JOHN WINTER 1968 - 1986 PILOT DEN Thanks for the invite! I just signed up and would be interested in also getting on the distribution for the newsletter. Is this the one that Ace put's out? If you can send me the details, I'll sign up for that as well! -John Winter (10/22/04) Dave Sanctuary Hi John - sorry we missed seeing you during our recent visit to Houston. Anita and I went on an 8 week camping trip with our 25' Airstream. Had a great time. Heard you were having a difficult time while we were there, so elected to put off a social visit until later this summer. Glad to hear you're on the mend. Hope to see you soon. (5/3/12) FLacebook Sheryl Horne Winter Hi Jake...can you please add a new email address for John. We finally have our own emails :). Thank you. John Winter The same to all my Frontier family! Thanks to you Jake for the incredible work you've done to keep us all together! I Don"t know where we would all be without you! God Bless! (11/30/12) Jake, how do I subscribe to the FAL news letter? I don't know if I signed up with Ace or not. Thanks. -John Winter (1/6/13) Hi John, Ace's newsletter ceased with his death. He put it out about 20 years. Mine started in 2000 from an idea at the FYV-FSM FL Reunion. It is for all FLolks whereas Ace's was primarily pilot oriented. I titled it the Frontier News since that's what the FL employee newsletter was called from 1965 on. All 50 issues are posted at the FL website: in color and free. I still postal mail copies to those who like a B&W hard copy or simply don't do the internet. For those I ask $12 per year to cover printing and postage. If you want that, my address is below. The Archie Howell you mentioned at FLacebook - was he a FL pilot? Regards, -Jake Lamkins (1/6/13) Thanks Jake for getting back to me so quickly. Yes, Archie Howell was one of our very senior Captains. I had the pleasure of flying F/O for him many times. He was very well respected by the pilot group! Thanks for all of the great work you do to keep our FAL family alive. Please don't ever leave us. I sure miss ALL of my Frontier friends. -John Winter (1/7/13) FLacebook John is 77 today. -Jake Lamkins (8/14/13) FLacebook John Winter I have only made one reunion years ago, I'm ashamed! My oldest son left UAL as VP of flight Ops, discussed with the whole Company he could go back as a senior 777 Captain, but has opened a very successful craft brewery in Lone tree Colorado. My little boy(44) is flying for WalMart out of Rogers Ark - great job and he loves it. This retirement is a well guarded secret. I miss all the FAL folks. (10/13/13) Many thank for all you do for us. By the way I went by Bentonville to see my son, who flys for WalMart, and we had a chance to drive down to see your FAL museum. Very nice Jake, you've done a great job!! Thanks again, -John Winter (11/26/13) Hi John, Thank you for the kind words about my museum display. I'm so glad you came by to visit it. May the Great Pumpkin bless you and yours. -Jake Lamkins (11/27/13) Hub Barker came up to Denver to visit my friend Boyd Rose. We all went out to a country western bar with live entertainment. Sometime during the evening Hub went up to ask the band if he could sing with them. Not knowing Hub, they said okay, thinking he was a drunk and would be funny!! Everyone in the place was stunned including me. He sang a number of Hank William's songs, and the crowd went wild. With that Boyd and I had to stay until closing time, because every time he tried to leave,the band and the crowd made him stay. Boyd and I felt like we were with a celebrity!! The band and the management asked him to please come back the next night. Unfortunately he had to get back to work! I'll never forget Hub and that night, along with several other Hub Barker stories. God bless him, he was a hell of a good man!! -John Winter (5/7/14) < Both Hub and Boyd have flown west and their memorial webpages can be viewed at > Hi Jake! First I'm so sorry we missed seeing you at the picnic this summer! Sounds like it was a great time had by all. The reason I'm writing is that, as you know, our house flooded with four feet water and we lost a ton of memories along with the general household items. I would like to try to put something together for John for Christmas and wondered if you had any pictures of him in your archives that I might have. If you find any and can just scan them into an email to me that would be perfect. I'm trying to think of who else might have pictures from John's flying career so thought I'd start with you. I might try Billy Walker as well and see if he has anything. I know he didn't have a whole lot to begin with but thought he'd love to have SOMETHING from his FL past. Thank you so much for your help!! