/20/06, age 56
John Stults, GCK FYV DFW station agent, 7/28/99, age 64, ramp accident
Shirley Belote Stults, 3/8/21, FYV reservations agent, age 84
Keith Sturgeon, FSM DEN station agent, ticket counter agent, senior ticket counter agent, 10/21/21, age 82
Allene Suazo, DEN reservations agent, 4/5/18, age 78
Bill Sullivan, OMA DEN ticket counter agent, 12/28/11, age 73
Gary Summers, MKC MCI station agent, 4/2/24, age 85
Wayne Sutton, DEN station agent, 8/30/21, age 67
Lyle Swedberg, CYS station agent/manager, 9/29/13, age 88
Rae Tafoya, DEN crew scheduler, 6/5/24, age 92
Tom Tammen, CYS station agent, 10/16/17, age 73
Clay Tanner, RIW WRL HSR SLC station agent, 9/28/05, age 86
Mark Tasler, LNK DEN station agent, 4/6/10, age 55, auto accident
Susan Tawara, DEN accounting, 1/28/90, age 51
Keith Taylor, DUC station agent, need more info
Midge Bundy Taylor, PHX DEN reservations agent, 1/5/18, age 92
Wayne Teakell, OKC MKC MCI CYS OAK CID station agent, senior station agent, station manager, 7/8/21, age 82
John Teiber, DEN DRO station agent, 7/2/13, age 70, cancer
George Terryberry, MCI GEG senior station agent, 1/27/99, age 57, bee stings
Vivian Tevebaugh, DEN reservation agent, 6/5/00, age 79
Bill Thiets, RWL HSI DEN station agent, 12/24/08, age 70
Danny Thomas, MCI DEN station agent, 7/8/90, age 56
Ed Thomas, BOI senior station agent, 8/31/12, age 72, heart disease
Jim Thomas, FYV LEX MAF senior station agent, 9/16/12, age 70, Alzheimer's disease 
Lyman Thomas, DEN steward & GUC station manager, 2/4/03, age 76
Fred Thompson, TUL senior station agent, 12/19/92, age 65, cancer
Ralph Thompson, CYS FMN BFF DEN senior station agent, 7/15/01, age 64
Terry Thorstensen, LAR DTW RFD FSD station agent, 1/26/16, age 63
Charlie Timmons, BIL SNA DEN station agent, 12/3/88, age 47, cancer
Billy Towns, MEM station agent, 12/1/94, age 62
Jane Jones Townsend, DEN reservation agent, 9/29/10, age 75, kidney failure
Bud Travis, BFF GJT station agent, 2/11/05, age 73, heart attack
Pete Tremont, PUB station agent, 2/13/99, age 68
Art Trevithick, ABQ station agent, 1/24/06, age 78
Tom Trim, DEN ticket counter agent, 12/14/15, age 84
Anne Trimble, DEN accounting clerk, 8/14/22, age 88
Curtis Tucker, STL station agent, 9/30/20, age 69
Bill Tuckfield, FLG station agent, 2/24/08, age 83
Chester Turgon, STJ MCI station agent, 10/30/92, age 67
Pat Turner, DEN senior station agent, 1/1/02, age 65, brain tumor
R J Turner, GUP JAC LBL STL ICT GUC GEG senior station agent, 3/1/10, age 65, cancer
Roger Utsunomiya, DEN LAX ticket counter agent, 6/17/96, age 44
Larry Vail, OMA SMF station agent, 1/17/00, age 60, cancer
Taffy Valassis, DEN DRO reservations agent, 10/31/24, age 97
Gary Vandeberg, OFK STJ LBF station manager, 12/30/09, age 80
AJ VanVeldhuizen, RNO SCK station agent, 10/15/93, age 29
Frank Vasquez, DEN station agent, 1/4/21, age 78
Carol Nyberg Veeh, DEN reservation agent, 5/30/01, age 48
Richard Vlach, MKC MCI DEN station agent, 4/21/16, age 80
Morris Vogel, AMA station agent, 2/20/03, age 73
Bob Voigt, PNC ADM FYV SWO PPF TUL senior station agent, 2/7/18, age 76
Jane Bridgman Voigt, DEN secretary, 9/26/23, age 95
Jack Wachob, DEN station agent, 10/29/20, age 81
Vivian Wadley, DEN reservation agent, 11/7/06, age 86
Carol Wallace, DEN executive secretary, May 99, age 50
Carol Bissell Walton, DEN computer operator, 12/25/18, age 79
Sandy Warder, DEN reservations agent, 11/21/20, age 80
Don Wareham, ABQ station and ticket counter agent, 1/23/17, age 86, COPD
Geri Wareham, DEN reservations/ticket counter agent, 7/20/17, age 89
Bob Washburn, AMA LIT DEN station agent, 10/9/20, age 90
MaryAnn Wasinger, DEN accounting clerk, 5/28/18, age 87
Betty Watson, DEN secretary, 12/21/14, age 83
Rosemary Watson, GSW DAL reservations agent, ticket counter agent, 1/30/18, age 76
Chuck Waullex, TUS station agent, 4/4/07, age 66
Gayle Pilgrim Weatherman, DEN secretary, 4/9/12, age 77
Bob Webb, FYV station agent (temp), Aug70, age 20?, drowning, need more info
Judy Weber, DEN accounting agent, 2/16/97, age 50
Cheryl Hanna Wedge, DEN reservations agent, 6/10/22, age 66
Robert Wedge, DEN station agent, 9/19/17, age 68
Lawrence Weeks, ADH OKC GBD GCK LAW GUP PRX DFW station agent, station manager, 10/9/23, age 85
Frank Weilminster, DEN print shop operator, 7/18/95, age 82
Paula Stone Wells, LAS ABQ MAF DEN ticket counter agent, 12/1/87, age 38
Ruby Tveten Colwell Wells, DEN secretary, 6/14/22, age 84
Alma Welty, CPR PHX ticket counter agent, 6/10/12, age 79
Harry Werbelow, GEY COD station agent, 3/30/09, age 95
Dave Weston, PUB DEN BOI station agent, 10/30/01, age 58
Bill Whalen, CYS LAR SMF station agent, 1/23/03, age 63
Gordon White, LNK PUB WYS MSO FSD station agent, 6/26/83, age 39, auto accident
Orville White, FMN OMA HSI BFF GDV DEN senior station agent, 10/21/16, age 82
Ruth Ann White, DEN accounting clerk, 1/15/12, age 70
Bud Whitfield, HYS station manager, 10/31/18, age 86, cancer
Sherie Whitaker Whitlow, DEN reservations agent, 12/15/98, age 51, cancer
Neil Wickstrum, GBD MHK DEN station agent, 8/10/12, age 69
Doyle Willhite, LAS FSM station agent, 9/30/98, age 65
Earl Williams, LAW RDD DFW station agent, 4/11/01, age 57, stroke
Larry Williams, TOP MEM SLC DFW station agent, 9/1/05, age 59
Max Willis, PHX senior station agent, 12/22/99, age 83, Alzheimer's disease
Bernie Wilmes, FMN OMA DEN senior station agent, 12/12/24, age 85
Logan Wilmoth, TBN STL LEX station agent, 6/6/06, age 69, cancer
Charlie Wilson, FMN DEN station agent, 4/1/21, age 85
Kevin Winn, DEN reservations agent/crew scheduler, 11/13/82, age 31, stroke
Larry Witkowski, LNK senior station agent, 1/23/97, age 64 
Dick Withrow, CPR TUS LAW OKC station agent, 2/9/05, age 65, lung cancer
Vic Wokal, GGW station manager, 1/15/06, age 92
Carol Komar Wolfe, DEN flight attendant, clerk and communications coordinator, 4/26/06, age 60, cancer
June Wood, DEN secretary-purchasing, 4/21/02, age 86
Lloyd Woodard, MKC GCK DFW station agent, 12/2/21, age 78
Bud Woodward, CPR station agent, 4/24/08, age 74
Betty Worl, DEN executive secretary-flight operations, 2/13/77, age 54
Pete Wortham, CPR DEN station agent, 7/26/09, age 71
Don Wright, MOT station agent, 7/21/23, age 89
Jules Wyum, MOT senior station agent, 11/16/16, age 76, auto accident
Mike Yancey, DEN MSN MKE senior station agent, Jan 90, age 37, auto accident
Jack Yarbrough, LIT GCK DDC DFW HOU senior station agent, 8/5/19, age 72
Ennis Yocum, DEN print shop operator, 1/15/98, age 77
Peg Youngs, DEN accounting clerk, 7/13/96, age 95
Jimmie Zalesky, OMA JAC FSD LNK station agent, 4/15/90, age 57
Jack Zelkin, DEN station agent, CSR-G, 11/12/19, age 81
Larry Zentz, MHK CEZ RNO station agent, station manager, 8/9/19, age 72
Ann Zinkgraf, DEN accounting clerk, 7/27/04, age 69
John Zobens, DEN station agent, 2/9/14, age 77
Dorothy Zimmerschied Zook, RAP ticket counter agent, 4/2/07, age 83

Alan Abel, DEN flight attendant, 11/20/21, age 73
Alice Bordelon Adams, DEN? flight attendant, 12/13/11, age 67
Liz Freeman Adams, SLC? flight attendant, 4/19/11, age 80, Parkinson's
Dennis Aguilar, DEN flight attendant, 9/7/10, age 52, motorscooter accident
Willie Edwards Ahrens, DEN, 3/9/09, age 78
Ernie Alderete, DEN flight attendant, Jun 81, age 29
Lucille Giacoma Andersen, DEN flight attendant, 4/4/17, age 82
Joan Gassett Angell, DEN flight attendant, 10/19/20, age 82
Carolyn Jackson Appleby, 2/24/10, age 70, cancer
Kathy Grief Ranson Ariens, DEN flight attendant, 6/30/19, age 64, pancreatic cancer 
Jo Ann Arnett, flight attendant, 11/22/13, need info
Janet Jackson Avakian, DEN flight attendant, 4/12/20, age 82
Pam Stanley Bachman, SLC DEN flight attendant, 3/5/19, age 66
Eleanor Caygill Banks, DEN PHX flight attendant, 12/19/21, age 98
Brad Barkey, DEN flight attendant, 7/11/19, age 62
Wanda Foster Bass, PHX flight attendant, 3/11/20, age 92
Ellie Bastar, DEN flight attendant, crew scheduler, 10/14/87, age 63, hit & run accident
Marie Chevin Bauer, DEN flight attendant, 8/25/21, age 77
Celia Owen Beardsley, DEN flight attendant, 3/16/13, age 72, COPD
Lee Kangieser Beck, 1/6/09, age 78
Darrel Behrend, DEN Monarch steward, 4/21/06, age 81
Sonya Lee Manweiler Benge, GSW CN flight attendant, 12/12/05, age 72
Connie Baier Sponsler Bennett, MCI DFW DEN flight attendant, 4/14/18, age 70, COPD
Gayle Qualls Bennett, CN flight attendant, 2/20/19, age 83
Sharon Camille Engel Bennett, PHX flight attendant, 3/1/23, age 79
Nancy Richards Bentley, DEN flight attendant, 3/23/17, age 68
Sharon Berg, 8/18/09, age 65, cancer
Sandy Regan Berry, OMA flight attendant, 12/6/14, age 76
Jody Lohse Binkley, DEN flight attendant, 5/29/99, age 65
Ginney Booth, 2/19/02, age 69
Melanie Boyd, 8/8/95, age 37
John Bramley, DEN flight attendant, 9/11/09, age 55, mountain climbing accident
Jeanie Merriott Breining, SLC flight attendant, 1/21/12, age 83 
Ellen Thompson Brgoch, BIL flight attendant, 8/10/93, age 63
Susie Buckley, DEN flight attendant, 4/17/15, age 58
Mike Bumstead, DEN MKE ticket counter agent and CSR-InFlight, 3/2/92, age 49
Barb Lamb Bunger, DEN flight attendant, 3/11/24, age 80
Tim Bunger, DEN flight attendant, manager-station services, 12/13/22, age 68, cancer
Marg Bussell, DEN OMA PHX STL ATL flight attendant, ticket counter agent, 11/18/10, 78 years old, heart attack
David Butler, DEN flight attendant, 4/30/16, age 60
Doug Calvird, station agent and DEN flight attendant, 12/25/13, age 64
Juanita S. Campbell, 7/14/02, age 77
Connie Capps, DEN flight attendant, 4/29/12, age 65
Leone Newby Carter, ACF flight attendant, 1973, age 40
Jill Cassidy, DEN flight attendant, 1/21/21, age 84
Becky Copley Caylor, DEN flight attendant, 5/16/99, age 50, cancer
Janet McKinnon Christy, DEN chief flight attendant, 3/16/15, age 86
Joanne Popin Clapham, PHX flight attendant, 1/2/22, age 90
Nancy Tipton Clopton, MKC GSW DAL flight attendant, 5/27/00, age 53, aneurysm
Teresa Hurd Colbert, DEN flight attendant, 6/25/24, age 73
Laura Jones Colvin, AMA MKC flight attendant, 5/15/24, age 79, ALS
Sally Ambro Conroy, DAL flight attendant, 10/21/17, age 68
Mikki Kitzman Considine, DEN flight attendant, 2/16/15, age 85
Deanna Ross Cooley, DEN flight attendant, 1/16/15, age 72
Lucy Michel Cooley, DEN flight attendant, 5/30/12, age 79
Ginny Anthony Cowley, DEN SLC flight attendant, chief flight attendant, 9/24/17, age 82
Mary Lou Jones Cowley, DEN flight attendant, 1/28/20, age 92
Janet Payne Craig, SLC flight attendant, 11/27/24, age 81
Sandy Murray Crowe, 3/16/05, age 61, cancer
Janet Crumpler, BIL OMA, 7/31/01, age 67, need more info
Janet Cupps, DEN, 5/7/90, age 51
LaDawn Noble Curtis, BIL DEN PHX flight attendant, chief flight attendant, 6/6/22, age 86
Nancy Wilson Dailey, GSW, 3/8/09, age 67
Marilyn Davenport, DEN, 5/10/18, age 62, early onset Alzheimer's disease
Lori Espinoza Day, MCI DEN, 8/27/09, age 58, stroke
Rodney Deloach, DEN flight attendant, 4/11/20, age 62
Angela Nichols Diller, SLC DEN flight attendant, 5/3/23, age 70
Cindy Donielson, AMA MKC DEN DAL DFW flight attendant, 2/15/74, age 28
Thelma Doyle, ACF GSW chief flight attendant, 6/8/84, age 58
Lupe Duran, DEN flight attendant, 7/9/18, age 78, cancer
Dottie Kreider Elfers, DEN flight attendant, 4/10/17, age 73, cancer
Debby Grozier Ellenwood, DEN flight attendant, 11/1/13, age 60
Pam Coffman Ellis, DFW DEN flight attendant, 9/8/24, age 72, cancer
Bettye Hunter Elrod, GSW flight attendant, 1/25/10, age 76
Danny Enriquez, DEN flight attendant, 2/25/21, age 63, cancer
Penny Burke Erdmann, DAL flight attendant, 11/11/72, age 24
Karen McBride Erenfeld, SLC DEN, 5/26/02, age 49
Shirley Holder Erickson, DEN flight attendant, 5/17/22, age 68
Helen Etzel, SLC flight attendant, 9/9/14, age 90
JoAnn Evatz, PHX DEN flight attendant, 12/29/97, age 55
Devar Fairbourn, DEN flight attendant, 10/21/05, age 50
Dick Faucett, DEN flight attendant & MVS station agent, 10/16/19, age 92
Linda Fechner, MCI DEN flight attendant, 10/19/05, age 48
Elaine Carlson Fillmore, DEN?, 10/8/11, age 82
Jerry Fox, DEN chief steward, 1/5/88, age 62
Prensy Marshall Franco, DEN flight attendant, 7/12/04, age 57
Gail Hannigan Fogg, DFW SLC DEN flight attendant, 11/22/16, age 71, diabetes
Joanie Fohn, DEN flight attendant, 8/6/18, age 77, heart disease
Pat Fackenthall Forehand, 5/12/00, age 61
Dee Lanick Fulscher, DEN flight attendant, reservations agent, 9/5/21, age 91
Nancy Ullman Gant, DEN flight attendant, 5/15/24, age 81
Donna Garland, DEN flight attendant and pilot, 9/1/99, age 50, breast cancer
Robin Durkee Gayeski, DEN flight attendant, 5/4/16, age 55
Donna Mans Gens, DEN flight attendant, 4/18/16, age 86
Jeannette Linnarz Gomez, SLC flight attendant, 10/19/22, age 85, stroke
Barbara Eastus Goode, GSW, 11/2/12, age 79
Mazie Graham, 3/3/09, age 66
Peg Felmlee Graham, DEN flight attendant, 2/17/08, age 70
Ruth Hunt Gray, DEN flight attendant, 5/29/18, age 77, cancer
Henry Greathouse, SLC DEN flight attendant, 1/18/23, age 70
Dorothy Clark Gregory, DEN flight attendant, 3/28/21, age 81, lung cancer
Jane Haggart, DEN flight attendant, 4/17/18, age 69, pneumonia
Jan Nielsen Hagan, DEN flight attendant, 10/25/18, age 80, Alzheimer's disease
Diane Hall, DEN, 3/9/06, age 63
Tom Hampton, DEN, 11/6/90, age 36, cancer
Elsie Clapp Hansen, DEN flight attendant, 5/30/11, age 83, Parkinson's disease
Penny Dearing Hansen, 7/23/09, age 57, cancer
Susan Hansen, need info
Rebecca Herbert, DEN flight attendant, 2/5/02, age 55
Birdie Nelson Heeren, DEN flight attendant, 4/7/86, age 53
Claire Fassbender Hirvonen, DEN flight attendant, 2/24/23, age 88
Dana Hoch, DEN flight attendant, 8/23/97, age 45
