MAGGI HANSON KELLY FLIGHT ATTENDANT, MANAGER - FLIGHT SERVICE DENVER, DIRECTOR - FLIGHT SERVICE, DIRECTOR - FLIGHT ATTENDANT SERVICES, MANAGER-LABOR RELATIONS 1978 - 1986 DEN Maggi is in the 1979 Frontier Family Cookbook. -Jake Lamkins (12/4/04) Maggie's photo is on the pic that Ken Schultz sent from a Mar 1981 DENOO meeting. -Jake Lamkins (2/23/07) 80's Frontier Airline Collectible Cross Stitch Kit NEW This is an "original Frontier Airlines" cross stitch kit with the real original airline colors! It has never been opened, and was purchased in the company store when I was an employee in 1980. post (11/21/09) Subject: You've received a question about your eBay item, 80's Frontier Airline Collectible Cross Stitch Kit NEW I worked at FL for 22 years, 1964-86. Maybe we met. -Jake Lamkins, station agent (11/9/09) I recognize your name! Were you an agent in Denver? I started as a F/A in DEN, then moved to the office..base manager, director of inflight, eventually mgr of labor relations on Smith Road. Ah memories. I was there until '86 also. What are you doing now? - teadub49 (11/21/09) I surely met you - I was ALEA Master Chairman 1980-84 and DEN SSA 1984-86. I was in the Smith Road admin building many many times and stayed at the Ramada Inn a lot. What was your name then? My guess is Maggi Hanson? I retired from the FYV post office six years ago. Reply to and lets get off ebay. -Jake Lamkins (11/21/09) John F Kelly 66 Seattle, WA Bellevue, WA Redondo Beach, CA Ventura, CA Margaret A Kelly 66 Cheryl L Kelly Shannon M Kelly Paul Kelly (11/21/09) Google Alert - "frontier airlines" obituary Daily update ⋅ January 15, 2025 NEWS Margaret Ann Kelly Obituary (2025) - Baldwin Brothers Funerals & Cremation Society - Winter Park ... Frontier Airlines in Colorado, before retiring as the Director of Inflight at Alaska Airlines in Seattle, WA. Maggi was a great wife, partner, and ... (1/15/25) FLacebook on 1/18/25 FLIGHT WEST REPORTED MAGGI HANSON KELLY DIRECTOR OF FLIGHT SERVICES 1979 - 1986 DEN I think this is our Maggi. Can anyone confirm based on her photo or otherwise? -Jake Lamkins (1/18/25)) Glade Carpenter God bless her and her family Stephen Gould Maggie Hired me in 1982. ;( Linda Miller Anderson Yes, that's her. Stephen Gould That's her. She was a beauty. Smart and professional. Quick story- We stayed in a hotel for the 6 weeks of training. One night we got a little 'boisterous' in the halls and some of the regular guests complained. She came into the class the next day and read us the riot act. Almost fired the entire class. Fortunately for us she left it at a good a** chewing. Here I am 43 years later flying for AA. Thanks Maggie. Kayla Naima I remember my interview with her . RIP my condolences to her family Vern Lahman R.I.P. Fred Watson R.I.P Maggie Karen Ward Berry RIP. Sadder still she passed on her birthday. I'm sorry I don't remember her. Pamella Corvelli I do remember a Maggie Hanson, but she was never my supervisor, and I was hired by Bobbie. I remember Maggie as being tough. (1/18/25) Patty Hughes Smith Karen. It was in early 70s when Frontier hired some of the National FA s when they went out of biz. Maybe before your time. Lol. I remember Trish Swanson-Hawk Prayers for John, family and her many friends. Jim Gonzales Prayers Darlene Mortenson Tieskotter I remember Maggie! I was her secretary in inflight. Jake Lamkins Do you know when she came with FL and when she left? Did she leave before the bankruptcy? Did she start as a f/a? When? Thanks! Michael Engel Maggie came to Frontier as Manager of Inflight Services around 1979. She was a F/A for National Airlines prior to joining FAL. I believe that she left in 1982 before the bankruptcy. Darlene Mortenson Tieskotter No. She was never a flight attendant. She was hired as the manager of inflight. Can't remember if she left prior to bankruptcy. Lorraine Loflin I remember Maggie. Had many meetings with her. MAGGI HANSON KELLY Manager - Flight Service Denver Per the Nov 1978 Frontier telephone directory Director - Flight Service Per the Dec 1979, Dec 1980, Jan 1982 & Jan 1983 Frontier telephone directories She is not listed in the Nov 1977 telephone directory. I don't have any directories dated after 1983. She's not listed on the Nov 1984 employees roster or the Dec 1984 pension records. She said in her 11/21/09 email that she was on board til the end. Perhaps her last name changed then. Conflicting info about several things such as whether she started at Frontier as a f/a. She said she did in the Nov 21, 2009, email. I can not pin down her starting date at Frontier unless it is the Jul 1978 article. -Jake Lamkins (1/18/25) FLacebook MAGGI HANSON KELLY FLIGHT ATTENDANT, MANAGER - FLIGHT SERVICE DENVER, DIRECTOR - FLIGHT SERVICE, DIRECTOR - FLIGHT ATTENDANT SERVICES, MANAGER-LABOR RELATIONS 1978 - 1986 DEN Post your remembrances of her. -Jake Lamkins (1/31/25) Karen Ward Berry I’m sorry I don’t remember you Maggie. RIP beautiful lady. Larry and Glenda Denton May Maggi Rest in Peace, Rise in Glory and Live in the Light Eternal. Kenneth Jensen Was she originally with National! (1/31/25) Fred Watson R.I.P Maggie (2/6/25)