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving! Take care! -Sheryl Winter (11/26/17) Hi Sheryl, I'm delighted to help and have attached everything I have in John's FLile. Best wishes for Christmas and I hope the New Year is your best ever. -Jake Lamkins (11/26/17) FLacebook: John Winter shared a memory. Zantop Air Transport carried mostly Automotive shut down freight from Detroit with some Quick Trans ( Navy ) freight and (Log Air) Air ( USAF) freight and troops to Vietnam and charters anywhere. They had World Wide authority and was founded by three brothers, each heading up one department. Their fleet consisted of DC-3 C-46s DC-6s DC7s Lockheed Electra’s. They operated out of Detroit’s Metro Then Willow Run in Ypsilanti, Michigan. Most of the freight movement was at night. Zantop was a proud Airline with excellent pilots, Mechanics and ground service personal. I was a Zantop Flight Engineer and Frontier Airlines Flight Engineer Captain Ck Airman DEN and Continental Airlines Ck Airman Asst Chief Pilot MD80 IAH. (2/14/18) Re: FL News Jake you better not leave us for any reason, you're the bright light that makes us a family, sorry, I should have referred to you as Captain Jake. Take care of yourself and have many, many more Happy Birthdays!!!! God Bless -John Winter (7/23/18) Thank you for the kind words, John. May you have many more birthdays too. I salute you with a sip of coffee:) -Jake Lamkins (7/23/18) FLacebook to John Winter September 18, 2017 Jake Lamkins How are you and Sheryl? The FLamily is asking how they can help. John Winter We're doing okay finally in our motor home, small but dry and cool. Thanks for your kind thoughts we love you all. Back in the house in about 4 months. John Winter Hi Jake, thank the FAL family for their kind thoughts. We are back in the house now, what a job putting everything away. The motor home was a blessing, it gave us a place to stay. Thanks again Jake. May God Bless you and your family, what an honor to be a part of such a wonderful Family (9/18/18) John Winter phoned and we chatted 10 minutes or so. He wanted to tell me that Dave Rampton had flown west at 11:07 am. Tom Robertson had alerted me earlier today. John said he would send the obituary when he got it. He also told me about Hub Barker cleaning his windshield in OKC and that Boyd Rose's brain cancer has about finished him off. He said he was 82 now and getting some physical therapy but didn't elaborate. -Jake Lamkins (3/23/19) David Winter on FLacebook Messenger 8/12/22 Hello Jake. Just wanted to pass along to you and the Frontier community that my Dad, John Winter, passed away this afternoon. His wife Sheryl and my brother John were with him. Have no details. Will advise when I have further information. Take care Jake. I'm so sorry to hear this. My condolences to you and the family. I'll alert the FLamily. -Jake Lamkins (8/13/22) Re John Winter It is with a broken heart that I share with our friends and family that I lost my sweet John yesterday. It was very sudden and he was thankfully here at home. We shared a great life together that I will always cherish. -Sheryl Winter (8/13/22) FLacebook FLIGHT WEST REPORTED JOHN WINTER 1968 - 1986 PILOT DEN "Just wanted to pass along to you and the Frontier community that my Dad, John Winter, passed away this afternoon. His wife Sheryl and my brother John were with him. Have no details. Will advise when I have further information. David Winter" -Jake Lamkins (8/13/22) Lance Lau John was the instructor who welcomed us on my first day at Frontier. He was one of the best managers we had and continues to be an influence on me now that I am in aviation management. Blue skies and tailwinds brother, see you on the other side. My deepest condolences to John’s family. Debra Spurgeon Sending prayers Carolyn Lutz John was a good guy. RIP John Martie Palser One of the best! RIP John. Tyler Vance Really sad news, John was a great guy, will miss his laugh and humor. Pam Coffman Ellis So sorry to hear this. Prayers for John's family Joy May Oh my goodness! What a great guy!! My prayers & thoughts to his family! May he RIP Gretchen Densley Such a fun guy..sorry to hear this H Glade Carpenter Thanks for sharing. God bless you and your family. Bonnie Dahl Oh no! He was one of my favorites. I think I saw him 2 yrs ago at party in PHX. Bless you John Dan Albers What a great guy! He will be missed. George Fay OMG... I am stunned to hear this! John and I were great friends and colleagues at FAL. I gave him his line time on both the 580 and the 737. I'm starting to run out of superlatives as we lose our heroes from the good old days, but BIG JOHN was one of a kind. May he Rest In Peace and have tailwinds, fair skies, and a smooth arrival on his final flight west. I miss all our guys who have gone on before; but this one I'll miss more than most. Prayers for Sheryl and the family. God bless you, Sir! Sylvia Rau So very sorry to hear that! Prayers for his wife and kids and all his family and friends and coworkers who will miss him terribly. Phillip R Stallings RIP My Friend. Ginger Treptow So sorry for your loss and my Condolences to your family! Steve Tidler So sorry to hear of your dad's