Jackie Racine Hoffman, DEN flight attendant, 7/17/14, age 86
Shirley Kearney Holst, DEN SLC flight attendant, 3/20/22, age 87
Edna McAdams Horne, DEN flight attendant, 4/19/19, age 76, Alzheimer's disease
Sherry Anderson Howard, DEN flight attendant, 10/26/94, age 50
Carol Lilly Huggins, BIL SLC DEN flight attendant, 9/10/15, age 73, heart attack
Jean Clow Irwin, DEN flight attendant, 12/8/07, age 75, Alzheimer's disease
Sandy Swingler James, SLC flight attendant, 8/3/16, age 69
Carol Johnson, DEN flight attendant, Jan 71, age 23, automobile accident
Jeaneane Johnson, DEN flight attendant, 4/19/09, age 44
Bessie Couzin Juroszek, DEN flight attendant, 10/20/14, age 90
Sharri Dorr Kankel, DEN flight attendant, 2/10/22, age 65
Cheryl Frederick Kardell, 10/8/06, age 60, stroke
John Kelly, 11/9/04, age 54, heart attack
Penny Bohnemeier Kennedy, SLC MKC flight attendant, 9/30/15, age 65
Barbara Babcock Kramer, DEN flight attendant, payroll clerk, 7/3/14, age 67, lung cancer
Stephanie Hooter Kraus, DAL DFW DEN, 11/30/10, age 62, cancer
Marsha Ladewig, 12/1/04, age 60
Linda Lam, BIL flight attendant, 12/10/18, age 76, Alzheimer's disease
Jan Curry Lamkin, DEN flight attendant, 9/11/19, age 81, accident, fall
Fred Lang, steward and auditor, 2/27/90, age 68
Elaine Langloss, 3/24/91, age 43
Linda Larche, DEN flight attendant, 12/4/90, age 38
Elaine Foos Lewis, 5/3/04, age 72
Shirlee Hailstone Lietz, PHX flight attendant, 10/15/14, age 86
Barb Weissert Luebs, DEN flight attendant, 4/20/14, age 74
Peggy Mulligan Lux, SLC PHX 3/23/23, age 89
Barb Gilmore Lynd, DEN flight attendant, Mar 22, age 70, cancer
Jan Kildal MacDonald, DEN flight attendant, 1/10/19, age 68
Rita Thomas Manko, DEN flight attendant, 2/21/18, age 72
Virginia Ginn Marshall, DEN  flight attendant, 3/6/14, age 85
Rosalind Fells Matthews, MCI DEN flight attendant, 11/16/98, age 46, automobile accident
Liz May, MCI DEN flight attendant, 8/15/22, age 75
Batsy Frashier McAfee, DEN flight attendant, 5/11/19, age 92
Ellen Handley McCaffrey, DEN flight attendant, 1/9/95, age 54, breast cancer
Leona O'Day McClure, DEN flight attendant, 10/26/21, age 81
Kathy McCormick, DAL DFW DEN, 5/23/02, age 53, breast cancer
Ruth Agnew McDonough, SLC, 7/11/04, age 67, cancer
Sharon Hilton McGhee, DAL DFW DEN flight attendant, 3/24/21, age 72, pancreatic cancer
Suzanne DeMier McGlashan, DEN flight attendant, 4/8/09, age 54
Verna Beattie McGoey, GSW flight attendant, 8/11/00, age 58, cancer
Deanna McKenna, 10/12/93, age 46
Diane McLaughlin, SLC DEN flight attendant, 8/2/85, age 34, Delta Airlines crash @ DFW 
Libby Richmond McWilliams, DEN flight attendant, 3/30/15, age 87
Susie Landis Meyer, 8/24/06, age 65, cancer
Donna Togerson Miller, DEN flight attendant, Jul 85, cancer
Helen Coons Miller, 7/28/96, age 62, cancer
Sally Schumann Milligan, DEN flight attenant, 1/20/08, age 69
Vee Young Mitchell, PHX DEN secretary, flight attendant, 8/28/22, age 81
Avi Mizrachi, DEN flight attendant, 9/14/16, age 62
John Montgomery, MCI DEN, 4/21/92, age 35
Carolyn Jo Blythe Moyes, DEN flight attendant, 1/20/04, age 63
Gayle Deedman Muhlenkamp, DEN, 6/18/12, age 71, cancer
Michael Murphy, SLC DEN, Need Info
Rose Gallagher Murray, SLC flight attendant, 3/28/17, age 86
Bev Roberts Neal, PHX DEN flight attendant, 11/3/14, age 84
Dorothy Mosso Nelson, DEN flight attendant, 3/5/19, age 83
Bettina Tyson Newton, DEN flight attendant, 6/4/12, age 50
Scot Norman, DEN flight attendant, 3/19/18, age 59
Julie Oats, PHX DEN flight attendant, 12/7/16, age 77
Lela Williams O'Connor, DEN flight attendant, 1/3/96, age 50, cancer
Kathy Schwartz Pafford, BIL, 12/28/11, age 68
Gerri Parish, GSW, 8/4/07, age 68, Lou Gehrig's disease
Pat Bona Paull, DEN flight attendant, 9/29/17, age 80
Marlys Hubble Payne, SLC DEN flight attendant, 2/12/24, age 75
Kristi Peeples, DFW DEN flight attendant, 9/26/22, age 65
Sarah Wirkner Pensabene, DEN flight attendant, Dec 2022, age 84
Rita Smith Perrin, CHA/FL, 2/25/05, age 76, cancer
Lavonne Peterson, 5/16/95, age 60, cancer
Barbara Petty, Mar 74, age 31, heart failure
Scott Ponton, DEN flight attendant, 3/22/94, age 42
Mary Warhover Pover, DEN flight attendant, chief clerk, 9/23/75, age 52
Vi Lester Powell, DEN chief flight attendant, 10/9/01, age 68
Betty Green Pratt, GSW flight attendant, 8/26/12, age 76
Laurie Mooberry Appelman Pugh, DEN flight attendant, 9/19/17, age 70
Dorothy Reif, 3/12/64, flight attendant, age 22, DC-3 crash at MLS
Barbara Craig Reynolds, DFW DEN flight attendant, 6/11/20, age 69
Claudia Moersch Roach, MKC flight attendant, 4/11/19, age 75, lung & heart disease
Lorna Woodruff Robinett, DEN flight attendant, 1/27/25, age 89
Rebecca Moody Robinson, BIL flight attendant, 5/4/16, age 77
Sonje Fredericksen Rogers, MKC MCI DEN flight attendant, 8/11/09, age 62
Linda Wilbanks Rogers, DAL flight attendant, 11/13/21, age 72
Linda Jones Rosenlund, SLC flight attendant, 10/24/07, age 65
Candy Jones Russell, DEN flight attendant, 5/6/17, age 71
Terri Portlock Rutherford, DEN flight attendant, 1/5/13, age 53, heart attack
Shari Oliver Salsbury, DEN flight attendant, 5/1/21, age 77, heart attack
Gloria Brant Sandstedt, OMA DEN flight attendant, 4/24/19, age 82
Grace Twite Scantlin, flight attendant, 4/14/11, age 71, cancer
Paula Locke Schkade, AMA GSW DEN DAL DFW flight attendant, 2/19/02, age 61
Joyce Darby Schmid, PHX DEN flight attendant, 10/11/03, age 64
Gene Schroeder, DEN flight attendant, 1/15/91, Age 39
Alana Rua Schubert, DEN flight attendant, 1/26/13, age 58, cancer
Carolyn Ann Pittman Selinger, 6/6/11, age 72
Kailise Shek, DEN flight attendant, 2/14/84, age unk, cancer
Ruth Mogenson Sheridan, SLC flight attendant, 8/12/13, age 76
Pat Larsen Sherwin, PHX DEN CHA/FL flight attendant, 10/16/07, age 78
Joel Shoeneman, DEN Inflight Host, 4/2/19, age 70, stomach cancer
Stella Chapman Sleater, DEN flight attendant, 6/21/24, age 82
Lee Smart, DEN, 12/16/89, age 35
Julie Lemer Smith, DEN flight attendant, 10/30/03, age 45, cancer
Thelma Evans Smith, DEN flight attendant & stenographer, 10/18/16, age 94
Jo-Ann Snell, DEN flight attendant, 10/1/15, age 77, heart attack
Karla Friedman Sobelman, MCI DEN flight attendant, 10/14/13, age 56
Carol Specht, 1/10/11, age 85, lung cancer
Dixie Mickel Sperry, DEN SLC flight attendant, Jan 2023, age 84
Darlene Spieler, BIL flight attendant & ticket counter agent, 6/26/21, age 81
Darlene Wiley Sprenger, DEN communications operator, reservations agent, flight attendant, 12/31/13, age 73
Irene Replogle Stadtmiller, DEN chief stewardess, 7/22/02, age 84
Jeanine Stark Stanley, DEN flight attendant, 7/15/17, age 84
Shari Steadman, 8/13/09, age 67, liver failure
Marilyn Satree Stenvers, DEN flight attendant, 9/8/01, age 65
Carol Pickett Stillman, SLC DEN, 5/23/13, age 68, cancer
Stephanie Stokes, DEN flight attendant, 1/31/13, age 68
Betty Snyder Stone, 11/27/09, age 81
Leona Lesinski Stone, DEN flight attendant, 3/7/07, age 77
Barbara Caganich Strizic, PHX flight attendant, 7/16/21, age 83
Barbara Bouska Strnad, DEN flight attendant, 4/3/19, age 73
Charlene Mullen Surwill, BIL chief flight attendant, 12/4/13, age 78
Nancy Lee Swanson, DEN flight attendant, 3/3/18, age 70
Patty Kirwan Swenson, FA & maintenance scheduler, 9/13/09, age 70, cancer 
Judy Butz Symmes, SLC, 2/25/11, age 68, aneurysm
Sam Ewing Taulli, 4/26/04, age 58, surgery
Lyman Thomas, DEN steward & GUC station manager, 2/4/03, age 76
Leslie Asay Thorstensen, SLC, 9/12/09, age 65, pulmonary fibrosis
Vicky Marosan Tilton, DEN flight attendant, 8/7/11, age 84
Bernie Schott Toler, DEN flight attendant, 2/12/24, age 83
Dollie Caylor Traylor, PHX flight attendant, receptionist, 12/12/20, age 87
Janet Hill Tyler, ACF flight attendant, 6/21/17, age 79
Kay Knudson Undlin, DEN flight attendant, 7/3/11, age 70
Marge Gatz Unruh, DEN flight attendant, 10/10/15, age 73
Bertie Herrera Utley, DEN flight attendant, 8/29/14, age 54, aneurysm
Myrna Ritter Vincent, OKC flight attendant, 5/4/13, age 71, cancer
Buddy Washington, DEN flight attendant, 4/5/91, age 32, HIV
Kathie Watts, DEN flight attendant, 2/26/22, age 75
Helen Murphy Webster, 3/13/13, age 85
Bev Allison Weed, DEN flight attendant, 3/15/17, age 78
Jack Weiss, DEN MON/FL steward & crew scheduler, 11/3/04, age 78
Adele Tyre Wells, SLC flight attendant, 11/12/88, age 37, cancer
Sandy Hurley Whistler, DEN flight attendant, 8/14/15, age 75
Jean Mehaffey Whitlock, GSW DAL flight attendant, Oct 75, age 40, auto accident
Ann Klinge Whornham, SLC flight attendant, 2016, about age 78, need more info
Marilyn Brooks Wickstrom, DEN flight attendant, 11/21/22, age 90
Lana Nicholas Willett, flight attendant, 6/14/13, age 66, cancer
Donna Hicks Williams, SLC DEN, 1/13/07, age 64, stroke
Elles Williams, DAL DFW flight attendant, 11/8/16, age 69
Beverly Howell Wilson, DEN flight attendant, 8/22/02, age 51, brain aneurism
Lorraine Slaugh Wilson, PHX flight attendant, 1/22/05, age 76
Carol Wolfe, DAL DFW DEN flight attendant, 12/9/23, age 79, Alzheimer's disease
Carol Komar Wolfe, DEN flight attendant, clerk and communications coordinator, 4/26/06, age 60, cancer
Darlene Penrod Wood, DEN PHX flight attendant, 5/7/22, age 87
Libby Decker Woodfill, DEN chief flight attendant, 2/3/09, age 87
Judy Craddick Worden, ACF flight attendant, 11/20/22, age 84
Judy Rush Wright, DEN flight attendant, 2/19/15, age 75
Laura Wyche, DEN flight attendant, 4/21/15, age 58, cancer

Much of this information is from Ken Schultz' database.
Bill Abel, GSW DFW mechanic, 4/3/88, age 65
Bill Abraham, FTW ACF GSW DEN aircraft mechanic, foreman, 7/16/20, age 90
Don Acridge, GSW DAL DEN lead inspector, 4/15/10, age 84
Robert Adcox, GSW mechanic, 11/21/88, age 66 
Ed Aker, DEN lead stock clerk, Oct 84, age 65
Dale Allen, DEN stock clerk, 10/22/20, age 74, cancer
Ed Allen, DEN aircraft mechanic, 11/8/19, age 74
Ray Allgood, GSW DFW mechanic. 7/25/90, age 69
Ed Allmond, GSW DFW mechanic, 12/8/97, age 83
Jerry Altman, GSW DFW DEN mechanic, 5/3/99, age 65, cancer
Dutch Ancell, MKC MCI aircraft mechanic, 11/21/00, age 59
R. L. "Andy" Andersen, DEN mechanic, May89, age 33
Bob Anderson, DEN avionics mechanic, Dec81, age 69
Gerald "Andy" Anderson, DEN aircraft mechanic, 10/19/14, age 81
M. "Andy" Anderson, DEN lead avionics mechanic, 1/30/88, age 66
Wendell Ausenbaugh, DEN aircraft mechanic, inspector, 4/23/18, age 76, cancer
Bill Bailey, PHX aircraft mechanic, 9/21/96, age 92
Dick Bakker, DEN stock clerk, 11/12/97, age 77
Bob Baldwin, DEN manager-airframe & system engineering, 2/8/18, age 87
Howard Barber, DEN janitor, 12/10/95, age 88
Dave Barnes, DEN fueler/cleaner, Dec81, age 42
Howard Barnes, DEN janitor, 2/25/80, age 77
Luther Barnes, DEN lead aircraft mechanic, 8/23/64, age 59
Arnie Barnett, DEN avionics mechanic, 8/20/99, age 69
Leo Barnett, GSW DFW DEN mechanic, 2/18/84, age 59
Ken Bauer, DEN lead aircraft mechanic, 11/11/18, age 75
Bob Baxter, DEN STL SNA aircraft mechanic, 7/12/19, age 91
Don Beach, DEN inspector, 7/24/10, age 85, stroke
Clair Bearer, MKC MCI GEG HOU aircraft mechanic, 10/15/15, age 86
Ernie Beaudrie, DEN aircraft mechanic, 9/6/11, age 71
John Beck, DEN aircraft mechanic, inspector, 1/6/20, age 86
Ken Benish, PHX mechanic, Oct 82, age 55
Art Benson, DEN aircraft mechanic, 6/4/09, age 88
Teuni Bergen, DEN lead inspector, 1/25/80, age 68
Don Bingham, DEN engineer, 10/5/79, age 38
Floyd Bircumshaw, SLC aircraft mechanic, 8/21/97, age 76
Dick Blevins, DEN PHX stock clerk, automotive mechanic, 3/22/19, age 85, cancer
Russ Bliesner, DEN mechanic, 3/5/93, age 65
Harold Blood, OKC GSW JLN FSM DFW DEN lead aircraft mechanic, 11/27/24, age 91
Willis Boden, DEN mechanic, 7/11/88, age 70
Bill Bowen, DEN janitor, mechanic, cleaner, 8/29/85, age 79
Ben Bower, PHX mechanic, 1/22/93, age 73
Walton Bowles, GSW mechanic, 4/4/76, age 53
George Bradley, DEN lead avionics mechanic, 1/6/88, age 62
Harry Bradley, FTW ACF GSW DFW mechanic, 6/23/85, age 80
Gene Brady, DEN mechanic, 9/7/13, age 87
John Brady, DEN aircraft mechanic, 8/11/08, age 76
Wayne Brandhorst, DEN aircraft mechanic, 10/16/12, age 81
Dan Breazeal, TUS mechanic, Mar89, age 40
Galen Breitling, DEN instrument shop, 5/29/97, age 67
John Brennan, DEN lead aircraft mechanic, 11/23/13, age 98
Bill Brickman, DEN inspector, 4/20/01, age 56
Harry Bright, DEN mechanic, 2/26/96, age 77
Gene Brill, DEN aircraft mechanic, 5/30/08, age 60
Larry Brogdon, DEN FSM aircraft mechanic, lead aircraft mechanic, traveling auto mechanic, 8/8/20, age 83
Otha Broome, GSW DAL DFW mechanic, 5/15/05, age 82
Jack Brown, DEN MKC MCI aircraft mechanic, 10/3/13, age 78
Neal Brown, MCI lead mechanic, Sep77, age 53
Jack Bruce, DEN maintenance training instructor, 10/15/08, age 86
Steve Bruley, DEN foreman-line maintenance, 4/7/78, age 42, leukemia
Q Bryan, DEN ground radio mechanic, 7/9/07, age 75
Bill Buckley, DEN lead inspector, 3/8/00, age 80, heart attack
Dale Buehrer, MKC FSM TUS lead mechanic, 1/16/87, age 56
Richard Buethe, DEN lead mechanic, 10/1/99, age 87
Clyde Burnaugh, DEN aircraft mechanic, 10/11/89, age 89
Pop Burnell, DEN aircraft mechanic, 10/1/72, age 93
Zick Burns, DEN aircraft mechanic, 1/10/07, age 89
Albert Bush, ACF GSW PHX DFW lead aircraft mechanic, 7/19/19, age 90, Alzheimer’s
Bill Bustell, DEN inspector, 6/21/05, age 77
Graham Butler, DEN aircraft mechanic, 5/11/13, age 97
Sarge Butler, GSW mechanic, 1/20/01, age 82
Cabby Caballero, DEN aircraft mechanic, 9/18/07, age 86, cancer
Rudy Cables, Mx - need info, 2/5/19, age 82
Bill Caldwell, DEN aircraft mechanic, 9/12/81, age 53
Ed Callison, DEN aircraft mechanic, 3/28/17, age 77, heart and COPD
