Norm flew west on Thu, Apr 4, 2019
Notes Of Remembrance
He is buried at Denver, Colorado
His obituary
Norm began working at Frontier Airlines on May 30, 1959
He became a senior station agent in Jan 1968
His 10th service anniversary came in May 1969
Norm is pictured in a Jul 1970 article
A close-up of his pic
He won money for a suggestion in Feb 1974
Norm got his 20 year pin in May 1979
A photo of him at work in the Summer of 1986
He was doing union work the same period
Norm was #149 on the Oct 1986 station agent seniority list
He was party to a Jun 1995 bankruptcy lawsuit
His grandson and he pose in about 2011
Norm about Jun 2014
And undated photo of Norm and his grandson