Hal flew west on Tue, Jun 21, 1955 at the age of 61
Notes Of Remembrance
His death is announced
Hal's grave is at Storm Lake, Iowa
He was the father-in-law of board member Joe Wagner
An article notes Hal's work in WWII
A Dec 1946 ad notes Hal's Chicago bank work
Hal began working at Monarch Airlines on February 10, 1947.
A Frontier history speaks of Darr's arrival at Monarch
A Jan 1948 item mentions Hal and his bank
Emil Levin, Frontier's board chairman, is also involved
Hal and Monarch officers in 1949
A photo of Hal from early 1950
A Sep 1951 item mentions Hal's pay
Hal's work at Marana Air Base is noted in a 1952 article
He is mentioned in the 1954 Marana yearbook
Marana is featured in a Jun 1955 writeup
Hal's widow Louise, in the middle, in Nov 1961
at the 15th anniversary with Mrs and President Bud Maytag
A Jul 1978 interview mentions his name
An Aug 29, 1986 article about Hal and Ray Wilson
The Frontier Presidents' website
Hal is featured in the Jan 2018 Frontier News