Ed Cambra, DEN TUS aircraft mechanic, 1/7/24, age 94
Dennis Cannon, DEN aircraft mechanic, 5/14/14, age 60, cancer
Dick Cantwell, DEN lead mechanic, 10/6/06, age 91
Fred Carlson, DEN cleaner, 6/15/91, age 61
Mike Carmichael, MEM BOI DEN maintenance foreman, 5/14/89, age 63
Tony Carpino, SLC mechanic, 2/10/89, age 74
Chuck Carter, DEN avionics mechanic, 3/17/95, age 84
Roger Carter, DEN lead inspector, 12/30/04, age 66
Carlos Casas, GSW mechanic, 7/29/70, age 41
Clinton Casey, FTW GSW DAL DFW mechanic, 12/27/98, age 70
Carl Cash, DEN lead avionics inspector, 12/5/98, age 65
Doug Cass, DEN lead aircraft mechanic, 1/16/11, age 79
Bill Castleman, GSW DAL MKC DEN aircraft mechanic, 6/13/05, age 73
Don Cecil, FTW ACF GSW DAL DEN aircraft mechanic, inspector, general foreman, 10/15/18, age 88
Roy Chamberland, GSW DAL DFW cleaner, 1/3/94, age 69
Bill Champlain, DEN aircraft mechanic, flight simulator technician, 2/18/20, age 86
Larry Clark, PHX DEN aircraft cleaner, fueler, lead fueler, lead aircraft cleaner, 2/7/22, age 81, COPD
Forrest Claxton, FYV aircraft mechanic, 3/5/16, age 92
Chuck Clay, DEN LNK traveling ground mechanic, 5/10/08, age 73, cancer
Henry Cleveland, FTW ACF GSW DAL DFW lead mechanic, 12/18/95, age 76
Jim Clinkinbeard, DEN inspection foreman, 7/15/09, age 82, cancer
James Clipper, STL DEN aircraft cleaner, lead aircraft cleaner, 1/15/05, age 77, asphyxiation
Clint Coakley, DEN inspector, 1978-1986, 11/27/07, age 85
Charlie Coffey, DEN aircraft mechanic, 6/23/11, age 85
Clyde Colbert, DEN stockroom clerk, 5/14/89, age 63  
JoAnn Colbert, STL aircraft cleaner, 7/24/14, age 86
Gene Cometa, DEN PHX TUS SNA aircraft mechanic, 5/15/12, age 77, cancer
Lowell Conder, GSW DAL DEN aircraft mechanic, 5/12/02, age 90
Harold Cook, MCI lead mechanic, 10/12/85, age 68
Ken Cook, DEN lead inspector, 11/18/82, age 75
Willis Cooke, OKC GSW DFW DEN FSM lead mechanic, 8/7/95, age 80
Joe Coopersmith, DEN lead mechanic-EOS, 9/25/02, age 88
Ray Cordray, DEN aircraft mechanic, Jun 69, age 61
Bob Cornelius, MKC MCI FSM TUS DEN aircraft mechanic, 7/1/16, age 89
Sherman Cornstubble, GSW DFW DEN lead inspector, 11/13/99, age 74
Pat Corrigan, DEN mechanic-EOS, 6/25/99, age 82
Ted Couchman, DEN reliability analyst, Dec73, age 70
Cecil Covington, FTW GSW DAL DFW mechanic, 2/27/96, age 82
George Cramton, DEN lead inspector, 3/9/82, age 83
Doug Crandall, DEN aircraft mechanic, 10/7/07, age 84
Jack Crawford, DEN aircraft mechanic, 7/28/18, age 86
Joe Craze, DEN aircraft mechanic and inspector, 9/6/02, age 72
Walter Crisp, DEN aircraft mechanic, 4/29/03, age 48
Spence Crona, DEN lead mechanic, 10/6/03, age 75
Kevin Crosby, DEN aircraft mechanic, 10/20/00, age 44
Joe Crowder, DEN aircraft mechanic, 5/12/01, age 76
Frank Crowell, DEN aircraft mechanic, 9/1/11, age 88
James Crozier, FTW GSW DFW aircraft mechanic, 9/26/83, age 65
Bob Cruickshank, DEN aircraft mechanic, 11/27/86, age 40, heart attack
Syl Cuellar, DEN flight simulator technician, 11/24/07, age 91
Gordon Cumming, DEN inspector & aircraft technician, 4/11/09, age 77
Jack Curtis, ACF GSW DAL DFW DEN ground radio mechanic, 1/20/19, age 83 
Mike Dann, DEN SNA mechanic, Aug89, age 44
Harley Davidson, DEN mechanic, 4/22/82, age 57
Parker Davis, DFW mechanic, 10/27/10, age 85
Red Davis, SLC BIL regional supervisor, DEN aircraft mechanic, 4/11/67, age 49
Herold Delehoy, DEN aircraft mechanic, 2/15/95, age 74
Ray Dennie, GSW DEN line foreman, 4/5/99, age 73
Dick Denny, aircraft mechanic, 3/2/08, age 68 
Benny Derr, DEN FSM TUS HOU aircraft mechanic, 11/17/16, age 79
Dale DeVries, DEN BOI aircraft cleaner, lead aircraft cleaner, aircraft mechanic, lead aircraft mechanic, 10/26/20, age 77
Thomas Dickinson, DEN aircraft mechanic, 8/5/62, age 47, auto accident
Lefty Dietz, DEN lead aircraft mechanic, 11/11/13, age 84
Wayne Dikeman, DEN ground radio mechanic, 11/22/92, age 67
Arbie Dillow, DEN lead aircraft mechanic, 7/28/15, age 75, pneumonia
Bob Donley, DEN mechanic, 3/9/80, age 44, auto accident
Sam Dorchak, DEN mechanic, 10/5/95, age 72
J.D. Dossey, FTW GSW DFW PHX aircraft mechanic, 11/10/79, age 74
Larry Doud, DEN aircraft mechanic, 1/21/95, age 74
Robert Doud, FTW ACF GSW mechanic, 3/5/67, age 56
Jack Drinkard, GSW DFW foreman, 1/28/00, age 68
Bill Dryden, DEN avionics engineer, 10/6/91, age 72
Ray Duckett, MKC GSW DEN ABQ lead aircraft mechanic, 5/17/20, age 83, heart failure
Bill Duff, DEN aircraft mechanic, 1/10/13, age 86
Harry Duff, DEN inspector, 1/27/91, age 66
Joe Duvall, GTF DEN aircraft mechanic, 10/2/18, age 83
Abe Dyck, DEN aircraft mechanic, 7/8/20, age 88
Al Easom, DEN aircraft mechanic, 4/10/07, age 89
Gerrit Eenkhoorn, DEN janitor, Nov 75, age 68
Don Edde, DEN aircraft mechanic, 5/13/15, age 61
Jim Edwards, DEN aircraft mechanic, 2/13/18, age 77
Ken Edwards, OKC DEN lead aircraft mechanic, 1/12/82, age 40
Roger Edwards, SLC lead mechanic, 8/14/08, age 79
Sonny Ehre, DEN mechanic, 1/16/90, age 70
Gordon Eley, DEN aircraft mechanic, 12/2/19, age 85
Linton Ellis, GSW DEN lead mechanic, 4/11/01, age 68
Dale Epperson, STL MCI aircraft mechanic, 11/25/82, age 35
Don Erickson, DEN lead aircraft mechanic, 9/4/99, age 77
Gary Erickson, DEN mechanic, 8/15/94, age 51
Bob Estey, DEN stock clerk, 4/24/07, age 71
Jimmy Fanning, FSM DEN aircraft cleaner, 6/9/84, age 32
Jerome Farnholtz, DEN FSM TUS inspector, aircraft mechanic, 12/8/2023, age 92
Marty Favor, MKC mechanic, 5/6/66, age 33, heart disease
Bob Fedel, DEN aircraft mechanic, pilot, 6/25/19, age 89
Gene Fehse, GSW DEN SLC foreman, 10/9/84, age 46
Darrel Fenter, GTF BIL DEN aircraft mechanic, 6/26/23, age 89
Merle Ferguson, DEN mechanic, 10/5/90, age 72
Ron Ferris, DEN foreman-line maintenance, 6/23/93, age 48, cancer
James Finney, GSW mechanic, 9/4/91, age 68
Earl Fischer, DEN inspector, 3/27/05, age 88 
Roy Fisher, DEN foreman-EOS/line, 4/29/92, age 74
Chester Fitch, DEN lead inspector-NDT, 12/20/01, age 84
Don Flaskerud, DEN lead aircraft mechanic, 11/1/10, age 86
Charlie Florin, DEN aircraft mechanic, 11/8/10, age 77
Don Forrer, DEN maintenance planner, 1/20/94, age 77
Red Fowler, DEN inspector, Apr 69, age 45
Lloyd Fox, PHX DEN aircraft mechanic, 10/18/82, age 44, auto accident
Jesse Franklin, DEN aircraft mechanic and pilot, 4/10/12, age 82
Leroy Frazier, GSW DEN mechanic, 11/9/01, age 76
Harold "Frenchy" French, DEN inspector, 9/26/08, age 98
Oliver Frigon, DEN lead aircraft technician, 6/13/88, age 74
Lloyd Fryrear, DEN aircraft cleaner, 11/1/74, age 68
Ernest Fuqua, FTW ACF GSW DAL DFW DEN aircraft mechanic, 8/1/15, age 81
Ken Fuqua, FTW ACF GSW DAL DFW DEN aircraft mechanic, Apr 17, age 81
Al Garcia, DEN PHX lead aircraft mechanic, 9/27/69, age 56
Brice Garner, DEN lead aircraft mechanic, 9/29/14, age 91
Bill Gee, DEN inspection foreman, 7/31/13, age 87
Lee Gee, DEN aircraft cleaner, stock clerk, 8/21/13, age 78, auto accident
Tag Gensler, MKC MCI aircraft mechanic, May 80, age 49
Eugene Gentry, DEN aircraft mechanic, 3/12/98, age 77
Angello George, SLC aircraft mechanic, 7/27/11, age 92
Frank Gilbert, GSW DEN aircraft mechanic, 7/19/07, age 86
Pete Gillespie, ACF GSW DAL DFW aircraft mechanic, 6/1/10, age 91
Bob Given, DEN lead inspector, 9/6/11, age 83
Don Godfrey, DEN aircraft mechanic, 10/28/15, age 87
Larry Goodwin, DEN aircraft mechanic, 6/28/92, age 67
Wayne Gordon, STL mechanic, 9/25/78, age 37, auto accident
Bill Grant, DEN welder, 10/13/83, age 63
Dutch Greenmeier, DEN instrument shop inspector, 4/1/90, age 81
Greg Gregory, DEN cleaner, refueler, aircraft mechanic, 1/18/16, age 73, heart attack
Lee Gregory, DEN lead aircraft mechanic, 8/19/13, age 100
Nash Guerra, MKC GSW DFW DEN aircraft mechanic, 10/4/98, age 79
Vern Gulliksen, DEN aircraft mechanic and inspector, 7/30/11, age 91
Bill Guthrie, FTW, ACF, GSW, DEN, OMA, FSM, MKC, MCI, MEM, SLC lead aircraft mechanic, 12/20/23, age 90
Gil Haddon, DEN inspector-NDT, 12/26/00, age 70
Henry Hageman, FTW GSW DFW mechanic, 1/5/94, age 71
Francis Hall, GSW DEN PHX mechanic, 4/6/82, age 65
Walter Hamilton, DEN janitor, 7/21/64, age 63
Roy Hampson, DEN aircraft mechanic, 2/19/23, age 84
Dale Haney, DEN aircraft fueler, 1/20/95, age 75
Jerry Hanes, DEN lead aircraft mechanic, 4/9/22, age 88
Curley Hansen, DEN aircraft mechanic, Jan73, age 55
Gene Hanson, DEN aircraft cleaner and aircraft mechanic, 9/29/16, age 79
LeVerne Hanson, DEN aircraft cleaner, 2/2/98, age 80
Cecil Hardacker, GSW DFW DEN aircraft mechanic, 7/3/86, age 66
Charlie Harris, GSW DAL DFW DEN aircraft & ground equipment mechanic, 9/25/86, age 69
Walt Harris, DEN foreman-line maintenance, 10/18/84, age 52
Ernie Hartland, MKC MCI aircraft mechanic, 9/4/95, age 76
Charlie Hatfield, DEN TUS lead mechanic, 12/28/06, age 82
Anton Hawkins, GSW aircraft mechanic, 2/1/84, age 58
Jay Hayes, GSW DEN aircraft mechanic, 1/14/21, age 83
Dick Hebert, DEN aircraft overhaul, 1/23/07, age 74
Hank Hecketsweiler, DEN engineer, 10/26/91, age 76
Johnny Heffley, FTW radio mechanic, 10/12/09, age 75
Ken Hendrick, DEN aircraft mechanic, 6/10/24, age 91
Gary Herning, GEG mechanic, 11/29/80, age 37, auto accident
King Herrington, DEN lead aircraft mechanic, 10/4/08, age 87
Dale Hershberger, DEN mechanic, 6/27/97, age 69 
Jim Hershfeldt, DEN lead mechanic, 1/18/07, age 73
Jackie Hewitt, stock clerk, lead stock clerk, 11/13/76, age 46
Dale Hicklin, DEN lead mechanic, 5/21/92, age 61
John Higgins, DEN mechanic, 8/16/76, age 62
Warren Hill, BIL GTF DEN mechanic, 3/19/05, age 84, heart failure
Jack Hitchcock, PHX foreman-line maintenance, Apr76, age 57
John Hobbs, DEN machinist-EOS, 2/28/08, age 75
Jim Hoeglund, DEN stock clerk, 11/14/78, age 41
Leonard Hoglund, DEN aircraft mechanic, 4/5/99, age 83
Ed Holdredge, DEN maintenance production planner, 3/15/99, age 62
Ken Holmes, DEN inspector, 8/23/14, age 95
Ike Hoover, DEN engineer, 7/3/10, age 84
Clarence Hopper, DEN aircraft mechanic, 3/28/84, age 55
Ken Hopper, DEN aircraft mechanic, 10/17/03, age 69
Tom Horsman, DEN avionics mechanic, 10/18/88, age 47
Slim Horton, DEN mechanic, Oct 79, age 68
Don Hotchkiss, DEN mechanic, May81, age 64
Ernie House, GSW DFW DEN aircraft mechanic, 1/31/86, age 81
Bill Houston, DEN lead stock clerk, 9/21/97, age 79
Bill Howard, DEN inspector, 12/8/86, age 63
Bob Howard, DEN aircraft mechanic, 5/23/95, age 63
Floyd Hoyt, DEN aircraft mechanic, 5/25/15, age 72
Paul Hunter, DEN aircraft mechanic, inspector, lead inspector, 5/3/21, age 82
Sylvia Hurt, DEN aircraft cleaner, 2/16/01, age 62
Ed Huss, DEN lead mechanic, 9/21/09, age 83 
Willard Inman, DEN avionics mechanic, 3/4/97, age 77
Joe James, DEN aircraft cleaner, stock clerk, aircraft mechanic, 11/25/16, age 78
Richard James, DEN aircraft mechanic, 1/13/22, age 80, leg infection
Alvin Jefferson, DEN aircraft mechanic, 10/2/09, age 64
Bill Jensen, DEN aircraft mechanic, 7/3/12, age 76
Frank Jesmer, DEN lead mechanic, 5/8/81, age 63
Bill Jimerson, DEN lead aircraft mechanic, 4/5/03, age77
Art Jiracek, DEN maintenance reliability analyst, 2/21/00, age 77
Eliot Johnson, DEN stock clerk, senior stock clerk, buyer, 3/16/04, age 86
Gene Johnson, FTW ACF aircraft mechanic, 8/21/16, age 90
Joseph Johnson, DEN aircraft mechanic, inspector, lead inspector, 4/15/23, age 91
Keith Johnson, DEN aircraft mechanic, 7/18/07, age 85
Monte Johnson, DEN aircraft cleaner, aircraft mechanic, 5/14/14, age 74
Howard Jones, DEN maintenance foreman, 1/15/98, age 76
John Paul Jones, DEN foreman facilities maintenance, 9/3/95, age 77
Norm Jordinelli, DEN aircraft cleaner and stock clerk, 12/11/16, age 85
James Judge, GSW DFW aircraft mechanic, 11/25/75, age 71
Jim Kalbach, DEN foreman-heavy check, 9/14/05, age 73
Paul Kalcsits, DEN aircraft cleaner, toolroom attendant, aircraft mechanic, 9/24/06, age 79
Helga Polston Keefer, DEN aircraft cleaner, 1/4/08, age 69, cancer
Larry Keen, DEN lead instrument mechanic, 8/8/00, age 87
Mike Kelly, DEN maintenance scheduler, 6/1/91, age 78
Maurice Kempner, SLC mechanic, 7/9/07, age 77, heart failure
Lynn Kentch, MKC MCI DEN STL aircraft mechanic, 4/24/15, age 80
Pat Kern, DEN maintenance scheduler, station agent, aircraft cleaner, ground mechanic, 8/3/22, age 75
Bernie Kersen, DEN aircraft mechanic, 3/15/72, age 28, auto accident
Jerry Kimel, DEN foreman-ground maintenance, 4/28/78, age 62
Art Krieger, DEN maintenance instructor, 11/19/98, age 84, Parkinson's
Bob Krieger, DEN inspector, 8/19/12, age 88
Harley Kruger, DEN lead mechanic, 8/26/87, age 67
Stan Kyed, DEN inspector, 8/2/09, age 78
Al Lagger, DEN aircraft mechanic, 6/14/08, age 84
Tom Lally, DEN lead-tool room tech, 11/19/96, age 74
Woody Landis, DEN mechanic, Mar80, age 66
Ed Lane, DEN lead inspector, 7/14/98, age 74
Bernie Langfield, DEN foreman-avionics, 3/22/08, age 81
Larry Larsen, BIL CPR DEN aircraft mechanic, 9/25/94, age 81
Bob Laskoski, DEN mechanic-EOS, 1/22/01, age 72
A.D. Laurence, GSW DAL DFW DEN lead mechanic, 5/27/00, age 82
Morris Leach, DEN aircraft mechanic, 6/30/58, age 32, ramp accident
Bob Legge, DEN lead inspector, 3/1/07, age 81
Ed Lehmann, DEN aircraft mechanic, 10/4/93, age 76
Ben Lemme, DEN aircraft mechanic, 4/23/93, age 69
Jim Lengyel, DEN aircraft mechanic, 2/14/15, age 70
Doc Libby, DEN PHX lead aircraft mechanic, Nov74, age 57
E.J. Lima, DEN engineer, 5/11/97, age 88
James Linebarger, GSW DEN mechanic, 6/18/71, age 61
Al Linder, DEN inspector, 6/5/90, age 71
Ed Lintz, DEN aircraft mechanic, 1/2/04, age 81
A J Littlefield, DEN lead aircraft mechanic, 9/5/16, age 81, cancer
Matt Litzinger, DEN foreman-line maintenance, 1/18/84, age 46, post-surgery complications
Bill Livingston, PHX DEN aircraft mechanic, inspector, lead aircraft mechanic, 10/20/94, age 70
