LAURA JONES COLVIN 1963 - 1968 FLIGHT ATTENDANT AMA MKC Everyone gathered in front of the beautiful water fall in the hotel lobby for a group picture. Those who had started the party early and were unable to stand on their own were wedged into the middle of the group so they were supported by the crowd F/A's who attended (years of service) ...Laura (Jones) Colvin ('63 - '68)... -Posted at Phil Stalling 2004 reunion website Phil Stallings KANSAS CITY LAYOVER 2007 BEST YET!! MAY 18 - 20, 2007 The layover committee checked into the Hilton - Kansas City Airport on Thursday and began preparations for the 2007 Kansas City Flight Crew Reunion/Layover. The first to show up on Friday was Bob Stone (FAL Pilot 1977-1986) who checked into the hotel at 9:30 am in time to go to breakfast with the layover committee. And, the party was on!!! By Friday evening, a good group of FLamily had checked in and we were enjoying drinks and hors d'oeuvres in the lobby/bar area. Sometime around 9 pm the party moved to the "Crew" room upstairs for more drinks, pizza, more stories and laughs. Saturday began with breakfast at 10, although I found Jim Appleby holding court with a small group in the "Crew" room about 8:30 that morning, already back at telling each other lies and war stories. By 3 Saturday afternoon, the party was in full swing again. The evening was filled with much laughter and picture taking. And, thanks to JoDelle and Laura, two huge barrels of KFC showed up. Before the evening was over we were joined in the "Crew" room by layover crews from the "new" Frontier, Midwest, American and Chautauqua Airlines . They could not believe that after 21 years the "Old" Frontier was still so much a family and still having the time of their lives together. I think I can safely say that we did show them what an airline layover/party should be!!!! Sunday morning saw us in the restaurant for breakfast at 10 and then hugs, kisses, hand shakes and "good-by until next year". This was probably our smallest attendance for the KC Reunion/Layover BUT, most everyone agrees that it was probably our BEST!!!! Those attending included: Bob Stone, Steve Tidler, Jim Appleby, Laura (Jones) Colvin, Gerrie Donaldson, Lanette Duncan, Howard Logan, John Green, Mike Gadow, Rusty Lambert, "Jack" Frost, JoDelle (Davidson) Burwell, Ken Larason, Tom Hollister, Neil Miller, Terry Calkins, Dan & Grace Scantlin, B. J. Blackerby , Barb Carroll, Lisa Sachetta, Carl Lorenzen, Sue (Cahill) von Geyso, Frank von Geyso, Ron Gallop, Claudia (Morersch) Roach and Phil Stallings. The Committee - JoDelle Burwell, Lisa Sachetta, Laura Colvin, Steve Tidler and Phil Stallings - would like to thank everyone who attended and helped make this another successful reunion/layover. A special Thank You to John Green for donating the FAL patches to be handed out to everyone in attendance. Check the Frontier News, the Kansas City Crew Website: And your e-mail for next year's plans. Hope to see everyone there in 2008. Laura Jones Colvin I have news to share regarding my health as I have recently been diagnosed with ALS. We have created a Caring Bridge site to keep friends and family informed. We aren't looking for donations, the site adds it and it can't be removed. Laura | CaringBridge CARINGBRIDGE.ORG Laura | CaringBridge This page was created to keep friends and family informed of Mama Laura's journey with ALS. She was diagnosed on October 6th at the Mayo Clinic. (10/12/23) Steve Tidler So sorry to hear of your diagnosis, Laura! You are one of the strongest people I have ever known, and that strength will see you through ! Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family . (10/15/23) Journal Entry by Holly Jackson There has been a turn. I am asking for friends and family of Laura to please send your love to the Colvin family and your thoughts and prayers for a peaceful passing. Mama Laura was admitted to hospice last week, she is still being cared for at home with the loving support of Carrie and Kathy. Two nights ago was an extremely difficult night with a lot of discomfort. It became apparent how hard breathing has become. Mama Laura is now utilizing a breathing machine to force oxygen into her body. She is sedated to stay comfortable and manage pain. She is being read messages of love and peace and will hear from you if you text Carrie, Kathy or message here. - (5/14/24) Laura's Facebook page: Holly Mady Jackson is with Carrie Lake and May 15, 2024 Those who knew her loved her. Mama Laura passed this morning surrounded by love in her home. Please continue to send strength and peace to Carrie, Kathy and Jones as they navigate life without her physical presence. Please remember we are not asking for donations on the website, we cannot turn off that feature. Mama Laura is at Peace Journal Entry by Holly Jackson - May 15, 2024 Mama Laura passed late this morning. Carrie and Kathy were by her side encouraging her that they would be okay with her taking her final breath. Her wishes were honored, she was kept comfortable and surrounded in love. All the support and love sent was deeply felt and appreciated by all. It has been a testament to the amazing woman she is to share all of your loving words and stories with her over the last two days and throughout this journey with ALS. She was a genuine mother figure to all, a golden friend to so many and made a lasting positive impact on even those she only met once. Those messages were also deeply appreciated by Carrie, Kathy and everyone else present who know and love Mama Laura. Plans for a celebration of life will be shared once they are made. The abruptness of how quickly things turned this week has been a whirlwind and impossible to process right now. If you have reached out to Carrie or Kathy and have not heard a response, please know they are grateful for love and support but also feeling complete emotional overwhelm. - (6/1/24) John Green Hi Jake, Laura (Jones) Colvin, a former CN/FL Flight Attendant passed away yesterday May 15th at her home in Lee's Summit, MO from complications of ALS. Laura flew back in the mid to late sixties and was based in both the Amarillo and Kansas City domiciles. More Information I'll send later. (5/16/24) I'm sorry to hear this. Thanks for letting me know. -Jake Lamkins (5/17/24) FLacebook FLIGHT WEST REPORTED LAURA JONES COLVIN 1963 - 1968 FLIGHT ATTENDANT AMA MKC May 15, 2024 No obituary seen yet. -Jake Lamkins (5/19/24) No obit found or FindAGrave record today. -Jake Lamkins (5/25/24) Her Facebook page is at Several postings there. -Jake Lamkins (6/1/24) No obituary found with online search so I don't know her birthdate. I'm guessing she started in 1963 about age 20 so I will show her birth year 1943 until more info is received. -Jake Lamkins (6/4/24) FLacebook & FL_E-List FLIGHT WEST POSTED LAURA JONES COLVIN 1963 - 1968 FLIGHT ATTENDANT AMA MKC Need an obituary for Laura. Post your remembrances of her. -Jake Lamkins (6/4/24) Posted at Laura's Facebook page. All of Laura's many friends at Central Airlines and the old Frontier Airlines are saddened to hear of her passing. Our condolences to her family. -Jake Lamkins (6/4/24) John Green That is a real nice remembrance that you put up for her. Thanks for all that you do. Barbara Mitchell Carroll One of the best ! Loved her and she will be missed ! Karen Berry RIP Laura. Fred Watson R.I.P Laura Angie Oliver-Reed I am so sorry to all. (6/4/24) SueAnn Erb Words cannot express how my heart aches. Forever friend forever missed. (6/5/24) Carrie Lake Thank you this is beautiful. (6/9/24) Sue Evans Jake, you are amazing! This is wonderful! Thanks so much. (6/16/24)