JOHN PAPPAS 1967 - 1986 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, SALES MANAGER, STATION MANAGER PHX DEN ABQ RNO John Pappas (the manager) went to work for America West, in the tour department and moved to Phoenix (I think). -Joe Max Johnson (2/28/02) Staying here in Vegas with Chuck Fahrenholz, Larry Nensteil and John Pappas. Lots of old FL folks stop by. Really appreciuate your efforts. Best -Jack Zembeck (8/29/05) Hey Jack, What's John Pappas doing these days? -Jake Lamkins (8/29/05) (No response) Posted at Mike Leonard's funerary guestbook Dear Donna and family, I am deeply saddened to learn of Mike's passing. We worked together for many years and developed a great friendship. May the comfort of God help you during this difficult time. Our hearts go out to you in your time of sorrow. -John Pappas & family, Las Vegas, Nevada (7/14/09) Hello Jake, Thanks for keeping the FL memory going. Lots of fun reading notes from others and fun reviewing the FL Story. I started in 1967 as sale rep in PHX, moved to DEN in '76 as Manager LAS Sales Development (Dunaway's office), transferred to ABQ as Assistant City Manager (under Chuck Caruthers then Frank Schubert), promoted to City Manager RNO and opened the station in 1981..... then had to close shop in RNO in 1986. A sad day, to be sure. I have a complete set of CP & P Manuals. Do you want them for your memorabilia collection? If not, do you know someone who might want them? Just let me know either way. Thanks again - looking forward to hearing from you and reading more from our former FAL workmates. John A. Pappas Outside Sales Manager Lake Mead Cruises (8/10/13) Hi John, Great hearing from you and thanks for the bio and offer. I would love to have the CP&Ps. They will go to the University of Arkansas Library upon my death along with my other FL memorabilia. I'm looking forward to seeing them, and appreciate your gift very much. Regards, -Jake Lamkins (8/10/13) Hello, Jake. That's great -- I'll box 'em up and ship (soon as I can) and will look for other memorabilia for your "treasure-chest." Keep what you want and pitch anything else. I won't send junk, but stuff you might want. Thx -- JP -John Pappas (8/11/13) That's wonderful, John! Some things I find particularly useful are newsletters, bulletins, seniority lists, rosters, newspaper and magazine articles, photographs with IDs if possible and anything with employees' names on them. Thank you very much in advance. -Jake Lamkins (8/11/13) Jake, Coming your way via FedEx. One box (30 lbs) tracker #795831482788. Should arrive Monday or Tuesday next week. No signature required to accept so driver will just leave on your door step in case you're not home. Keep any money or checks you might find. John Pappas (9/11/2013) I'll be watching for it and let you know when it arrives. Thanks again, -Jake Lamkins (9/12/13) Hi John, How can I thank you enough for the FL package you sent? The CP&Ps are wonderful and will fit into my FL library perfectly. The other FL items are terrific too. The box fittingly arrived yesterday while I was at the FYV FSM FL Reunion. THANK YOU again! -Jake Lamkins (9/15/13) Hello Jake, Coming your way via US mail...probably Monday 12-2-13... FL wooden Plaque -- "Commitment to Excellence." Plus a small FRONTIER AIRLINES desk sign. Not sure what it's called and not sure you'd even want it. Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas. -John Pappas (11/25/13) Thanks so much, John. I really appreciate it. Have a great Thanksgiving! -Jake Lamkins (11/25/13) Hi John, Got your packet today and thank you again. Best wishes for the Holidays. -Jake Lamkins (12/2/13) Hello Jake, I happened to stumble onto the FL web site this evening and came across the Commitment to Excellence plaque I sent you. Guess I should have known many other FL friends had the same plaque. As I recall, during the "Bev Grear" days (not sure of the spelling), Station Managers/City Managers and actually all management personnel attended a series of motivational training classes and upon completion, we were awarded the Commitment to Excellence plaque. That was some 30 years ago and exact memory escapes me. Perhaps others will recall scenario. My career with FL began in 1967 (Sales Rep - PHX). Transferred to DEN-GO in 1978 as Mgr. LAS Sales Development reporting to Ed Dunaway and Al Toll. 13 months later transferred to ABQ (FL operational reorganization) as Asst. City Mgr. (Chuck Caruthers was CM - then Frank Schubert assumed CM position). 18 months later - to the day, was promoted to CM-RNO on 1-1-81 and opened RNO station with first flight on 3-15-81. Somewhere I have a promotional fold-out brochure introducing me as the new City Manager in RNO and a photo of me taking a step down the stairs of the B-737. Believe that was the standard promotional piece we used to announce and introduce each new CM to the local community. Joe Barker has similar promo piece. At one time I suppose I had hundreds of 'em but now not sure I even have one Not sure of this fact, but seems to me I was one of a select few City Managers to have opened a new station, only to have to close the same station on August 24,1986. Others quite possibly were Howard Schatz (SNA) and CM's opening EUG and PDX. I don't recall the names of the CM for EUG an PDX, but Howard Schatz was SNA. By the way, I was assigned as Project Manager to coordinate the opening of EUG, PDX and SNA. That was in 1978-'79 time frame. Our team completed personal and individual sales calls to every travel agency and covered the city in a "Sales Blitz" fashion to call on all city officials from the Mayor on down. Then we hosted invited guests to a night of music, a brief sales presentation and, of course, the ever-present buffet table stocked with plenty of cheese cubes and fresh shrimp....not to mention the open bar. Those were the days, my friend...those were the days! Regards, -John Pappas (1/12/14 Thanks for the bio, John. I'll run it in the newsletter. Stay well and thanks