Arnie Loller, GSW DEN avionics technician, 1/19/12, age 77, cancer
Bill Long, DEN aircraft mechanic, lead aircraft mechanic, 8/8/67, age 53
Gene Long, DEN cleaner, stock clerk, aircraft mechanic, 8/28/08, age 71
Howard Long, DEN aircraft mechanic, 8/12/11, age 67
Joe Looft, DEN foreman-aircraft overhaul, 3/15/89, age 37
Larry Lorz, DEN aircraft mechanic, 8/3/86, age 46, cancer
Darrell Lowe, DEN BIL STL aircraft mechanic, 2/18/22, age 79
Dick Lowe, DEN mechanic, 7/1/04, age 62, motorcycle accident
Hugh Lucht, DEN aircraft mechanic, 10/3/14, age 82
Herb Madeley, ACF GSW DEN FSM DAL DFW aircraft mechanic, 7/6/20, age 89
Dale Mahan, GSW DEN aircraft mechanic, 1/26/20, age 92
Jerry Manlove, DEN mechanic, 6/4/02, age 75
Don Marick, BIL DEN ground mechanic, 4/20/05, age 74, heart failure
Weldon Marr, GSW mechanic, Jun 81, age 62
Roy Martin, STL SMF ground mechanic, 8/30/13, age 85
Victor Martin, DEN aircraft mechanic, 4/5/15, age 79
Joe Martinchick, DEN aircraft cleaner, Mar79, age 65
Daniel Martinez, GSW mechanic, 7/31/75, age 57
Bud Matlock, MKC MCI aircraft mechanic, 3/30/80, age 59
Tommy Matsumoto, DEN lead inspector, 8/17/15, age 101
Don Matthews, DEN PHX ABQ aircraft mechanic, 2/7/17, age 92
Ray Maxfield, DEN lead aircraft mechanic, 11/23/17, age 80, heart failure
Shorty Maxwell, STL mechanic, 2/14/99, age 81
Clarence McClean, GSW mechanic, 11/16/91, age 79
Mac McCready, DEN lead aircraft mechanic, 9/15/02, age 70
Mac McCrory, FTW GSW DAL DFW lead aircraft mechanic, 11/14/89, age 77
Mike McDonald, DEN aircraft mechanic, 3/27/13, age 68
Wayne McGuire, DEN aircraft mechanic, 10/20/09, age 69
Ike McKeown, DEN cleaner, GSE mechanic, 4/3/11, age 75
Richard McMahon, DEN mechanic, 8/7/04, age 84
Mac McManis, DEN mechanic, 6/24/03, age 90
Mac Meguire, DEN lead aircraft mechanic, 9/15/21, age 95
Jack Mericle, DEN lead mechanic-EOS, 4/1/99, age 79
Ernie Mickalson, DEN machinist, 5/25/08, age 88
Larrie Miley, GSW STL aircraft mechanic, 10/6/02, age 58, forklift accident
Garland Miller, FTW GSW aircraft mechanic, 7/24/09, age 88
Harry Miller, DEN lead mechanic-EOS, 6/9/88, age 89
Jim Miller, DEN lead inspector, 5/17/92, age 60
Paul H Miller, DEN senior draftsman, 5/21/03, age 79
Paul K Miller, DEN aircraft mechanic, 11/28/13, age 71
Charles Millhollon, GSW mechanic, 6/28/91, age 56
Bobby Moncrief, GSW DAL foreman, 6/16/11, age 78
Don Moore, GSW DEN mechanic, 8/15/73, age 40
Tom Morris, DEN inspector, 1/14/04, age 87
Tommy Munns, DEN aircraft mechanic, 6/20/09, age 79
Scott Munro, aircraft mechanic, lead aircraft mechanic, plant maintenance mechanic, Jul 2023, age 82
Harvey Murdock, DEN aircraft cleaner, 9/29/16, age 92
Willard Myers, DEN instrument shop tech, Nov85, age 80
Joe Nale, DEN lead aircraft mechanic, 4/1/13, age 95
Ken Naylor, DEN aircraft mechanic, 4/15/23, age 80
Stan Nerad, DEN janitor, aircraft cleaner, aircraft mechanic, 12/3/24, age 101
Ralph Newman, DEN aircraft mechanic, 8/19/09, age 90
Marshall Nix, GSW ABQ mechanic, 5/22/94, age 66
Tim Norman, STL cleaner, Dec 78, age 37, murdered
Lawrence North, DEN mechanic, 5/7/00, age 44
Leonard Nothaft, DEN mechanic, 7/25/08, age 87
Cliff Nowlin, DEN mechanic, 5/23/87, age 70
Tom Nowlin, DEN avionics mechanic, 7/30/78, age 51
Russell O'Harra, GSW DAL DFW aircraft mechanic, 8/17/11, age 93
Marty O'Meara, DEN foreman-stores, 3/2/90, age 75
John O'Rourke, DEN lead plant maintenance mechanic, 12/1/17, age 83
Johnnie Owen, ACF GSW DAL DFW aircraft mechanic, 7/20/15, age 85, cancer
Charles Owens, DEN stockroom, 11/15/87, age 52
Wiley Parker, PHX aircraft mechanic, 5/7/18, age 91
Jim Parvin, GSW DEN aircraft mechanic, 5/15/91, age 74
Joe Pasqua, DEN aircraft mechanic, 11/5/16, age 87
Ed Patterson, GSW DFW mechanic, 4/30/82, age 71
Everett Patterson, DEN mechanic, 4/6/82, age 58
Elvis Patton, GSW DEN lead mechanic, Feb87, age 59
J.C. Payne, GSW DEN mechanic, 5/24/07, age 91
Everett Peck, DEN ground & aircraft mechanic, 2/13/03, age 81
Billy Peeples, DEN inspector, 12/8/19, age 90
Ed Pejko, SLC BIL DEN aircraft mechanic, 3/18/80, age 66
Ed Pellerin, DEN lead mechanic, 8/26/78, age 67
Maxine Penner, DEN cleaner, 10/11/07, age 87, heart disease
Chuck Pennie, DEN building maintenance, 3/15/12, age 73, cancer
Curtis Perkins, STL DEN LEX MCI aircraft mechanic, 6/30/24, age 81
Fred Perry, GSW LIT DEN FSM DFW lead aircraft mechanic, 2/17/23, age 91
Pete Peterson, SLC mechanic, 8/22/91, age 63 
C.T. Phillips, FTW GSW DEN lead inspector, 7/28/02, age 87
Carl Pickering, DEN avionics mechanic, 4/8/87, age 45
Jim Pike, DEN mechanic, 2/12/2001, age 60
Chet Poell, DEN lead mechanic, 11/10/05, age 89
Bill Pratt, FTW ACF mechanic, 1/23/90, age 66
Hub Pratt, FTW ACF GSW PHX DFW mechanic, 12/13/94, age 69
Bill Priley, MCI stock clerk, Nov79, age 62
Norm Prior, DEN lead mechanic, 8/17/88, age 71
Billie Purvis, STL HOU aircraft mechanic, 12/3/17, age 73
Pete Pusede, DEN mechanic, Mar 81, age 65
Harold Quandt, DEN aircraft mechanic, lead aircraft mechanic, 10/26/21, age 82
Red Ralston, DEN lead mechanic, 6/16/97, age 88
John Randoll, DEN tech foreman, 8/2/03, age 78
Rusty Rasmussen, DEN auto mechanic, 8/11/82, age 49, cancer
Dale Rausch, DEN director-accounting, 3/24/00, age 75
Randy Ray, DEN engineer, 11/30/98, age 52, cancer
Don Reaves, GSW DEN aircraft inspector, 10/11/15, age 90
Dan Recknor, DEN aircraft mechanic, 7/26/11, age 84
Gene Rector, DEN aircraft mechanic, 11/25/20, age 88
Ron Regan, DEN foreman-line maintenance, 12/19/01, age 62
Bill Reynolds, DEN ground mechanic, 2/6/93, age 73
Rick Rhea, DEN aircraft cleaner, stock clerk, lead stock clerk, aircraft mechanic, 3/5/22, age 76, COVID
Red Rickert, DEN mechanic, 3/29/00, age 80
Lynn Ridgley, DEN tool room, 3/13/85, age 47
Eddie Riebling, DEN lead stock clerk, 5/15/94, age 66
Dwight Robinette, DEN GEG SLC aircraft mechanic, 8/9/04, age 63
Glenn Robinette, DEN lead auto mechanic, 3/25/02, age 84
Frank Rocheleau, DEN lead mechanic, 10/14/00, age 87
Dick Rohrig, DEN maintenance foreman, 11/19/17, age 84
Billy Rose, DEN aircraft mechanic, 5/21/12, age 73
Charlie Rucker, GJT DEN PHX mechanic, 9/11/99, age 91
Pappy Russell, FTW ACF GSW DAL DFW lead aircraft mechanic, 10/11/05, age 96
John Salsbury, DEN aircraft mechanic, 11/1/16, age 81
Bob Sanders, GSW cleaner, DFW DEN stock clerk, 4/3/09, age 74
Eddie Sands, DEN aircraft mechanic, 11/19/04, age 62
Ted Saul, DEN foreman-line maintenance, 12/28/71, age 63
Jack Scheeringa, PHX MCI aircraft cleaner, 6/8/90, age 45
Bill Schlotthauer, DEN foreman-aircraft overhaul, 10/5/02, age 64
O.J. Schluter, GSW DFW DEN mechanic, 5/7/99, age 74
Mel Schneider, DEN stock clerk & aircraft mechanic, 4/9/19, age 84
Ted Schrage, DEN stock clerk, 2/1/24, age 95
Carl Schroeder, DEN aircraft mechanic, 1/25/07, age 84
Ed Schroeder, DEN aircraft mechanic, 6/7/22, age 81
Marvin Schuett, DEN aircraft mechanic, 1/24/10, age 84
Ken Schultz, DEN mechanic, manager-maintenance control, 5/2/10, age 79, cancer
Marvin Schwein, GSW BIL SLC lead aircraft mechanic, 5/31/92, age 64
Irene Scott, DEN aircraft cleaner, May 76, age 65
O.D. Scott, DEN inspector, 10/10/88, age 71 
Walt Scott, 2/11/04, DEN aircraft mechanic, age 78
Price Seaborn, GSW DFW mechanic, 10/12/87, age 77
Louis Seybold, DEN aircraft mechanic, 11/4/18, age 90
Brad Shackelford, DEN RNO aircraft cleaner, 8/13/18, age 59
John Shaffer, FTW ACF GSW DAL DFW aircraft mechanic, 7/27/04, age 92
Jay Shah, DEN aircraft mechanic, 2/13/80, age 27, ramp accident
Jack Shanks, DEN mechanic, 3/6/06, age 90
Ned Shanks, DEN PHX lead inspector, 3/3/59, age 46, heart attack
Bill Sherman, DEN stock clerk, aircraft mechanic, 7/20/23, age 82
Chester Shewmaker, GSW mechanic, 7/15/97, age 66
Jack Siebert, SLC aircraft cleaner, 7/3/09, age 75
Carl Silcox, SLC DEN aircraft cleaner, lead aircraft cleaner, 7/10/20, age 85
Lew Simpson, DEN lead mechanic, 4/27/01, age 84
William Sims, DEN mechanic, Jun90, age 66
Skully Skulborstad, DEN aircraft mechanic, 7/29/21, age 74
Rod Slack, DEN TUS aircarft mechanic, lead aircraft mechanic, 2/8/19, age 83
A.D. Smith, DEN mechanic, 11/14/00, age 64
A.V. Smith, FSM LIT OKC mechanic, 6/25/07, age 82, auto accident
Bill Smith, GSW DAL DEN stock clerk, 6/2/12, age 80
Coyt Smith, LIT STL FSM mechanic, 12/28/01, age 65
Gene Smith, DEN lead mechanic, 2/19/84, age 65 
Ora Somers, DEN mechanic, 1/14/01, age 82
Charlie Souchek, DEN aircraft mechanic, 10/18/01, age 89
Gary Souther, DEN aircraft mechanic, 9/6/03, age 55, heart attack
Vern Sperry, DEN senior production planner, 8/28/97, age 63
John Sramek, DEN aircraft mechanic, Nov 20, age 86
Brian Staude, DEN foreman-EOS, 3/1/03, age 59
Charlie Steele, FTW GSW DAL DFW mechanic, 8/28/91, age 75
Ray Stephens, DEN FMN ABQ lead mechanic, 4/19/95, age 75
Paul Stevens, GSW DEN mechanic, Dec74, age 63
Danny Steward, STL DEN cleaner, ground mechanic, 3/1/12, age 62, motorcycle crash
Wayne Stilwell, STL aircraft mechanic, 2/6/11, age 68, MS
Art Stoner, DEN foreman-radio, 5/17/67, age 61
Leonard Stuart, DEN lead inspector, 4/15/00, age 92
Ray Stuckenschneider, DEN aircraft mechanic, 4/10/19, age 89
Tom Stuckenschneider, DEN aircraft mechanic, 10/2/06, age 81
Bill Super, MCI DEN GRI mechanic, 7/18/93, age 49
Bob Sweeney, GSW STL OMA DEN aircraft mechanic, 4/5/78, age 51, cancer
Norm Talbot, GTF lead mechanic, 7/12/96, age 70
Ella Tanko, DEN janitor, May83, age 89
Jim Taylor, DEN OMA STL aircraft mechanic, 4/23/14, age 69, heart attack
Wes Te Winkle, BIL DEN pilot, check airman, asst regional director, 8/6/24, age 93
Bob Tersteeg, DEN OMA aircraft mechanic, pilot, 9/8/21, age 89
Lee Theimer, DEN maintenance control center, 2/25/99, age 76
Gary Theobald, DEN mechanic, 2/18/04, age 63
Tink Thiese, ABQ ELP SLC aircraft mechanic, lead aircraft mechanic, 9/6/20, age 96
Don Thoele, DEN lead flight simulator technician, 11/27/20, age 93
Everett Thomas, DEN foreman-ground equipment, 4/30/10, age 78
Max Thompson, DEN mechanic, 9/8/13, age 64
Dan Thrasher, GSW mechanic, 9/2/82, age 63
Earl Thrush, BIL aircraft mechanic, 9/5/12, age 94
Bob Thyfault, DEN engineer, 4/22/18, age 85
Claude Tidwell, DEN lead mechanic, 7/27/96, age 75
Vern Tomppert, DEN lead aircraft mechanic, 4/25/13, age 93
David Totman, DEN mechanic, 5/13/87, age 43
Orval Trent, GSW mechanic, 10/11/02, age 87
Allan Trice, MKC GSW MCI  DEN aircraft cleaner, ground mechanic, aircraft mechanic, 11/19/12, age 69
Norm Trimmer, AMA mechanic, 9/2/00, age 77
Larry True, DEN MCI aircraft mechanic, 7/10/10, age 72, lung cancer
Joe Umerski, DEN inspector, 3/21/06, age 89
Woody Underwood, DEN instrument shop tech, 11/13/99, age 78
Travis Underwood, GDW DFW mechanic, 12/20/85, age 68
Paul Van Buskirk, DEN lead janitor, 4/19/11, age 89
Fred Van Weerd, SLC aircraft cleaner, 10/8/72, age 34, heart attack
Larry Vannoy, DEN SLC aircraft mechanic, 11/18/00, age 66, murdered
Bill Varley, DEN mechanic, 11/13/97, age 69
Jack Vaughn, DEN aircraft mechanic, 1/31/12, age 76
Renier Vroomen, DEN lead aircraft cleaner, 7/6/03, age 77
Harold Wagner, DEN mechanic, 9/11/94, age 82
Robert Wagstaff, DEN mechanic, 2/20/95, age 62 
Bill Waldrip, DEN inspector, 2/27/99, age 73, pancreatic cancer
Billy Joe Walker, GSW? aircraft mechanic, 4/29/09, age 85
Sid Walker, DEN foreman-sheet metal shop, 9/17/89, age 79
Frank Walters, DEN aircraft mechanic, 6/22/99, age 91
Harold Walling, FTW ACF GSW DAL DFW aircraft mechanic, inspector, plant maintenance mechanic, 5/16/23, age 97
William Waltiere, DEN aircraft mechanic, lead inspector, 6/14/94, age 43, liver cancer
Jerry Waples, DEN foreman-line maintenance, 12/23/97, age 79
Matt Ward, DEN aircraft mechanic, Jun 84, age 76
Clyde Ward, DEN mechanic, 11/18/06, age 77, heart failure
Don Wardman, DEN inspector, 1/11/97, age 81, Alzheimer's disease
Sam Warriner, GSW DAL DFW DEN PHX STL ground mechanic, 3/8/15, age 66, brain aneurysm
Frank Wasco, GSW foreman, 4/19/83, age 62
Al Washburn, GSW DEN aircraft mechanic, 1/5/02, age 72
Al Wells, DEN lead aircraft mechanic, 3/19/2024, age 90
Bob Weeks, DEN aircraft mechanic, 2/9/18, age 96
Dick Wentzel, DEN aircraft mechanic, 11/16/11, age 88
Jim Whelan, DEN aircraft mechanic, 6/28/12, age 79
Bob White, DEN foreman-Inspector / NDT, 3/20/00, age 66
Brady White, FTW ACF GSW DAL DFW DEN FSM TUS MCI lead aircraft mechanic, 9/1/22, age 94
Don White, BIL MCI DEN aircraft mechanic, lead mechanic, maintenance foreman, 11/22/20, age 78, cardiac arrest
Doug White, DEN mechanic, 4/9/77, age 35, drowning
Ed Willard, DEN ground radio mechanic, 12/25/97, age 78
Robert Willette, GSW mechanic, May79, age 36
Dave Williams, DEN aircraft mechanic, 1/26/25, age 82
George Wilson, DEN aircraft inspector, 10/18/01, age 78
John Wilton, DEN lead aircraft mechanic,  4/24 /14, age 90
Beulah Wire, DEN cleaner, Jan79, age 86
Andy Wiscamb, DEN lead fueler, 11/3/77, age 63
Harold Worrell, DEN mechanic, 4/1/84, age 32
Dale Wood, DEN aircraft mechanic, 9/24/23, age 79
Carl Zentz, DEN mechanic, 5/16/67, age 55
Jack Zweck, DEN inspector, 12/16/04, age 69

Bill Acker, DEN manager-line maintenance, 4/20/09, age 91
Wally Adams, DEN credit union manager, 11/22/83, age 54
Joe Aguirre, DEN manager-maintenance control, 12/26/21, age 95
John Ahlquist, DEN vp-asst to the president, 12/5/12, age 82
C Whitcomb Alden, DEN board of directors, 4/7/98, age 82
Al Aldridge, GSW CN vice president & board member, 12/28/83, age 76
Dex Alger, SLC sales manager, Nov83, age 57
Claire Almquist, DEN director of tariffs, 10/12/07, age 96
Paul Almquist, FMN station manager, 4/30/19, age 93
Virgil Alvey, DEN director-ground support service, 3/10/97, age 77
