HARRY SPARKS 1980 - 1986 STATION AGENT, TICKET COUNTER AGENT LEX SNA DFW Ray Van Camp mentioned that you had set up a group for the old FL employees. I hired on in LEX as a SA, and was trf to SNA, then DFW, then back to LEX as a TCA. I just joined the FL Facebook - great to see all the memorabilia that is there. You've done a great job. Ray mentioned that you could get me set up with the ex FL group, which I would appreciate you doing. Thanks, -Harry Sparks (6/2/10) Hi Harry, Great hearing from you. Guess you worked with my old FYV friend Jim Thomas in LEX? He and I ended up together in MAF. What years did you work at Frontier? I'll send you an invite to the FL Club right away. There's also a FL newsletter - send your postal address and I'll send you one. And check out the weblink below. Welcome back to the FLamily. Jake Lamkins (6/2/10) Facebook Harry Sparks Worked at FL in the early 80's at LEX, SNA, DFW, & back to LEX. Was being transferred to BOI before TCA position opened in LEX that I successfully bid on. I sure miss Frontier! (6/2/10) H R SPARKS TCA seniority date of 11/10/80, emp# 16524, FUR, on the 1/1/86 FL/ALEA seniority list. -Jake Lamkins (6/2/10) Hi Jake, Thanks for the quick response. Yes, I did work with Jim. Great guy. I hired on I believe in 1978, or shortly after they opened the station after Eastern moved out. After I transferred back to LEX from DFW, I worked there until they shut the station down sometime in 1984. I'd love to see the newsletter. -Harry Sparks (6/2/10) Hi Harry, Latest issue of the FL NEWS will be in the mail to you tomorrow. -Jake Lamkins (6/2/10) Jake, I'd like to know how to contact Howard Schatz. He was the Station Manager when I worked at SNA. Thanks. \ -Harry Sparks (6/20/11) Hi Harry, Howard's eddress is hschatzpc@gmail.com -Jake Lamkins (6/21/11) Re FL NEWS Summer 2012 Issue #48: Jake, On page 20 of the issue, you show where the all female cockpit crew flew into Lexington on June 16, 1984, flight 244. I was working at LEX that night and was notified via teletype of the news. I contacted our station manager, Bill Gore, by telephone to advise him of the situation. He advised me to contact whatever news stations I could in the hour or so of time I had. I called TV stations WLEX, WTVQ, and WKYT, and radio stations WVLK and WLAP, and not one of them showed up. That was quite a disappointment, since it was history in the making. -Harry Sparks (7/1/12) Thanks for the history, Harry. Hope you are well. -Jake Lamkins (7/1/12) FLacebook Re Marv Pester FLight West Sorry to hear this. I worked with Marv when I was at DFW. -Harry Sparks (7/29/13) FLacebook Re John Charles Lyons memorial: Jake I don't know why I didn't think to send this to you previously. I worked with John in the mid-80s at DFW, and we would occasionally touch base with him over the years after Frontier. He also worked at Mary Kay in Dallas at the same time he worked for Frontier. Hope all is well with you. -Harry Sparks (10/2/13) Emailing: Frontier training.xls Jake, going through some old Frontier stuff, I found these training materials. Do you know of anyone that would like to have them, or should I just trash them? Hope all is going well with you. -Harry Sparks (7/14/14) Hi Harry, Box'em up and mail to me. What I can't use I'll give to the special collections library. In return, I'll comp you a subscription to the FL newsletter. Thanks, -Jake Lamkins (7/15/14) Hi Harry, Your package arrived today and thanks very much. It's a nice collection of FL material. I'll mail you the latest FL newsletter Monday. Thanks again, -Jake Lamkins (7/19/14) RE: Emailing: Frontier training.xls Thanks, Jake. Glad everything made it ok. -Harry Sparks (7/19/14) Termination date Hi Jake, I was curious to see if you have a termination date for me. My hire date was 11-10-1980, and my employee id# was 16524. Thanks for any information you can provide. -Harry Sparks (4/8/19) Hi Harry, You were shown on the Oct 1986 FL/ALEA Seniority List as FUR so you were still with Frontier on a non pay status when it closed down Aug 24, 1986. I don't have anything on when you went on furlough. Technically, you were not terminated until the bankruptcy. Hope you are well, -Jake Lamkins (4/8/19) Jake, would you happen to have Laurie Robbins’ contact info? I think I worked with her at LEX, and saw her when I worked at SNA. Thanks, -Harry Sparks (10/5/20) Hey Harry, She was posting on FLacebook a few months ago. I forwarded your email to her. -Jake Lamkins (10/5/20) Harry's son! Wesley Sparks September 27, 1988 - May 13, 2021 Lexington, Kentucky - Wesley Michael Sparks, age 32, of Lexington, Kentucky, passed away Thursday, May 13, 2021 at Baptist Health Lexington. -https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/kentucky/obituary.aspx?n=wesley-sparks&pid=198662688&fhid=4756 (5/18/21) Facebook on 7/18/24 Jennifer Brinegar is with Harry Sparks. My sweet, sweet Daddy! The best Dad, Pop & friend you will ever meet. I have so many words, yet I can’t seem to find them. I love you, I love you, I love you… Obituary information for Harry Sparks https://www.kerrbrothersfuneralhome.com/obituaries/Harry-Sparks?obId=32336923 Chrystal Sparks on his Facebook page. I could not have imagined any better Father in law/Dad/Pop. Dad never treated me as a DIL, he always told people he had 2 daughters when asked. I have so many words but just no way to say them. I love you Dad, we miss you so much. Tell Wes we said love you. Sherre Sparks on Facebook I lost my best friend and husband of almost 46 years this past Friday. I’ll miss your kind heart, sweet smile, your laugh and silly sense of humor Harry Sparks. I’ll love you forever. I can only imagine your reunion with Wes. Until we meet again. (7/19/24) FLacebook Post on 7/19/24 FLIGHT WEST REPORTED HARRY SPARKS 1980 - 1986 STATION AGENT, TICKET COUNTER AGENT LEX SNA DFW https://www.kerrbrothersfuneralhome.com/obituaries/Harry-Sparks?obId=32336923 Karen Berry RIP Harry. Fred Watson R.I.P Harry Trish Swanson-Hawk Condolences to Sherre, family and many friends. (7/19/24) H R SPARKS Emp# 16524, Org# 3380, LEXOO, FUR DOB 9/6/45 DOH 11/10/80 and ticket counter agent seniority date Per the Oct 1986 ticket counter agents seniority list -Jake Lamkins (7/23/24) https://www.facebook.com/harry.r.sparks is his Facebook page. Lots of family photos posted there. -Jake Lamkins (7/25/24) FLacebook FLIGHT WEST POSTED HARRY SPARKS 1980 - 1986 STATION AGENT, TICKET COUNTER AGENT LEX SNA DFW http://FAL-1.tripod.com/Harry_Sparks.html Post your remembrances of him. -Jake Lamkins (7/26/24) Posted at Harry's Facebook page. All of Harry's many friends at the old Frontier Airlines are saddened to hear of his passing. Our condolences to Sherre and his family. http://FAL-1.tripod.com/Harry_Sparks.html -Jake Lamkins (7/26/24)