passing, David. He was a wonderful man and a great pilot ! John will be missed! Sharlene Hall So sorry to hear this, RIP John Patty Hughes Smith One of the best! Memories of great flights! Prayers for John's family! Greg Metz Prayers Christina Bonatti Sorry to hear this news. RIP john Patricia Trish Swanson-Hawk Prayers for David, Sheryl, John and all family members and many friends. John Duncan Well done, Capt Winter Kevin Porreco So sorry for your loss. John was a wonderful man.? Astrid Gyger So sorry to hear this. Ed Woodson Yes ! One of the good guys. You will be missed. Sharon Finke I’m so sorry to hear this. My thoughts & prayers go out to his family. Tom Wiggin Sr. Great guy, great pilot. So sad to receive the news. Karen Akers So sorry to hear this. Jon was a one of a kind classic kind man always a joy to fly with. RIP Captain Jon Irene Fairweather Sad news! John was a great guy to fly with. Always cheerful. RIP John. Pamella Corvelli My sincere condolences to you and your family. I really liked flying with your Dad. He knew where every gym was in every city we had a lay over in. He was so young of spirit and an overall great person. Henry Greathouse Deepest Sympathy for his Family. R.I.P. Carl Lorenzen Sorry to hear that John has flown West. Well respected and great to fly with! Diane Wright Smith John was a terrific guy always upbeat and always a good trip with him .. so sorry for your loss. Sharon Trumble He was joy to fly with always. Thanks for the great memories Captain. Jim Haxby RIP John! Glenn Trautmann RIP! He will be missed! Sue Beckham So sorry. He was a great person RIP Connie Larsen I’m so sorry to hear about you dad. He was a wonderful man and good friends with my husband John Deahl. They were roommates in the beginning of their careers at FAL. Prayers to you and your family. (8/13/22) One of the absolutely finest persons I've ever known flew west yesterday a little after three PM. His son, John T, and Sheryl were with him when he passed. John would have been 86 t'morrow! John T said that his dad had been doing great and thoroughly n'joyed the last few days. Yesterday, he wasn't feeling well. Sheryl helped him lay down, but things started going south quickly after. No actual cause yet. And no services are set. John T will let us know when things get to that point. This is a very sad day for those who had the privilege of knowing John Winter. RIP ol' friend! -Billy Walker (8/13/22) Roberta Brashears One of the good guys, for sure. My sympathies to the family, and his many friends! Terry Thompson So sorry to hear this David. I shall raise a pint in your father's honor this evening. One of the best. Kayla Naima My condolences to his family, may David RIP Ada Gehman That’s sad news! My sincere condolences to his family… Liz Gomez RIP, John Winter Jennifer Kerr- McGinn He was a great man. Barb Womack So sorry for your loss. Sylvia Herrera-Mimbela Deepest sympathies to his family and friends Cherylann Morgan So sad. RIP. Fred Watson R.I.P. Captain Lisa Kerr Zeman He was a great guy!!! (8/13/22) Lisa Morgigno Jaworski So sorry for your loss. May he Rest In Peace. He probably knew my Dad, Captain Eddy Morgigno. (8/14/22) J T WINTER Emp# 09471 DEN first officer DOB 8/14/36 DOH 4/28/68 Address in Aurora, CO Per the Dec 1970 employees roster J T WINTER Emp# 09471, DENWI Address in Aurora, CO Per the Nov 1984 employees roster J T WINTER Pilot seniority date of 3/18/68, #184 Do not know why his pilot seniority date is earlier than his DOH. -Jake Lamkins (8/19/22) FLacebook post on 8/19/20 Sheryl Horne Winter We are looking at doing a memorial service towards the end of September. We will be sure to let everyone know when it’s finalized. (8/19/20 ) Sheryl's Facebook page is at Damn good guy. Will miss him. RIP Big John. -John Mrosla Remembering a stand-up guy and a life well lived. Wishing family and friends all the best. -Alan Fishback (8/20/22) FLacebook FLIGHT WEST POSTED JOHN WINTER 1968 - 1986 PILOT DEN Post your remembrances of him. -Jake Lamkins (8/24/22) Dick Bunting Sorry to hear this. John was a good guy. Karen Berry RIP John, it was a pleasure knowing you. Fred Watson R.I.P. John Kayla Pfeiffer Naima My condolences (8/25/22) Sheryl Horne Winter Thank you, Jake. (8/26/22) Sheryl Horne Winter We will be having a memorial service for John on Friday, September 23 at 1:00 at Kingwood United Methodist Church, 1799 Woodland Hills Drive, Kingwood. We are attempting to determine how many to expect so if you can, please send your RSVP to me at In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in John’s memory to St. Jude’s, Wounded Warriors or the charity of your choice. Thank you! (9/4/22) John Heimburger Went to John Winter's Celebration of Life last week! George Fay Unfortunately with us on the other side of the world at the moment it wasn't possible for us to make John's celebration. Sure would have loved to have been there; he was such a great friend over the years. (10/2/22)