Lyle Anderson, DEN reservations supervisor, 7/26/09, age 73
Bea Aragon, DEN manager-voice communications, 8/27/07, age 65
Jim Archuletta, DEN reservations supervisor, 5/13/15, age 68
Jim Arpey, DEN vice president-technical services, 12/28/17, age 85
Jim Aschbrenner, MHK OMA CYS FMN RKS CID RFD station manager, 5/15/20, age 78
Neil Averett, SLC BIL TUS sales representative, district sales manager, 4/17/95, age 58, heart attack
Gerry Bacon, PHX regional sales manager, 8/27/01, age 67
Jim Bacon, DEN director-maintenance budget & analysis, 4/20/07, age 67
Robert Baker, need more info
Mervin Bagan, FTW lawyer, 4/10/82, age 62
Harvey Barnard, DEN vp-operations, 2/6/10, age 96
Ken Barrett, RAP station manager, 4/18/95, age 67
Red Barringer, RIW CYS MLS MSO SEA station agent, station manager, 12/25/24, age 92
Bill Bates, DEN manager-central reservations control, 5/16/00, age 71
Dave Baysinger, DEN manager-technical purchasing, 11/8/15, age 71
Ray Beall, DEN manager-line maintenance, 3/1/86, age 65
Ed Beauvais, DEN accountant, 9/28/21, age 84
William Beck, FTW GSW superintendent-quality control, 5/2/01, age 78
Dr. Becky, DEN corporate medical director, 10/30/18, age 92
Frank Beiser, DEN board of directors, 7/10/69, age 64, heart attack
Mert_Benjamin, DEN administrative assistant, 11/26/24, age 87
Lou Berets, GJT station manager, 9/8/78, age 53
Ron Berg, DRO RFD station manager, 12/1/17, age 77
Les Bergstrom, DEN manager-engineer programs, 12/10/01, age 79
Arlee Bethel, DEN manager-overhaul shop, 3/7/06, age 73
Doug Black, DEN manager-general ledger, May 81, age 71
Phil Blackwell, BFF CDR BIL maintenance station manager, 9/28/03, age 73
Preston Blatter, DEN vp-finance, Aug84, age 67
Clay Blaylock, DEN director-military sales, 3/14/99, age 70
Jim Bogan, DEN manager-station training, 8/7/07, age 64
Gary Bollschweiler, FMN BFF CNY DEN GTF SLC  LEX  station agent, senior station agent, station manager, 7/18/20, age 85
Fred Bonfils, DEN co-founder-Monarch Airlines, 3/21/58, age 62
Fred Boston, GSW CN board of directors, 11/30/86, age 78
Orval Bowen, DEN director-futures scheduling, 2/18/07, age 74
George Bowers, DEN stationary engineer, 3/23/94, age 75
Ken Boyd, OKC TAB SATO manager, 8/17/03, age 73
Fentress Bracewell, DEN board of directors, 6/13/07, age 85
Jack Bradford, GSW CN owner/chairman of board, 5/23/78, age 77
Nan Bradley, DEN manager-passenger revenue, 3/30/15, age 72
Don Brady, DEN director-line maintenance, 8/4/14, age 92
Bill Bray, FTW legal, 9/15/87, age 84, heart attack
Dan Brock, DEN vice president-traffic & sales, 5/29/05, age 89
Don Brooks, DEN cargo sales representative, 10/12/02, age 71
Lorie Brown, SLC, need info, 5/1/09, age 48, cancer
Johnny Bulla, Arizona Airways co-founder, 12/7/03, age 89
Dan_Bullick, DEN vp-administration, 11/25/19, age 85
Tim Bunger, DEN flight attendant, manager-station services, 12/13/22, age 68, cancer
Paul Burke, DEN vice-president, president, 6/13/12, age 94
Jack Burnell, DEN director of maintenance, 8/22/92, age 89
Bob Burns, DEN manager-media relations, 7/8/24, age 87
Dave Burr, DEN director-properties & facilities, 4/9/97, age 68
Royal "RJ" Burt, DEN TUS station manager, 3/22/09, age 85
Jim Butler, TUS PHX station manager, LAS station agent, 3/19/06, age 85
Tom Byrne, GSW CN board member, 5/24/62, age 71, heart attack
Sam Cales, PHX station manager, 6/20/02, age 67
Al Carlsen, DEN board of directors, 2/6/08, age 97
Curt Carlson, GSW Central Airlines board member, 2/19/99, age 84
Vern Carlson, DEN vice president-public affairs, 5/13/76, age 53, heart attack
Charlie Carper, ABQ OMA station manager, 9/5/13, age 83
Max Carr, DEN accounting supervisor, 9/17/13, age 73
Carolyn Carrier, DEN coordinator-personnel records, 6/15/10, age 72
Ray Chanuad, DEN director-communications, 3/3/04, age 85
Don Chew, DEN line maintenance foreman, 3/28/17, age 81
Dick Childs, DEN director-security, 2/27/22, age 90
Dick Chouinard, DEN corporate safety engineer, 11/8/05, age 74
Gordon Christensen, SLC Challenger assistant treasurer, 8/17/04, age 80
Ken Clark, DEN COS district sales manager, 8/13/19, age 76, cancer
John Clark Coe, DEN vice president-economic planning, 10/24/06, age 82
Alling Cole, CN need more info, 1/16/80, age 57
Ralph Cole, DEN manager-passenger sales, 7/20/78, age 62
Kenny Combs, DEN need info, 6/29/16, age 67
Marvin Conn, JLN LBL PRX LAW LIT HOU station manager, 7/31/20, age 89
Mike Conner, DEN staff manager, 2/29/00, age 63, lung failure
Dallas Copen, DEN director-current schedules, 2/2/05, age 66
Jeffrey Corsiglia, Need info, 4/19/04, age 56
Ted Couchman, DEN reliability analyst-FAA coordinator, 12/15/73, age 70, heart attack
Claude Covington, GSW supervisor-inventory control, 9/12/02, age 66
Tom Crary, DEN reliability analyst, 5/6/12, age 76
Bill Crismon, DEN director-ground operations, 10/1/72, age 60, leukemia
Sandy Crouthamel, STL KCK DEN reservations supervisor, 10/22/19, age 72, aneurysm 
Edith Cummings, DEN, need info, 12/19/04, age 86 
Dick Cummins, OMA DSM station manager, 5/14/93, age 59
Mary Cuthbertson, DEN reservations supervisor, 5/21/14, age 67
Wally Dahl, DEN manager-line maintenance, 11/24/04, age 60, cancer
Hal S. Darr, DEN president & chairman of the board, 6/21/55, age 61, heart attack
Carol Davenport, DEN accounting clerk, supervisor-pricing, 12/21/05, age 63, heart attack
Frank Davidson, DEN director-fuel & communications, 5/29/03, age 86
Lee Davis, SDY FLG MKC OMA DEN manager - ramp services, 1/27/21, age 83, COVID-19
Red Davis, SLC BIL regional supervisor, DEN aircraft mechanic, 4/11/67, age 49
Nancy McClung Deadrick, need info, 2/4/94, age 61
Hoadley Dean, RAP board of directors, 12/27/89, age 71
Ken Dedrick, DEN director-telecommunications, 3/23/06, age 77
Roy Deeming, DEN manager-avionics, 9/6/07, age 84, pancreatic cancer
Chuck Demoney, DEN vp-sales&service, 2/26/11, age 72
Christine McCleery Denning, STL marketing representative, 12/13/79, age 32
Ernie DeSoto, manager-system communications, 7/12/90, age 68
Bob Dibb, DEN director-advertising, 8/28/06, age 87
Bruce Dietrick, DEN personnel manager, 3/10/10, age 78
Bob Dirksen, STL assistant station manager, 11/8/87, age 52
Jim Dixson, DEN vice president-schedule&traffic, 10/12/06, age 84
Donald A. Duff, Challenger president, FL vice president, 11/14/52, age 47
Maryanne Duffie, need info, 11/29/13, age 87
Ed Dunaway, DEN vice president-marketing services, 12/8/99, age 62, cancer
Walt Dunn, DEN assistant treasurer, 1/11/16, age 90
Bill Durlin, DEN vice president-engineering & quality control, 8/1/08, age 82
Lew Dymond, DEN 4th president, 7/28/08, age 88, pneumonia
Bob Eakle, DEN manager-electrical shop-EOS, 8/15/97, age 85
Frank Early, DEN manager-power plant, 7/27/87, age 56
Don Ehrhart, GSW CN board member, 5/31/80, age 58
Bob Elliott, DEN engineer, 3/25/04, age 81
Fred E. Elliott, DEN director-maintenance, 8/2/94, age 81
Gene Elliott, DEN engineer, 10/4/23, age 89
Wayne Elliott, DEN FAA liaison specialist, 6/7/18, age 76
Hugo Elmore, DEN manager-properties & facilities, 1/26/19, age 80
Glenn Emmons, LNK GRI OMA GEG station manager, 10/25/19, age 91
Don Enos, FYV CPR station manager, 10/5/14, age 82
Loy Fasold, DEN photographer, 7/10/10, age 89
Buddy Faught, SLC, director-public relations, 4/16/92, age 69
Al Feldman, DEN president & chief financial officer, 8/9/81, age 53
Ethel Field, DEN supervisor-sales audit, 4/23/12, age 93
Gene Finkelstein, DEN director-advertising, 5/12/83
Richard Fitzgerald, DEN  vp-general counsel and board member, 5/22/99, age 85
Chris Brooks Fletcher, DFW credit union manager, 1/29/16, age 67
Bill Folk, DEN manager-taxes & insurance, 5/12/17, age 75, lung cancer
George Forbes, LAR president-summit airways, 5/21/79, age 82
Barney Foster, DEN director of purchasing, 5/7/88, age 75
Carl Foster, 6/26/98, SLC DEN regional manager, age 75
Jerry Fox, DEN station manager, 1/5/88, age 62
Bill Franklin, DEN dining services manager, 6/19/15, age 88
Don Frazee, CPR RAP MKC sales representative, 7/29/68, age 38
Oliver Frigon, DEN manager-heavy maintenance, 6/13/88, age 74
Clarence Fuller, DEN director maintenance planning, 6/2/00, age 80
Bob Gallaway, DEN excutive vice president, 10/25/86, age 52, lung cancer
Eli Gallegos, DEN manager-maintenance administration, 2/9/05, age 82
Helen Hyden Gant, GSW planning analyst, 12/22/93, age 55
Charlie Gayles, DEN manager-maintenance spares planning, 8/8/81, age 25
Ed Gerhardt, DEN vice president public relations, 3/7/98, age 81
Ray Gies, DEN manager - credit union, 8/31/62, age 37, auto accident
Art Giffin, STL regional sales manager, 11/6/14, age 78
Max Giffin, DEN manager-accounts payable, 4/15/21, age 86
Larry Gilbert, GLD SLC JAC COS FSD station agent & station manager, 8/4/09, age 62
Ron Gildea, regional manager, 3/20/90, age 62
Marvin Glantz, DEN planner-ground maintenance, 10/4/87, age 56
Lee Glasgow, GSW CN president, Nov83, age 79
Tollie Glaves, DEN superintendent of air mails, 2/20/87, age 93
Paul Glidewell, DEN supervisor-agency and interline sales, 4/19/11, age 77 
Paul Glover, GSW DEN asst vice president - maintenance, director-quality control, 9/19/04, age 81
Bob Goldwater, board of directors, 11/4/06, age 96
Dan Goodyear, DEN manager travel agency automation, 5/27/03, age 63
Bill Graves, DEN director - line maintenance, 1/5/16, age 93
Jan Green, DEN marketing representative, 11/13/17, age 69
Randy Griffin, DEN reservations agent, flight attendant supervisor, 3/20/20, age 75, cancer
John Griffiths, DEN director-properties, Apr85, age 71
Jan Grillos, DEN analyst programmer, 3/2/22, age 79
Bill Groody, DEN vice president-treasurer, 1/23/13, age 93
Don Guffey, DEN director-material control, 6/26/10, age 63, stroke
Elaine Cornelio Guinn, need info, 1/20/06, age 75
Ray Gutowsky, PHX sales representative, 12/22/99, age 77
Karen Gwaltney, DEN need info, 9/2/13, age 76
Mary Ward Hahn, OMA secretary and sales manager, 12/3/15, age 66, cancer
Don Hatfield, DEN director-industrial relations, 1/15/96, age 62
Bill Hamilton, DEN purchasing agent, 6/27/99, age 85
Wes Hamilton, DEN board of directors, 11/12/94, age 83
Jerry Hamm, DAL DFW employee, need info, 8/25/16, age 71
Guy Hammerland, GFK PUB station manager, 10/16/15, age 66, cancer
Bob Harding, FTW ACF GSW CN vp and board member, 6/27/84, age 72
Bill Heath, DEN manager-special projects & procedures, 9/24/81, age 55
Bud Herring, GSW CN vice president, 9/30/11, age 88
Dan Hersh, DEN vp-planning, 1/25/19, age 73
Carol Hicks, DEN director-processing operations, 2/25/20, age 86
Roy Hilderman, DEN director-administration services, 5/5/16, age 86
Charlie Hirsig, LAR founder & president-Summit Airways, 1/15/45, age 34, aircraft crash
Bill Hogan, DEN vice president and treasurer, 1/7/10, age 93
Mike Hogan, DEN supervisor-flight attendant training, 3/8/16, age 67
Bea Holland, DEN security guard/receptionist, 3/15/13, age 92
Duane Hollis, MKC DEN station agent, csr-in flight, supervisor-schedule production, 1/18/22, age 77
Pete Howe, FTW ACF GSW CN executive vice president, 9/8/97, age 80
Paul Hult, TUS station manager, 10/23/93, age 71
Tom Hushka, DEN surplus sales administrator, 3/26/02, age 74
Bill Jeppe, BIL DEN director-base aircraft overhaul, 11/18/18, age 82
Jim Jeppesen, DEN manager-research & evaluation, 11/11/17, age 79, cancer
Truman Jeter, DEN station manager, 8/27/19, age 74
Jim Jette, DEN manager dining & cabin services, 6/2/19, age 69
Bob Johnson, DEN regional transportation manager, 11/6/10, age 56, heart attack
Danny Johnson, AMA station manager, 1/24/05, age 65
Doyle Johnson, OKC station manager, 12/20/96, age 61
Duane Johnson, DEN manager-ground maintenance, 5/10/99, age 61
Jo Martin Johnson, DEN need info, 11/8/19, age 79
Kirk Johnson Sr, GSW Central Airlines chairman of the board, 6/11/63, age 67, heart attack 
Kirk Johnson Jr, GSW Central Airlines board member, 1968, age 40
Wayne Johnston, DEN payroll manager, 12/6/64, age 26, auto accident
Jonnie Jones, LNK station manager, 4/16/17, age 72
Paul Jones, GSW DEN CN/FL vice president, 4/26/97, age 72
Truman Jones, TUL ACF GSW CN director-customer services, 9/1/17, age 90, cancer
Don Jorgensen, LMM CDR LAR JAC station manager, 8/16/17, age 84
Keith Kahle, founder & president-Central Airlines, 7/4/97, age 87
Jim Keding, GSW maintenance supervisor, 12/17/14, age 88, heart attack
Les Keely, DEN vice president-operations, 11/17/97, age 81
Maggi Hanson Kelly, DEN director-flight attendant services, 1/3/25, age 82
Tom Kelly, DEN ramp supervisor, 1/6/16, age 64, multiple myeloma
Georgie Kern, position unknown, 3/6/09, age 77
Arnie Kihn, DEN STL maintenance supervisor, 6/9/07, age 68
Dan Kimball, DEN board of directors, 7/30/70, age 74
Earl Kimmel, DEN sales manager, 4/9/87, age 73
Jerry Kitchen, DEN director-public relations, 5/1/87, age 74
Errol Klein, DEN JAMTO manager & MKC sales representative, 11/23/08, age 71
Bob Knickrehm, DEN VP-Frontier Agency, 2/17/20, age 89
Bud Knudson, ABQ station manager, 11/15/79, age 74
John Kosmicki, DEN manager-maintenance control, 10/18/06, age 81
Olin Kuehnert, DEN ALM MKC TUS station agent, SATO agent, sales representative, SATO manager, 8/17/10, age 76
Gene Lamansky, DEN assistant treasurer, 7/27/78, age 49
Tom Lamb, DEN vice president-schedules, 2/15/05, age 76
Bob Landon, DFW area maintenance manager, 6/27/03, age 67
Fred Lang, steward and auditor, 2/27/90, age 68
Lynn Lang, DEN supervisor-records & compensation, 8/4/12, age 86
Buz Larkin, DEN senior vice president-administration, 7/15/93, age 60
Marv Larson, DEN director-accounting, 1/25/09, age 85
Stan Larson, DEN director-market research & analysis, 9/26/20, age 84
