JACK SCHEERINGA 1979 - 1984 AIRCRAFT CLEANER MCI PHX He is shown in the Jun 1983 suggestions article. JACK B SCHEERINGA, KANSAS CITY, $1,560 I did not find him in my FLiles initially. Not listed in the Nov 1984 employees roster. Nor the Dec 1984 ALEA or salaried pension records. -Jake Lamkins (1/20/23) J B SCHEERINGA Aircraft cleaner seniority date of 1/27/79 ORG# 3444 - PHX Per the Nov 1980 IAM seniority list. The Jun 1983 article shows him in MCI. He is not on the May 1986 IAM seniority lists. Looks like he left the company around 1984. He may have quit in MCI to get back to PHX. Nothing at FindAGrave.com Very little elsewhere. He was only 45 when he flew west. -Jake Lamkins (1/20/23) FLacebook FLIGHT WEST POSTED JACK SCHEERINGA 1979 - 1984 AIRCRAFT CLEANER MCI PHX http://FAL-1.tripod.com/Jack_Scheeringa.html Not much info on Jack. Still need an obituary and a photo. Post your remembrances of him. -Jake Lamkins (1/25/23) Jake Lamkins Jack is the 2375th memorial webpage posted. Lisa Kerr Zeman Prayers Fred Watson R.I.P Jack Trish Swanson-Hawk It is so sad that information on him was not posted by a family member. RIP. Karen Berry RIP Jan Lefler RIP Jack (1/25/23) Loren Holmgren Wonderful! You do an expert job for each and every Frontier employee. I have no idea how you keep up. Thanks Jake (1/26/23) FLacebook messenger on 6/12/23 Steve Smith Hi Jake, I worked with Jack Scheeringa as cleaner in PHX from 1979-1982. I too cannot find anything else about his passing. I lost touch with him. If Joann Makedonsky or Karen Grace are members, they may have more info on him. Thanks, Steve! Jake (6/12/23)