LYNN HAARBERG 1961 - 1965 STATION AGENT LNK Google Alert - "Frontier Airlines" obituary Lynn Gordon Haarberg - Obituary - McCook Gazette, McCook, Nebraska Lynn graduated from Wauneta High School in 1959 and worked briefly for Frontier Airlines in Lincoln, Neb... - (9/19/23) L G HAARBERG Station agent seniority date of 5/22/61 Per the Mar 1962 stations agents seniority list. L G HAARBERG Station agent seniority date of 5/22/61, ML Per the Feb 1965 stations agents seniority list. He is not on the Jan 1966 seniority list so he left the company in 1965 between Feb and Dec 31 when his military leave ML ended. -Jake Lamkins (9/20/23) FLacebook FLIGHT WEST POSTED LYNN HAARBERG 1961 - 1965 STATION AGENT LNK Not much info on Lynn. Post your remembrances of him. -Jake Lamkins (10/13/23)