Floyd Lauderman, DEN manager of stores, Jul82, age 70
Jean Lawless, DEN industrial nurse, 4/25/08, age 81
John Leavitt, DEN security investigator, 5/31/06, age 88
Dick Lehmann, MSO station manager, 11/19/10, age 73
Bobbie Lenahan, DEN director-stewardess services, 12/18/10, age 87
Karl Leonard, DEN supervisor-air cargo accounting, 2/26/12, age 92
Mike Leonard, DEN director-marketing distribution, 7/6/09, age 67, heart attack
Louis Leverone, DEN chairman of the board, 3/15/57, age 76
Emil Levin, DEN board secretary and treasurer, need info
Blaine Liles, DEN director- budget & cost analysis, 3/11/96, age 65
John Lindsay, DEN vice president traffic&sales, 7/17/92, age 79
Gordon Linkon, DEN vp-marketing, 1/29/17, age 87, Parkinson's disease
Lo Linville, DEN board of directors, 2/1/67, age 75
Clyde Longhart, DEN director avionics, 9/24/89, age 76
Boyd Loucks, GSW crew schedule superintendent, 11/28/96, age 64 
John Love,  DEN board of directors, 1/21/02, age 85
Chet Lubben, DEN director of sales,  6/17/04, age 95
Hank Lund, DEN president, 1/9/13, age 91
Chet Lundstrom, GSW DEN treasurer, 10/14/94, age 78
Edward Lundquist, need info, 12/7/06, age 84
Jim Lynch, DEN accountant, 7/21/05, age 80
Ron Macleod, DEN manager-traffic, 6/2/78, age 57
Jeff Mahan, DEN GSW vp-operations, 10/13/06, age 83
Mac Maholland, DEN manager-technical analysis & performance, 3/5/94, age 73
George Maillet, DEN manager-flight simulator, 3/29/88, age 66
Tom Makurat, DEN director of sales, May 84, age 55
Frank Mancuso, GSW supervisor-accounting, 9/16/10, age 86
Fred Manning, LAR SLC DEN board of directors, 10/31/58, age 62, lung disorder
Guy Marchant, OKC FTW CN president, May76, age 80
Duane Martin, DEN supervisor-data conversion, 2/21/18, age 84 
Marty Martin, LAS station manager, 6/5/07, age 66
Frank Masi, DEN manager-traffic procedures, 11/8/95, age 70
Harold Maxwell, OKC MKC ABQ SLC station manager, 2/25/22, age 86
Mary Maxwell, GSW CN, need info, 6/5/15, age 90
Edna May, PHX public affairs representative, 10/2/03, age 93
Bud Maytag, DEN owner/president 1959-62, 9/23/90, age 64
Tom McCartin, DEN vice president-materiel, 6/18/09, age 83
Edwin McDonald, board of directors, 7/14/72, age 75
James McEldowney, Arizona Airways co-founder, vice president & board of directors, 2/26/99, age 84
Jack McGuire, DEN director-consumer affairs, 3/31/20, age 88
Bill McKenney, DEN regional marketing manager, 6/25/02, age 77
Mac McLaughlin, DEN technical training instructor, need info
Bill McLeod, DEN aircraft mechanic, senior programs specialist, electronics engineer, 7/25/20, age 81
Vern McMullen, GEY COD LBF RAP station manager, 4/23/21, age 91
Bob Meisenbach, DEN director-base overhaul, 2/10/06, age 86
Fred Meister, DEN vp-public affairs, 3/1/24, age 81
Merle Mennenga, DEN manager-radio overhaul, 5/13/08, age 76
Bob Milne, FLG JLN MSN HOU station manager, 1/22/13, age 70
Ray Minniear, DEN vice president-operations, 5/25/97, age 83
Bill Mitchell, DEN vice president-sales & service, 4/5/90, age 71
Mickey Mitchell, MKC MCI PUB ATL station manager, 11/26/20, age 74
Mitch Mitchell, DEN operations manager, 6/22/80, age 59 
Nancy Hedrick Mitchell, MKC MCI secretary & assistant station manager, 8/22/00, age 53
William Mitsch, GSW vice president, assistant to the chairman, board member, 12/9/97, age 78
Bill Monday, DEN director-system reservations, 1/9/14, age 88
Jim Montgomery, DEN assistant manager-ramp services, 1/27/15, age 96
Diane Lewis Moore, DEN senior buyer, 1/16/04, age 51, leukemia 
Jim Moore, OKC DEN station manager, regional director,  6/15/99, age 66
Jim Moran, DEN board of directors, Jul 83, age 61
John Morgan, KCK manager-reservations, 7/17/03, age 64, heart attack
Tom Morphis, MCK MKC DEN district sales manager, 1/2/24, age 90 
Don Morris, DEN engineering, need info
Dallas Mortensen, DEN director-quality assurance, 5/27/09, age 77
Harlan Muehring, DEN director-revenue accounting, 9/4/14, age 92
Charlie Murphy, DEN counsel to the president, 8/28/83, age 74
Jim Murphy, PHX Arizona Airways board of directors, 5/16/07, age 95
Lamar Muse, GSW Central Airlines president, 2/5/07, age 86, cancer
Jim Mustain, TBN STL MEM FOE DEN TUS manager, 5/19/19, age 78, cancer
Donna Myers, DEN executive secretary, 1/23/01, age 85
Mac Myhre, DEN president, 12/23/82, age 71
Bill Nail, GSW CN superintendent-stations, 1956?, need info
Chuck Nass, STL sales representative, 1/30/14, age 75
Bud Naylor, DEN vice president maintenance, 5/26/97, age 76
Rocky Nelson, Arizona Airways founder-president, 3/6/51, age 46
Larry Nenstiel, LAS station manager, 7/1/11, age 73, heart failure
Bill Newnum, BOI station manager, 3/24/14, age 69, cancer
Lee Nichols, Need Info, 6/2/22, age 83
Vivian Wright Nobles, GSW DAL DFW flight attendant, manager - flight, 4/9/08, age 74, cancer
Lyn Nofziger, DEN board of directors, 3/27/06, age 81
Jerry Norman, DEN manager-payables, 11/30/09, age 67
Tim O'Connor, Arizona Airways co-founder, 11/4/08, age 88
Pappy O'Drain, DEN manager-properties&contracts 12/4/95, age 72
Joe O'Gorman, DEN president, 8/10/02, age 59, heart attack
Al Olinger, DEN manager-tech services, 7/30/05, age 79
Jerry O'Neil, DEN board of directors, 8/18/09, age 87
Tom O'Neil, DEN board of directors, 3/14/98, age 82
Dick Orr, BIL DEN pilot, chief pilot, regional director, vp-flight operations, 7/29/23, age 102
John Osterberg, DEN director-treasury, 12/21/2023, age 88
Bob Oswald, OKC TBN MHK MCI station agent, station manager, 7/26/98, age 74
John Pappas, PHX DEN ABQ RNO sales representative. sales manager, station manager, 10/10/24, age 81
Murray Parker, DEN security guard, 11/21/80, age 57
Kay Ambabo Pedersen, DEN reservations supervisor, 11/24/95, age 49
Karen Utke Kern Peer, DEN reservations supervisor, 8/18/20, age 83
Carole Perry, GTF OAK station manager, 3/12/18, age 84
Lenda Persiko, DEN FA manager, 11/28/07, age 86
Marv Pester, CPR JAC BIL DFW DEN station agent, station manager, director-customer service, 1/29/22, age 82
Chuck Phelps, DEN stores manager, 4/12/18, age 86
Duane Phelps, SLC GJT station manager, 12/20/15, age 85
Patty Richards Pirk, DEN reservations program developer, 7/10/21, age 70
Lee Pirkl, DEN subcontract administrator, 12/23/19, age 82, cancer
Linda Cherry Pitts, GSW DAL KCK DFW PHX DEN reservations supervisor-training, 2/24/20, age 80
Jim Pliler, DEN GJT sales representative, 2/18/05, age 70
Carl Pohlad, GSW Central Airlines chairman of the board, 1/5/09, age 93
Karen Pollak, DEN secretary, executive secretary, 10/17/08, age 64, diabetes
John Poor, DEN board of directors, 10/3/95, age 80
Betty Ann Beadle Porterfield, GSW CN employee, need info, 1/28/19, age 81 
Jackie Riddle Power, STL MCI DEN MKE ORD reservations agent, reservations supervisor, assistant manager-customer service, 1/16/24, age 75
John Pratt, DEN manager-powerplant engineering, 9/24/91, age 67
Dave Raines, OKC AMA BDU station agent, sato agent, sato manager, 1/24/21, age 81
Bob Ramser, 3/19/22, DEN production planner, fleet planner, manager-base shops, foreman, age 88, vascular dementia
Byers Rathbone, DEN director-budgets & analysis, 9/4/98, age 85
Art Ray, DRO station manager & DEN asst manager-aircraft appearance, 12/24/14, age 69, colon cancer
James Ray, OKC FTW CN president, 5/15/66, age 69, leukemia
Cal Reese, DEN manager - cargo & baggage services - system, 10/22/13, age 86
Bob Reising, DEN auditor, 3/31/08, age 62, brain cancer
Dottie Relaford, DEN reservation agent, supervisor-pilot crew scheduling, 10/11/08, age 63, cancer
Fred Rice, LAR sec/treasurer-Summit Airways, Jun89, age 85
Stan Roberts, DEN asst director-materiel, 1/14/06, age 77
Ron Roepe, DEN superintendent of engineering, 12/1/15, age 90
Bob Rogers, DEN supervisor maintenance scheduling, 12/20/94, age 73
Floyd Rollins, LAW ABQ station manager, 9/15/89, age 53
Gene Rothwell, DEN project leader, 5/16/15, age 79
John Ruffing, DEN director-aircraft support services, 6/16/10, age 76
Harold Ruppel, DEN director-inspection, 7/31/14, age 90
Ellen Foster Russell, need info, 8/6/14, age 80
Frank Russell, DEN vp-Washington affairs, 11/11/72, age 77, emphysema
Harry Russell, 4/11/03, DEN maintenance superintendent, age 89
Glen Ryland, DEN vice president, president, 9/11/23, age 99
Mike Salensky, DEN manager-ramp services, 6/15/21, age 76
Hal Salfen, GSW vp-sales & marketing, 8/24/13, age 93
Edwin Saltry, GSW director of research, 6/30/73, age 53
Carolyn Sandoval, DEN manager-properties & accounts, 10/29/13, age 76
Reiny Sayler, BIS station manager, 1/10/13, age 80
Howard Schatz, SLC SCK GUP SNA  DEN, manager-flight service, station manager, manager-agency and interline affairs, 12/12/23, age 78, heart attack
Charlie Schenck, DEN manager-quality control-fuel, 11/13/04, age 73
Chuck Schlener, DEN fleet superintendent, 4/2/02, age 69
Al Schmidt, DEN director-industrial relations, 8/8/12, age 90
Herb Schmidt, DEN BIL MKC regional sales manager, 4/2/24, age 88
Jeuel Schmidtke, DEN director-purchasing, 9/24/11, age 88
Paul Schreiber, 7/23/77, DEN director-futures schedule planning, age 49
Warren Schuling, vice president-maintenance, 9/17/95, age 73
Bob Schulman, DEN director-public relations, 12/28/17/, age 84
Leo Schuster, DEN director-maintenance, 8/28/18/, age 91
Dey Scott, DEN warehouse supervisor, 2/12/58, age 64
Stormy Sellers, FTW ACF GSW supervisor-line maintenance, 12/8/89, age 69
Ray Seybold, FMN PUB GUP COD DEN station agent, station manager, manager-station operations, 1/30/25, age 90
Gordon Shaffer, DEN personnel manager, 12/26/18, age 93
Bill Shepherd, DEN buyer, 8/31/89, age 61
Allan Shivers, DEN board of directors, 1/14/85, age 77, heart attack
Jim Shores, DEN director - stations, 7/6/84, age 60
Robin Shrock, DEN reservation supervisor, 12/24/11, age 55
Bob Sicard, GSWCN vice president-maintenance, 2/20/06, age 89
Larry Sills, DEN vice president-sales & marketing, 11/30/71, age 39, heart attack
Bob Sims,  STL MCI GEG CMH reservations agent, sales  respresentative, station manager, 8/30/22, age 70
Rudy Skeen, DEN station agent & manager, 4/30/01, age 68, cancer
George A. Smith, DEN vice president-finance, 11/20/96, age 83
Ken Smith, DEN vice president-public affairs, Jul84, age 72
Sam Snead, PHX DEN board of directors, 5/23/02, age 89
Elton Snoke, DEN superintendant of stations, 1/15/73, age 51
George Snyder, SLC Challenger president, 5/11/83, age 65, cancer
Jerry Snyder, DEN senior analyst programmer, 8/1/15, age 84
Roger Sorensen, BOI station manager, 4/19/13, age 71, aneurysm
Ken Stemler, DEN director-sales planning, 10/6/11, age 73
Ken Stevenson, DEN director-maintenance, 9/16/05, age 96 
James Stewart, CN Board of Directors, 7/2/97, age 89 
John Stewart, DEN PHX DAL STL MCI reservations manager, 12/19/15, age 79, lung disease
Keith Stielow, DEN MKC MCI area maintenance manager, 2/20/23, age 87
George Stoeberl, PHX district traffic manager, 7/13/16, age 92
Bill Stohlton, DEN director-special projects, 7/28/05, age 66, cancer
Ed Stone, ISN FAR DEN station agent, station manager, manager-air cargo sales, 8/27/05, age 55
Joe Studer, DEN accounting director, 10/18/18, age 85
John Stults, CID station manager, 7/28/99, age 64, ramp accident
Gary Suboter, ABQ district sales manager, 11/10/16, age 77
Doug Sullivan, DEN reservations manager, 11/30/05, age 59
Harry Summerton, DEN superintendent of inspection, 9/08/07, age 86
Walter Swan, DEN vice president, Jul 78, age 71
Greg Swanson, DEN sales representative, 3/11/15, age 59, heart attack
Mary Budke Swanson, DEN manager-media relations, 2/3/19, age 70
George Swonger, DEN supervisor maintenance scheduling, 11/7/76, age 60
Glenn Taylor, PHX DEN board of directors, 8/2/76, age 87
Clark Terrill, GSW director-purchasing, 8/11/09, age 87
Lee Theimer, DEN manager-maintenance control center, 2/25/99, age 76
Dennis Thomas, DEN fleet maintenance planner, 3/21/18, age 80
Larry Thomas, STL DFW FSM station agent,  station manager, 5/2/12, age 72, heart attack
Lowell Thomas, DEN board of directors, 8/29/81, age 89
Troy Tigner, need more info, 4/2/12, age 83, cancer
Fred Tiller, DEN director-agency & interline affairs, 5/12/11, age 72
Dan Tinlin, DEN sales representative, 12/10/22, age 88
Dan Todd, DEN vice president-public affairs, 6/3/21, age 82
Sid Tolbert, ICT MDW station manager, 12/5/72, age 37
Stan Trudeau, DEN SATO manager, 10/29/74, age 37
Scott Tyra, DEN market analyst, 10/26/15, age 60, lung disease
Lee Urquhart, GSW CN director-purchasing, 12/24/98, age 76
Anne Vanderpool, COD security, 11/1/08, age 84
Irene Van Winkle, DEN need info, 8/20/16, age 83
Dave Vaughan, FTW GSW director of maintenance, 1/8/99, age 88
Betty Pipkin Vaughn, Need info, 12/26/01, age 67
Joyce Olson Vesledahl, Need info, 8/14/06, age 77
John Vittal, DEN manager reservation services, 8/24/03, age 86
Jack Vollbrecht, DEN board chairman, 11/11/15, age 94
Russ Wageneck, FTW GSW vice president operations, 5/6/85, age 75
Pres Walker, DEN board of directors, 5/28/70, age 57, rafting accident
Walter Walker, DEN board of directors, 10/8/56, age 73, heart attack
Fred Walsh, DEN manager-technical training, 9/6/06, age 80, heart failure
Joe Wagner, DEN board of directors, 12/16/18, age 92
Bill Wayne, DEN executive vice president, 3/26/11, age 84
Tom Weathers, DEN manager-line maintenance, 1/6/95, age 69
Del Webb, PHX DEN board of directors, 7/4/74, age 75, cancer
Gary Weber, Need info, 4/17/15, age 75
Larry Wendel, DEN maintenance instructor, technical specialist, 4/26/21, age 83
Sue West, DEN assistant credit union manager, 7/28/78, age 63
Jim White, DEN director-production control, 1/25/05, age 87
Jim Willey, DEN manager-quality control, 9/15/12, age 89