again for your generous Frontier gifts. -Jake Lamkins (1/13/14) Hello Jake -- I still have some FL memorabilia. Do you want any? Do you have access to some kind of "airline museum" to display some things. I will send and hopeful will be displayed accordingly. -John Pappas (7/1/17) Hi John, What do you have? I might be able to use it at the Air Museum exhibit. I just added pilot George Ceshker's uniform to the display. His son sent the money to buy a manikin for it. The exhibit is posted at Hope you are well. -Jake Lamkins (7/1/17) Jake -- Not sure you know - Jack Zembeck passed away a couple of weeks ago. I got the call from Frank Schubert. Also -- do you know the email address for Joe Barker....if so, plz send my way. Thanks, -John Pappas (5/4/20) Thanks, John, Frank called me too. Joe Barker's contacts are below. -Jake Lamkins (5/4/20) Hello Jake... Hope you're safe and taking precautions against COVID-19. Certainly turned our world around. I see where you posted passing of H. Lee Davis. I met him a couple of times during my years at FL. Wish I could go back to 1967 when I was hired as sales rep in PHX. At the time, Don Boyle was DSM - PHX. Do you have an email address for Marv Pester? Please send my way. Last I saw Marv was in LAS where we enjoyed dinner ...sometime around middle of 90's. Hope you can find and send me his email address. Thanks -John Pappas (1/28/21) Hi John, Great hearing from you. Marvin Pester's contact is below. -Jake Lamkins (1/28/21) FLacebook Hi Jake, just saw this in my America west group..... It is with deep sadness on behalf of the family that I announce the passing of former America West Las Vegas Hub District Sales Manager, John Pappas. John was a career airline guy who also worked for Frontier Airlines prior to his many years at HP. John was well connected in Las Vegas with many of the casino properties, the LVCVB and many other airlines. He was also active in the SKAL club. John provided top-notch service to our travel agent and corporate accounts throughout the State of Nevada. John had the uncanny ability to make you laugh at any moment in time. His sense of humor was like no other. I was fortunate enough to work very closely with John through my positions in Phoenix Sales and America West Vacations. We became great friends and we kept in touch through the years. We spoke often and recently a few weeks ago. I know he touched the lives of many America West employees throughout his years. He was kind and gentle man. RIP John - We will miss you. Services will be at the discretion of the family. -Larry Kramer (10/12/24) Sad news! Thanks for letting me know, Larry. -Jake Lamkins (10/12/24) No obituary found on google search. -Jake Lamkins (10/14/24) J A PAPPAS Emp# 06903 PHX sales representative DOB 10/23/42 DOH 11/16/67 Per the Dec 1970 employees roster. ---------------------------------- J A PAPPAS Emp# 06903 RNO OO Address in Reno, Nevada Per the Nov 1984 employees roster. ---------------------------------- The Dec 1984 Frontier Pension Records show his DOB as 10/23/42 and DOH as 11/16/67. -Jake Lamkins (10/14/24) Hey Larry, Anything new on John? Obituary, notice of death, what day did he fly west, etc? Thanks, -Jake Lamkins (10/16/24) Larry Kramer Hi Jake. I don't but will see what I can find and let you know (10/16/24) Larry Kramer I checked with the guy who posted that he had passed. He didn't know of an obit. I will watch for one too. Jake Lamkins Thanks for your help, Larry. I'll do another internet search for confirmation. And ask for info from the FLacebook crew. FLacebook FLIGHT WEST REPORTED BUT UNCONFIRMED JOHN PAPPAS 1967 - 1986 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, SALES MANAGER, STATION MANAGER PHX DEN ABQ RNO Does anyone have any info on John? I cannot find any confirmation with an internet search. -Jake Lamkins (10/17/24). Glade Carpenter God bless him and his family Karen Ward Berry RIP, John. Trish Swanson-Hawk I haven't found any info. (10/17/24) AJ Pappas on FLacebook Hi Jake! Unfortunately it's true that Dad flew west a few months ago. He was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 2020 and battled numerous health ailments in addition. He passed October 10th here in Las Vegas. Dad kept ALL of his files and memories from his FAL days and I would love to share some of these memories with the group. He truly loved Frontier Airlines! (12/31/24) John Pappas on Facebook Last post is May 2020 Last post Jun 2023 Son AJ Pappas Could find nothing about John on his page. -Jake Lamkins (1/9/25) Hi AJ, I'm starting work on a Frontier memorial webpage for your dad. I have not been able to find an obituary online. Can you send me one and some pix of him from his Frontier days? And anything else you want to include. Thanks, -Jake Lamkins (1/9/25) AJ Pappas Hi Jake! I'll get you some pictures of his Frontier days. I found some great ones in his files. We unfortunately did not create an obituary, however I want to make one and this is a perfect opportunity. I'll get something to you. Thanks, that sounds great! Jake Lamkins (1/9/25) FLacebook FLIGHT WEST POSTED JOHN PAPPAS 1967 - 1986 SALES REPRESENTATIVE, SALES MANAGER, STATION MANAGER PHX DEN ABQ RNO Post your remembrances of him. -Jake Lamkins (1/11/25) Fred Watson R.I.P John. (1/11/25) Joe Barker RIP John, enjoyed the times we had together both with Frontier and then when I was with Continental in LAS. You were always a class gentleman. Trish Swanson-Hawk Prayers for his family and many friends. Bonnie Dahl Sorry to see you go. John. You were the best. God bless you my friend. Ginger Treptow I was so surprised to hear of his passing. Met him when he was with Sales in Phoenix! Lost contact and after the Bankruptcy. I lost contact with many of the employees that were in the Phoenix office and District! May He Rest in Peace! (1/12/25) Sandie Gibbons RIP. (1/13/25) Tina Larreau RIP John. (1/14/25) Jose A Marquez RIP John I always enjoyed visiting with you when I based in Phoenix. (1/17/25)