Harry Williams, DEN manager of purchasing, 3/1/03, age 80
Willie Williams, DEN manager-production & planning, 4/1/20, age 87
Carl Willmann, DEN manager-engineering projects, 5/26/21, age 96
Bob Wilson, FTW ACF GSW aircraft mechanic, crew chief, inspector, superintendent of communications, 4/10/03, age 85
Ray Wilson, DEN Monarch founder-president, 5/11/79, age 78
Arnie Winham, GSW asst vp-marketing, Jan 75, age 43
Don Winner, DEN manager-systems & programming, 2/9/11, age 76
Carol Komar Wolfe, DEN flight attendant, clerk and communications coordinator, 4/26/06, age 60, cancer
Don Wollenzien, DEN production planner, 12/4/17, age 83
Bob Wood, CN board of directors, 7/1/93, age 82
Irma Wood Hellbusch, DEN director-marketing development, 5/18/11, age 70, breast cancer
Doug Woodham, DEN reservations agent, marketing representative, 1/17/15, age 79
Ray Woody, DEN executive vice president, 3/27/77, age 59
Charlie Wunder, DEN photographer, 7/29/58, age 51
Elmajene Yantorno, DEN manager - passenger revenue, Jan85, age 55 
Ann Yanulavich, DEN manager - consumer affairs, 12/19/04, age 65
Elaine Lillo Yarish, Need info, 9/18/11, age 83
Jack Zembeck, DEN director-cargo sales & service, 4/15/20, age 79

Jay Abbott, DEN pilot, 1/29/15, age 67, bicycle accident
Joe Abell, DEN pilot, 5/11/24, age 86
Jim Actor, DEN pilot, 6/6/11, age 71, pneumonia
Dick Adair, DEN pilot, 12/8/11, age 91
Don Adams, DEN pilot, 3/11/02, age 66, heart attack
Carl Ade, GSW DAL DFW DEN pilot, 2/19/15, age 81, stroke
Ev Aden, DEN pilot, chief pilot, director-flight operations, 1/7/08, age 86
Les Allen, DEN Pilot, 10/30/98, age 81
Milt Altmark, GSW MKC MCI DEN pilot, 7/20/14, age 83
John Andrews, DEN pilot, 1/8/14, age 73
Ardell Arfsten, DEN vp-flight operations, 6/14/16, age 77
Army Armstrong, 9/4/09, age 91
Bob Arnot, DEN pilot, 9/1/96, age 63 
George Arwood, DEN gound school instructor, 9/19/99, age 82
Bob Ashby, DEN pilot, 3/5/21, age 94, valley fever
Art Ashworth, DEN pilot, 3/17/77, age 64 
Wayne Aspinall, 1/26/79, age 55 
Ace Avakian, DFW DEN pilot, 2/18/11, age 86, cancer
Forrest Bailey, DEN pilot, 9/26/23, age 77
Joe Baker, 9/2/11, age 75, stroke
Jerry Balfanz, DEN pilot, 7/11/18, age 87
Ed Balkenbush, 9/22/06, age 84
Karl Bancroft, DEN pilot & aircraft dispatcher, 5/19/13, age 82
Tom Banister, MKC DEN pilot, 3/27/18, age 86
Ken Banks, 6/10/10, age 77
Bob Banta, PHX BIL GTF DEN pilot & chief pilot, 3/15/19, age 93
Chuck Barker, 12/23/08, age 75
Hugh Barron, FTW ACF GSW DAL DFW DEN pilot, 8/20/22, age 88, lymphoma
Larry Beardsley, DEN pilot, 3/2/10, age 92
Dave Beckley, PRC EAR ELP FMN station agent and DEN GTF pilot, 5/26/16, age 80
Phil Beckman, DEN pilot, 11/17/15, age 74, cancer
Ernie Bell, DEN pilot, 2/14/04, age 59
Jimmy Bennett, 3/10/90, age 50, aneurysm
Bryan Benton, 4/30/98, age 78
Jack Bernette, pilot, need info 
Max Bierwolf, SLC pilot, 6/11/14, age 87
George Bilotta, BIL DEN pilot, 10/22/19, age 86, fall at home - head injury
Bill Blackmon, GSW DAL DFW DEN pilot, 8/6/14, age 90
Chuck Blair, DEN pilot, 12/16/13, age 85
Frank Blair, DEN chief aircraft dispatcher, 5/19/61, age 48, murdered
Fred Blakeley, DEN pilot, 9/18/01, age 82
Gary Blanchard, DEN pilot, 4/2/16, age 85
Bill Blumberg, DEN pilot, 5/6/24, age 75, metastatic melanoma
Bob Bollinger, BIL DEN pilot, 11/12/96, age 73 
Dick Bombard, MKC SLC DEN pilot, 7/31/19, age 85
Del Booth, GSW DAL  DFW pilot, 5/10/07, age 90
Tom Boren, MKC AMA GSW DAL DFW DEN pilot, 10/21/00, age 61 
Gordon Bourland, FTW ACF GSW DAL DFW, 2/3/94, age 75 
Jack Bozarth, MCI DEN pilot, 5/17/24, age 79
Whit Brandon, 4/23/01, age 57, cancer
Frank Brgoch, BIL SLC DEN pilot, 7/25/94, age 70 
Don Bridie, Need info
Gerry Britton, 1/15/03, age 69  
Bill Brodie, DEN pilot, 5/23/92, age 45
Bob Brooks, FTW ACF GSW DAL DFW pilot, 11/23/04, age 81
Willie Brown, MKC DAL DFW DEN pilot, 1/5/15, age 78
Winfred 'Brownie' Brown, 10/1/10, age 89
Chuck Buckingham, DEN aircraft dispatcher and operations manager, 9/9/11, age 85
Jim Buick, DEN pilot, 9/5/20, age 79
Mark Burke, 5/19/97, age 70, heart condition
Art Burnett, 3/2/08, age 78
Elmer Burson, 9/1/93, age 78 
Jack Burt, DEN pilot, 2/11/15, age 79, aircraft crash
Read Burt, SLC pilot, 10/15/60, age 43, aircraft crash
Dan Cady, DFW DEN pilot, 10/26/14, age 72, cancer
Chuck Callahan, 8/1/09, age 82
Ron Callan, need more info, cancer
Leo Canavan, FTW GSW DAL DFW DEN pilot, 11/19/16, age 81
Dave Cannon, SLC pilot, 8/28/12, age 94
Paul Carey, GSW DAL DFW DEN pilot, 5/20/20, age 88
Don Carman, DEN pilot, 3/21/01, age 67, heart failure
Jim Carney, DEN pilot, chief pilot, 8/18/03, age 82
Butch Carr, 10/13/04, age 66, cancer
Jack Cashel, DEN aircraft dispatcher, 8/12/02, age 76, heart attack
George Ceshker, FTW ACF GSW DAL DFW pilot, 1/22/17, age 101
Harvie Chaddock, MCI DEN, 5/7/06, age 77
Red Chambers, 3/6/09, age 85
Bob Chilton, need info
Joe Claffy, FTW ACF GSW DEN aircraft dispatcher, 6/13/14, age 97
Bruce Clapham, May89, age 59 
Bert Clark, DEN PHX pilot, regional manager, 12/27/98, age 88 
Sam Clark, ACF GSW DAL DFW DEN pilot, director-flight operations training, 6/13/23, age 89
Wayne Clay, MCI DEN pilot, 5/25/18, age 74
Danny Cobb, DAL DFW MCI DEN pilot, 9/20/83, age 42, heart attack
Dick Cochran, DEN station agent & pilot, 2/12/07, age 72, cancer
Rick Cochran, 12/21/67, age 33, DC3 crash at DEN 
Ken Coggeshall, GSW MKC DAL DEN pilot, 5/27/00, age 67, multiple sclerosis 
Ron Combs, DEN pilot, 6/6/15, age 72, heart disease
Ron Confer, 4/30/10, age 82
Duane Cook, 5/10/94, age 59 
Owen Cook, 3/9/00, age 83 
Dick Cottingham, GSW DFW DEN, 12/7/06, age 90
Cal Cowley, SLC steward, pilot, 10/14/83, age 60 
Denny Cox, DEN pilot, 8/1/20, age 73, frontotemporal dementia
Glenn Cox, 12/2/74, age 55, heart attack
Bo Craig, BIL DEN pilot, 4/14/13, age 82
Rocky Crane, PHX DEN pilot, 12/21/67, age 34, DC3 crash at DEN
Gary Craven, DEN pilot, 8/1/18, age 82
Jim Crowell, DEN pilot, 7/30/86, age 55 
Jim Currie, DEN pilot, 12/2/22, age 76
Jay Curtis, SLC DEN pilot, 9/23/11, age 91
Homer Dahl, DEN OMA BIL pilot, 1/10/11, age 82
Ray Damato, DEN pilot, Spring 1989, age 56 
George Dardano, DEN pilot, 12/24/86, age 46, cancer
Vic David, 12/30/98, age 64, hit by car 
Keith Davies, SLC DEN pilot, 11/22/13, age 82
Dick Davis, 5/26/80, age 41, jeep accident
Wes Davis, 10/15/11, age 84
Walt Day, 1/15/91, age 45 
John Deahl, DEN pilot, 4/9/81, age 36, crash of his P-38 at SLC
Ken Dealy, SLC DEN pilot, chief pilot, director-flight training, 10/10/94, age 78 
Bill Dickson, DAL DFW DEN pilot, 12/3/16, age 83, COPD and heart failure
Duane Dillard, 11/19/74, age 31
Lou Dionne, DEN pilot, 11/5/14, age 87
Curt Dixon, DEN chief aircraft dispatcher, 8/1/68, age 51 
Mel D'Loss, 1/6/93, age 59 
Dave Dodd, GSW DAL DFW DEN, 9/15/12, age 84, cancer
Don Donaldson, 2/6/04, age 67, heart disease
Leo Dorsey, DEN pilot, 4/22/17, age 93
Bob Douglas, 12/8/89, age 63 
Joe Doussard, DEN aircraft dispatcher, dispatch coordinator, 7/20/90, age 81 
Bob Drake, 7/13/02, age 65, heart attack
Paul DuPree, SLC Challenger pilot, 5/23/05, age 84
Denny Dykes, OMA DEN pilot, 4/21/20, age 90
Nelson Embleton, DEN aircraft dispatcher, 7/2/07, age 79
Del Erickson, OMA pilot, 9/10/93, age 64
Ken Erickson, DEN pilot, 5/11/23, age 91
Ron Farquar, DEN pilot, 1/13/84, age 41 
Mike Faas, DEN pilot, 10/3/16, age 72, Agent Orange cancer
Fetch Fechner, 1/16/03, age 78
Bob Fedel, DEN aircraft mechanic, pilot, 6/25/19, age 89
Jack Fellows, DEN pilot, 6/19/18, age 87
Joe Ferguson, PHX SLC DEN pilot, 12/17/21, age 90, COVID
Matt Ferguson, SLC DEN pilot, 1/6/11, age 90, natural causes
Bill Fette, DEN pilot, 8/23/15, age 73, cancer
Rob Field, DEN pilot, 9/6/82, age 39
Dan Fink, DEN chief aircraft dispatcher, 11/25/06, age 72
Denny Finke, DEN pilot, 8/31/19, age 78
Weldon Finney, GSW DAL DFW DEN pilot, 4/25/20, age 88
Ken Flegal, Oct 91, age 45 
Hal Fletcher, GSW MKC DFW DEN pilot, 1/3/17, age 83
Skip Fletcher, GSW DAL DFW DEN pilot, 1/31/17, age 82, pneumonia
Paul Floyd, GSW pilot, 2/21/07, age 84
Jim Ford, GSW DFW DEN pilot, 3/17/21, age 80
Tom Foster, DEN aircraft dispatcher, 2/2/05, age 52, heart attack
Bob Fothergill, GSW DEN pilot, 6/28/23, age 81
Jerry Francis, 12/7/99, age 72, heart attack
Jesse Franklin, DEN aircraft mechanic and pilot, 4/10/12, age 82
Frosty Frost, GSW MKC MCI DEN pilot, 6/1/17, age 84, kidney failure
Von Fulenwider, OKC MKC pilot, 11/24/02, age 68
Mike Gadow, MKC MCI DEN pilot, 7/21/24, age 93
Paul Gailey, DEN pilot, 4/12/13, age 86
Dee Galli, DEN pilot, 9/20/24, age 86
Jack Gardner, PHX DEN pilot, check airman and flight training instructor, 2/26/81, age 56, heart disease
Max Gardner, GSW ACF GSW DAL DFW pilot, 10/8/88, age 70, aircraft crash
Donna Garland, DEN flight attendant and pilot, 9/1/99, age 50, breast cancer
Rob Gerritsen, DEN pilot, 7/29/97, age 41 
Glen Gettman, DEN steward and pilot, 8/24/85, age 57 
Jack Gibson, GSW AMA DAL DEN pilot, 4/7/14, age 74, cancer
Walt Gilliam, MKC MCI DEN, 5/17/13, age 87
Dale Glenn, 1/18/78, age 35, Otter crash at PUB 
Gerry Goss, DEN, 8/15/07, age 75, heart condition
Dan Gough, 3/12/64, age 25, DC-3 crash at MLS
George Graham, 5/22/00, age 76 
Sam Grande, SLC DEN pilot, 2/11/15, age 96, stroke
Ron Gregory, BIL DEN pilot, 7/9/24, age 91, cardiac arrest
Ron Gregory, BIL DEN pilot, 7/9/24, age 91, 
Jack Griffin, 10/4/74, age 35, aircraft crash
Ken Griffith, GSW DAL DFW DEN pilot, 7/7/13, age 86
Bob Grisanti, 6/2/94, age 46 
Hal Grogg, GSW DAL DFW DEN pilot, 1/16/82, age 53, cancer
Turk Gross, GSW DAL DFW, 12/16/06, age 73 
Roger Guinther, DFW DEN pilot, 7/27/96, age 49 
Dan Gunn, AMA GSW DAL DFW DEN pilot, 1/12/06, age 72, cancer
Les Guthrie, 11/30/99, age 74 
Henry Haldeman-Julius, SLC pilot, 1/7/90, age 70
Bert Hall, DEN pilot, 4/24/10, age 92
Bob Hammarley, pilot, DEN manager-flight operations planning, 4/18/05, age 62
Mike Hampton, DFW MCI DEN pilot, 11/26/23, age 79, Parkinson’s Disease
Doug Hanson, 4/11/98, age 48, aircraft crash
Jim Hanson, DEN pilot, 7/2/13, age 92
Jim Harcrow, DFW DEN pilot, 6/17/13, age 75, cancer
John Harlan, DEN pilot, 1/12/98, age 72
Les Harper, FTW ACF GSW DAL DEN DFW pilot, 9/13/16, age 100
Al Harris, SLC DEN pilot, 5/23/20, age 84, leukemia
Bill Harrison, OMA SLC DEN pilot, 4/10/19, age 93
Gary Harsen, 3/7/84, age 45, aircraft crash
Clyde Hart, GSW DAL DFW DEN pilot, 11/9/13, age 80
Fred Hart, 2/7/94, age 76 
Dell Harty, OMA DEN pilot, 8/17/11, age 79
Ray Harvey, 12/13/01, age 87
Jim Hass, 12/5/11, age 76
Kevin Hayes, DEN pilot, 10/24/20, age 65
Paul Haynie, DEN pilot, 6/23/09, age 73, aircraft crash
Bill Hays, PHX DEN pilot, 10/7/21, age 100
Bruce Hayward, DEN pilot, 10/6/24, age 83
Buddy Head, DEN pilot, 12/2/10, age 80
Roger Heckman, DEN pilot, Mar 03, age 60
Ron Heckman, DEN pilot, 6/19/17, age 73, auto accident
Warren Heckman, DEN pilot, 3/1/17, age 96
Glen Helverson, GSW MCI DEN pilot, 3/26/04, age 70
Bob Hermann, 3/15/07, age 78
Carl Herring, 2/24/82, age 57
Kent Higgins, DEN pilot, 1/23/21, age 77
Bill Hilbert, DEN aircraft dispatcher & operations manager, 2/24/11, age 92
Bill Hill, GSW MKC pilot, 10/8/11, age 72
Joe Hill, 2/24/59, DEN BIL PHX pilot, age 33, cancer
Art Hillis, 11/24/08, age 80, pneumonia
Bill Hines, 2/17/04, age 66, brain tumor 
Duane Hingst, 7/27/00, DEN pilot, age 75, cancer
Dale Hladik, DEN aircraft dispatcher, 4/23/12, age 66, cancer
Dick Hoffman, 11/5/03, age 84 
Frank Hoffman, DEN pilot, 7/15/17, age 81
John Hoffman, DEN pilot, 8/31/13, age 69, heart disease
Grant Holmes, GSW DAL DFW DEN pilot, 4/24/12, age 71, cancer
Tom Horan, SLC DEN pilot, 5/12/20, age 87
Andy Hoshock, PHX DEN pilot, chief pilot, check airman, 10/18/96, age 75 
Clayton Housh, DEN flight operations trainer, 5/18/13, age 87
John Houston, FTW GSW MKC, 7/17/05, age 72
Tom Howard, GSW MKC MCI DEN pilot, Jul 21, age 91
Mac Howe, GSW DAL DFW DEN pilot, 11/12/14, age 90
Jack Howell, 1/18/78, age 48, Otter crash at PUB 
Kenny Huber, DEN BIL pilot, 3/12/64, age 42, DC-3 crash at MLS
Phil Huebner, DEN aircraft mechanic, pilot, 9/29/24, age 81
Bill Huffman, GSW DAL DFW DEN pilot, 1/1/14, age 87
Max Hunt, GSW MKC MCI DEN pilot, 10/29/16, age 93
Brad Hurd, DEN pilot7/1/09, age 84, cancer
Fletch Huskey, FMN PHX DFW DEN station agent, pilot, 6/17/19, age 85
Willie Hurt, DEN pilot, 4/30/16, age 97
Dave Hyde, DEN pilot, 10/23/15, age 74, heart attack
Ike Isaacs, SLC DEN pilot, 2/27/15, age 91
Dan Jacoby, GSW pilot, 4/10/63, age 24, aircraft crash
Jug Jella, DEN pilot5/14/93, age 72
Buck Jennings, FTW GSW, 6/10/86, age 62
Roger Johnson, DEN pilot, 3/27/08, age 70
Terry Johnson, DEN pilot, 1/21/09, age 71, COPD
Bob Johnston, DEN pilot, 2/19/05, age 70
Don Jones, DEN pilot, 5/19/24, age 80
Gary Jones, DEN pilot, 11/4/10, age 72
Gerry Jones, DEN pilot, 5/3/96, age 60, snowmobile accident 
Pete Jones, DEN aircraft dispatcher, 3/19/16, age 85
Walt Jones, AMA GSW DAL pilot, 9/20/08, age 82
Dave Joyner, 8/21/03, age 60
Mike Kaiser, DEN aircraft dispatcher, 1/24/96, age 76 
Barry Kankel, DEN pilot, 10/10/14, age 72
Dick Kardell, GSW AMA MKC MCI DEN pilot, 11/24/21, age 83
Terry Karpen, DEN pilot, 1/4/17, age 71
Earl Keene, DEN aircraft dispatcher-director of system control, 1/24/04, age 79
Scott Keller, SLC DEN chief pilot, VP-Flight, 12/15/05, age 87
Al Kendell, SLC DEN pilot, 11/25/19, age 92
Karl Kenney, PHX DEN pilot, 2/26/18, age 87
Ted Kentroti, DEN ground school instructor, 11/10/05, age 83
Jack Kettler, 2/10/03, age 80, cancer
Joe Killinger, 2/25/94, age 49 
Kenny Kingdon, FTW GSW, 10/31/01, age 84
Dave Kleinhans, 1/8/04, age 71
Bob Klingensmith, DEN aircraft dispatcher, 9/21/82, age 55, heart disease
Dennis Klock, DEN pilot, 2/28/79 , age 33, aircraft crash
Dick Klumker, DEN pilot, 10/16/16, age 74, cancer
Lamar Knight, GSW MKC DAL DFW pilot, 8/29/97, age 68, cancer
Dick Koplitz, DEN pilot, 2/2/92, age 75 
Buddy Kopp, FTW ACF GSW DAL DEN DFW purser, pilot,  Aug82, age 62
Sandy Kudlac, DEN pilot, 3/9/07, age 60
Charlie Lambert, GSW DEN pilot, 8/5/17, age 82
Rusty Lambert, GSW DAL DFW DEN pilot, 12/26/17, age 82, complications from a stroke
Bob Lambourne, SLC DEN pilot, 11/8/07, age 91
Harry Lambourne, DEN pilot, 8/11/18, age 75, cancer
Pete Lamkin, DEN pilot, 2/12/21, age 87
Larry Lammey, DEN aircraft dispatcher, 8/5/18, age 75
Ed Landrum, GSW pilot, 9/4/00, age 61, lung cancer 
Bob Lane, DEN pilot, 9/19/21, age 93, complications from a fall and broken hip
Jim Langhofer, DEN pilot, 5/7/20, age 94
Jim Lankton, ACF GSW DAL DFW pilot, 4/28/13, age 96
Ken Larason, DFW DEN pilot, 2/13/17, age 79
Steve Larsen, SLC DEN pilot, 7/10/07, age 65, heart attack 
Leo Larson, DEN pilot, 8/27/06, age 86
Marv Larson, SLC GTF DEN pilot, 4/9/21, age 79
Bill Lasseter, 10/16/06, age 82, heart condition
George Lawrence, DEN aircraft dispatcher, 12/10/73, age 55, cancer
Lloyd Leach, FTW ACF GSW DAL DFW pilot, 11/4/92, age 73, pancreatic cancer  
Pete Lee, DEN pilot, 6/22/18, age 84
Lefty Leftwich, DEN pilot, age 88, 4/13/16
Al Lerrette, need information 
John Leslie, DEN OMA DFW pilot, 7/16/13, age 87
Chuck Levine, DEN pilot, 3/26/23, age 89
Jim Liddle, 12/20/08, age 85, stroke
E.P. Lietz, GSW DAL DFW pilot, 10/29/05, age 85
Roger Lippert, DEN pilot, 6/27/24, age 89
Paul Liscomb, DEN pilot, 5/1/12, age 95
Ron Litton, 11/28/87, age 62
Bob Lockett, 8/1/82, age 60, heart attack
Don Lockwood, DEN station agent & pilot, 1/11/18, age 84, lung cancer
Harry Logsdon, FTW GSW DAL pilot, 10/15/88, age 67 
CK Logue, 9/12/00, age 80
Carol Loos, 1/27/90, age 38, cancer
Bob Lukow, DEN pilot, 9/13/13, age 83
Burns Lundgreen, SLC pilot, 12/25/18, age 87, pneumonia
Hank Lux, PHX OMA SLC DEN pilot, 3/19/14, age 91
Jack MacDermott, GSW DAL DFW pilot, 11/19/09, age 86
Jed Mackenroth, 11/18/96, age 64, cancer
Bill MacLeod, 1/29/96, age 64 
Don Madden, SLC DEN pilot, 4/5/19, age 78, cancer then heart attack
Jimmie Maris, GSW DAL DFW pilot, 11/29/99, age 70
Stu Marks, 5/17/01, age 67
Mark Markwart, 5/9/95, age 77 
Don Marso, 5/8/09, age 69
Chuck Martin, pilot, need information
Jack Martin, SLC DEN pilot, 11/4/18, age 82, heart attack
Mel Maynard, DEN flight engineer, pilot, 7/18/15, age 83
Bill McCaffrey, DEN pilot, 1/28/18, age 84
Gene McCaleb, MKC DEN pilot, 2/19/18, age 89
Bill McChrystal, SLC pilot, 7/8/92, age 76 
Rick McCoy, DEN pilot, 3/14/14, age 88, stroke
Dennis McCright, 8/13/11, age 69, aircraft crash
Doug McDonald, SLC BIL PHX pilot, 7/21/61, age 46, cancer
Patt McDonald, GSW DAL DFW DEN pilot, 11/9/06, age 63, cancer
Boom Boom McDowell, AMA, MKC MCI, 10/17/05, age 78, cancer
Jim McGhee, DEN pilot, 2/1/06, age 69, cancer
Herve McGlashan, DEN pilot, 4/24/22, age 86
Bob McKesson, FTW GSW MKC DAL DFW DEN pilot, 8/20/17, age 85
Warren McLellan, AMA MKC DEN pilot, 8/24/11, age 90, stroke
Bill Medcalf, ACF DAL DEN pilot, 4/18/06, age 74
Fred Mercer, DEN pilot, 6/1/07, age 74, cancer
George Meshko, DEN pilot, 4/15/14, age 89
Bob Methven, DEN pilot, 6/9/11, age 61
Jack Metzker, 3/29/95, age 64 
Denny Meyer, 1/18/78, age 34, DEN pilot, Otter crash at PUB 
Frank Meyer, DEN flight instructor, 1/16/16, age 87, pneumonia
Larry Miles, DEN pilot, 6/2/13, age 77
Deke Miller, 8/12/02, age 79
Jay Miller, DEN pilot, 2/26/16, age 76, cancer
JW Miller, 12/11/03, age 68
Russ Miller, DEN aircraft dispatcher, 5/18/97, age 72 
Scotty Millis, DEN aircraft dispatcher, 10/18/83, age 62 
Ed Mills, DEN aircraft dispatcher, 12/8/95, age 75 
Les Mince, AMA MKC DEN pilot, 6/22/91, age 63
Mark Mischker, DEN pilot, 3/11/14, age 64
Mitch Mitchell, SLC DEN aircraft dispatcher, operations manager, 6/22/80, age 59, cancer
Al Mooney, SLC DEN pilot, 8/21/72, age 46, motorcycle accident
Mel Moore, DEN flight engineer, pilot, 11/28/20, age 89
Eddy Morgigno, OMA DEN pilot, 12/19/17, age 92
Earle Morris, SLC DEN pilot, 7/31/17, age 82
Paul Morris, DEN aircraft dispatcher, 9/21/80, age 46, cancer
Wes Morris, PHX DEN pilot, 3/4/92, age 59, helicopter crash
Les Moss, FTW ACF GSW DAL DFW pilot, 7/19/84, age 73
Tom Munden, ACF GSW MKC MCI DAL DFW station agent/manager & pilot, 9/18/99, age 73, heart disease
Ron Munson,5/2/94, age 46 
Ev Myers, MKC DEN pilot, 1/9/82, age 43, auto accident
John Myers, DEN pilot, director-flight operations, 7/20/94, age 79 
Bill Neff, SLC DEN pilot, 11/21/16, age 72, COPD
Swede Nettleblad, 2/23/93, age 76 
Jack Newland, GSW DEN aircraft dispatcher, 7/27/98, age 70 
Dick Nicewander, SLC DEN pilot, 3/22/20, age 87
Bob Nicholson, DEN pilot & flight instructor, 7/6/09, age 89
Ed Nielsen, DEN pilot, 9/6/21, age 91, complications after fall at home
Dave Norland, DEN, 11/28/07, age 71, Lou Gehrig's disease
Bill Norris, DEN pilot and director-operations projects, 4/16/05, age 73
Bill Obendorf, DEN pilot, 4/21/12, age 62, heart attack
Bill Ockerman, DEN aircraft dispatcher, 1/15/00, age 70 
Bill O'Meara, 10/1/06, age 88
Ed O'Neil, DEN pilot, vp-flight operations, 9/25/75, age 60, cancer
Dick Orr, BIL DEN pilot, chief pilot, regional director, vp-flight operations, 7/29/23, age 102
Hal Osborn, DEN pilot, 4/8/99, age 60, heart attack
Gene Owen, FTW ACF GSW DEN aircraft dispatcher, operations manager-flight control, 7/20/75, age 45 
Bob Parcell, GSW DAL DFW DEN pilot, 6/8/18, age 81, cancer
Denny Parks, DEN pilot, 3/1/99, age 53, heart attack
Fuzz Parten, RIW DEN station agent, pilot, 3/11/21, age 85, lung cancer
Karl Penner, 3/22/69, age 37, aircraft crash
Skip Pennyweight, MKC MCI SLC DEN pilot, 11/10/09, age 72, surgery
Les Phillips, SLC DEN pilot, 4/12/18, age 77
Al Pierce, 12/6/09, age 75
William Poe, SLC pilot, 5/27/72, age 35
Joe Portlock, DEN pilot, 5/7/19, age 80, heart failure
Don Powell, 1/24/08, age 75, cancer
Jack Powell, DEN GTF MCI pilot, 1/25/20, age 85, cancer
Bob Prange, DEN pilot, 1/7/13, age 80
Leonard Pratt, GSW DAL DFW, 9/11/04, age 89
Leon Prokuski, DEN, 6/6/10, age 65
Jack Purdie, DEN, 8/3/10, age 81
Ed Radford, 10/4/80, age 44, aircraft crash
Charles Rainey, 9/27/00, age 68 
Dave Rampton, SLC DEN pilot, 3/22/19, age 86
Ron Rasmussen, BIL SLC DEN pilot, 11/22/14, age 82
Bob Reisig, 5/22/12, age 69
Woody Reynolds, SLC pilot, 3/7/87, age 70
Bob Rich, 5/18/09, age 88
Jim Rimer, 11/28/83, age 49, heart attack 
Floyd Ririe, 3/4/99, age 92 
Jack Rogers, DEN aircraft dispatcher, 7/15/95, age 65 
Joe Romano, 7/30/92, age 71 
Joe Roorda, SLC DEN pilot, 1/6/22, age 87
Jim Roper, 11/27/71, age 38, cancer
Lee Roser, 2/24/01, age 73
Allen Ross, 11/10/99, age 64
Don Rounds, 3/13/03, age 73 
Walt Ruehle, DEN pilot, 10/11/22, age 92
Rusty Ruster, DEN pilot, 8/1/09, age 85
Maury Ryan, DEN pilot, 3/13/22, age 83, cardiac arrest
Tom Ryan, SLC pilot, 11/16/16, age 87
Bob Sampson, MKC MCI DEN pilot, 2/1/13, age 81
Dick Sanders, 2/2/01, age 73 
Jack Schade, SLC pilot, 6/25/14, age 93
Les Schaffer, 8/10/05, age 88, Parkinson's disease
Jerry Schleiger, DEN pilot, 3/29/79, age 49 
Mac Schow, SLC DEN, 3/7/89, age 64 
Jim Schwartz, BIL DEN pilot, 5/6/24, age 95
Rich Schwartz, DEN, 3/7/12, age 66, cancer
Bobby Scott, DEN aircraft dispatcher, 5/22/01, age 60, cancer
Sam Scott, ACF GSW DAL DFW, 3/7/10, age 88, osteomyelitis
John Scrivner, GSW DAL DFW DEN pilot, 2/15/77, age 44, aircraft crash
Tex Searle, SLC DEN pilot, 2/13/21, age 93
Norm Sexton, DEN pilot, 5/28/13, age 81
Bubba Shanahan, DEN OMA pilot, 4/17/22, age 89, Alzheimer's
Stan Shaw, SLC pilot, 12/30/20, age 85, COVID-19
Ed Sherman, DEN ground school instructor, 10/30/08, age 72
Dick Shirling, GSW BFF MCI DEN, 9/7/10, age 73
Archie Showell, DEN pilot, 10/10/14, age 84, cancer
Tom Siems, DEN pilot, 3/29/23, age 84
Lou Simmons, 9/25/71, age 37, aircraft crash
Chris Simpson, GSW DAL DFW DEN pilot, 4/30/08, age 77, heart disease & cancer
George Sims, SLC DEN pilot, 11/9/15, age 94, heart disease
Art Sinclair, Need info 
Keith Sleater, DEN pilot, 8/1/18, age 87, cancer
F.O. Smith, GSW DAL DFW DEN pilot, 11/2/07, age 77, pancreatic cancer
Frank Smith, DEN pilot, 11/2/10, age 87
Jim Smith, FTW pilot, 10/3/17, age 97
Mike Smith, 11/15/98, age 88 
Rod Smith, DEN pilot, 12/16/12, age 76, cancer
Ron Smith, DEN pilot, 3/13/89, age 59
Tom Smith, DEN pilot, 8/19/23, age 82
Emmett Spinks, FTW ACF GSW DAL DFW pilot, 7/11/04, age 88
John Spivey, AMA GSW DFW DEN pilot, 12/31/18, age 84
Tom Sponsler, 10/24/98, age 54, heart attack
John Stark, 8/11/05, age 75
Phil Steen, MKC DEN pilot, 6/18/13, age 89
John Steinberger, MCI DEN pilot, 10/7/92, 45, C-130 aircraft crash
Jim Stelter, SLC OMA DEN pilot, 11/18/00, age 72, heart failure
Boyd Stevens, DEN director-flight operations training, 12/22/00, age 78, pneumonia
Chick Stevens, 6/4/01, age 79 
Vern Stever, DEN chief aircraft dispatcher, 11/7/61, age 44, heart disease
Jesse Stokes, MKC MCI DEN pilot, 11/4/20, age 87
Bob Stone, MCI DEN pilot, 3/13/20, age 75
Lloyd Stoops, DEN pilot, 2/8/21, age 72, cancer
Ben Stuart, BIL DEN pilot & chief pilot, 2/1/92, age 70
Chuck Sullivan, 8/22/86, age 62
George Swan, 9/13/09, age 70, lung cancer
Fred Symmes, DEN pilot, 9/19/16, age 79, Alzheimer's disease
Jack Taggart, SLC BIL PHX, 5/17/81, age 59
Dal Taylor, May 66, age 52, aircraft crash
Ken Taylor, GSW DAL DEN pilot, 6/6/19, age 84, heart surgery
Bob Tersteeg, DEN OMA aircraft mechanic, pilot, 9/8/21, age 89
Joe Tesar, 1/19/06, age 61, heart attack
Chick Thomas, 10/10/10, age 80
Mike Thomas, GSW MKC MCI pilot, 4/9/22, age 81
Dick Thomason, SLC DEN pilot, 3/8/11, age 79
Bob Thompson, GSW OKC MKC DFW pilot, 8/16/90, age 60
Hugh Thornton, DEN pilot, 10/14/20, age 86, COVID-19
Elmer Tidmarsh, DEN pilot, 10/19/08, age 78
Glenn Tidwell, DEN pilot, 5/25/23, age 97
Dirk Tollenaar, DEN pilot, 11/10/18, age 78
Maury Tompkins, DEN pilot, 2/24/14, age 70
Marion Tongish, DEN pilot, 11/11/23, age 92
Bill Trimble, GSW DAL DFW pilot, 6/16/12, age 74
Ed Trimble, DEN pilot, 4/29/24, age 92
Bill Truax, DEN pilot, 10/10/18, age 85
Walt Tubb, SLC, Jul 78, age 62, aircraft crash
Don Turner, OKC GSW pilot, 8/6/14, age 82
Gary Turner, DEN pilot, 11/16/21, age 75, Alzheimer’s disease
Ralph Turner, DEN pilot, 4/15/96, age 64
Sam Turner, ACF FTW GSW, 8/20/74, age 59
Johnnie Tyler, MCI DEN pilot, 3/17/14, age 74, cancer
Larry Udelhoven, SLC DEN pilot, 11/19/24, age 80
Bob Ullrich, DEN, 8/2/11, age 81, hydrocephalus
Dick Ure, SLC BIL pilot, 3/17/71, age 42, heart attack
Ted Van Steenburgh, DEN flight training, 4/21/06, age 79
Bill Vance, OKC GSW DAL DFW pilot, 6/28/12, age 89
Sam Vascellaro, 5/1/89, age 64
George Veldboon, 7/27/80, age 57
Larry Vied, 6/4/08, age 81, staph infection
Ken Vradenburg, 11/3/09, age 87, heart disease
Jack Waddell, DEN pilot, 11/18/02, age 80, fell off ladder 
Ed Walker, 10/21/71, age 49
Johnnie Walker, SLC BIL OMA PHX pilot, 12/18/69, age 56 
Jim Walraven, GSW DAL DEN pilot, 7/9/97, age 57 
Jim Walsh, DEN pilot, 3/20/23, age 87
Bill Wardell, 10/8/10, age 80
Dave Wardle, DAL DEN pilot, Jun 2017, age 78
Bill Warinner, 6/7/78, age 44, aircraft crash 
Emily Howell Warner, DEN pilot, 7/3/20, age 80
Bill Wayland, DEN pilot, 4/15/14, age 89
Jimmy Webster, DEN pilot, 12/27/20, age 71, auto accident
Charlie Weed, SLC DEN pilot, 6/6/93, age 72 
Don Welch, AMA MKC MCI DEN pilot, 4/13/23, age 91
Dale Welling, DEN pilot, 1/27/98, age 76, emphysema
Ken Wells, 10/9/04, age 76, cancer
Hal Wheeler, 12/16/10, age 80, heart disease
Walt Whitlock, Oct71, age 54, cancer 
Wick Wicker, AMA MKC MCI DEN pilot, 5/26/03, age 75
Don Widman, DEN pilot, 7/23/00, age 72
Charlie Wiggs, 5/8/08, age 83
Bob Wilbanks, GSW DAL DFW pilot, Jan 81, age 51
Charlie Wilkinson, DEN aircraft dispatcher, 10/27/74, age 46, heart disease
Jim Willard, GSW pilot, 12/18/13, age 83
Bob Williams, DEN pilot, 4/9/98, age 66
Bob Williams, SLC DEN pilot, 9/7/18, age 79, heart attack
Roy Williams, PHX OMA DEN pilot, check airman, 6/21/86, age 59 
Bob Wilson, DEN pilot, 9/25/23, age 88
Warren Wilson, DEN pilot, 10/15/01, age 59
Gary Winn, SLC DEN pilot, 6/13/23, age 87, stroke
John Winter, DEN pilot, 8/12/22, age 85
Rick Wise, DEN pilot, 1/26/18, age 73, MS/ALS
Ray "Woody" Woodson, DEN pilot, 4/8/17, age 87
Burt Wrasse, DEN pilot, 3/7/02, age 74, cancer
Johnny Wright, DEN pilot, 1/31/00, age 77 
Jim Wyche, DEN pilot, 9/4/10, age 75
Dick Ziegler,  DEN pilot, 4/10/00, age 75 
Del Zusman, DEN aircraft dispatcher, 4/22/77, age 49 

These FLriends have "gone west".

Report new and/or additional information on deaths in the FLamily by clicking on the 737 at Shiprock.

Some years back I was doing some research in the archive book section of Brigham Young University. In reading about the old airmail pilots who flew the transcontinental mail between the years of 1918 and 1927, I came across an article explaining the term "Gone West." As the old airmail route continued its expansion from the east coast to the west, thirty-two pilots and nine mechanics lost their lives in the line of duty. Three hundred wrecked aircraft were strewn from the Allegheny Mountains known as "The Hell Stretch," across the open plains to the Rockies, the Wasatch, the Sierras into the west coast. When a pilot was over due, the term "Gone West" came into being.
-Tex Searle, FL pilot

Many thanks to those who have helped gather this information, especially Ace Avakian, Ken Schultz, Bill Blackmon, Billy Walker, Al Kendell, Herb Schmidt and H.A. "Frosty" Frost.

We are FLamily!

Established March 10, 1999