GARY MACKIE 1961 - 1986 STATION AGENT, SENIOR STATION AGENT LBB, PVW, AMA, MLC, TUL, OKC, DAL, TUS Hey Jake, I worked at LBB, PVW, AMA, MLC, OKC, DAL and TUS. After we went down, came to IAH and, went to ELP for a couple of years and now back at IAH with CAL. 16 years down and 20 to go..(ha)....Tell Fred Butts hello....he was my first manager in LBB, seems like a million years ago..... And Mike Swenson - we were in Bev's Dog and Pony Show at DEN IN 1985 just before the PE calamity. If anyone comes thru IAH, just ask any Red Coat and they can find me......see some of you at TUS in May. -Gary Mackie (2/24/03) Hey Gary, Yep, I remember you. I worked with Swenson in DEN 1984-86 so got a good look at the Bev show. Mike & I lived in the same 4plex with Buck Hawk which was owned by Bob Van Epps, another exFLer. What year did you start with FL? Do you see Frank Monheiser at IAH? -Jake Lamkins (2/24/03) I started with CAL in AB ....June 1960.....furloughed off in Jan 1961......went to LBB 3/13/61.....for Fred.... I worked at MLC in spring of '62...there was a relief agent out of FSM...can't remember his name, but he and Jon out of DAL were the SYS RLF AGTS.....remember him?..... did you forward my Email on to everyone?..... See ya.... -Gary Mackie (2/25/03) TUS GOLF TOURNEY All went very good. We had 54 golfers but only 15 were FL people: Gary Mackie, Eddie Bryant, Rusty Lambert, Austin Henry, Dave Ross, Bev Weed Bedsaul, Roger Gunderson, Earl Morency, Johnny Matthews, Don Hockenbury, Larry Thomas, Rod Slack, Dan Price, Bob Pearson and Bob Bailey. Next year it will be Apr 29th and 30th, 2006. It will be in Green Valley AZ again. -Ron Butler, (5/17/05) I retired from Continental last summer, then went to work at a golf course here in Kingwood...... only get to play 4-5 days a week....still got some honey-do's I have to preform......ha....see ya -Gary Mackie (3/27/06) Hi Jake We had a great time at the TUS golf tournament. Had 12 Frontier Folks: Eddie Bryant, Gary Mackie, Rusty Lambert, Austin Henry, Dave Ross, Dan Price, Don Hockenbury, Bob Pearson, Ted Scott, Rod Slack, and Tom Willey. This was our last one. - Ron Butler (5/6/07) G MACKIE Station agent seniority date of 5/13/63, emp# 05424, 1/1/86 FL/ALEA seniority list. -Jake Lamkins (11/6/07) Started March 13, 1961........ ......LBB I was a "Ramp Rat" or "Inside Rampy" per Max and Rusty....... ......... .BUT none of you had more fun than ME !!!!!!!! Worked with some of the greatest people in the world--don't have room to mention everyone, Pilots, F/A's, Agts, Managers, Acorn Eaters, VP's and even Presidents (except a short one). 2AM, Sunday August 24 1986, Mr Joe called and said he could not get in touch with the MGR (TUS), for me to go to the airport, put up a sign "OUT OF BUSINESS.... SEE UA OR CAL FOR YOUR TRAVEL NEEDS". Nice, huh? Told to send the RON AC out and not let any passengers on (right, did not see those 25 or so NRs) Saluted that thing out and then it finally sunk in-----IT's over. Went to work for CDG which later was absorbed by Continental. Retired in 2005, now have a B.... of job, picking up golf balls, etc. Tee Hee Hee......... ........Love ya. -Gary Mackie (8/27/08) Gary, what did CDG stand for? I've seen it before but never heard. -Jake Lamkins (8/27/08) Jake..... Stood for "Cargo Development Group", was a "Frank Lorenzo" ('member him?) way to get money off of Continental Cargo contracts after their Chapter 11 in '83. It was a new Corporation formed with old CAL employees. Was not part of CAL, so as a former FAL that took severance, he could go to work for CDG and get passes and benefits from CAL. CDG was a wholly owned company by CAL. Sounds like him, huh.....ha -Gary Mackie (8/27/08) Gary D. Mackie Station agent seniority of 3/13/61 on the 1/1/62 CN/ALEA seniority list. He must have gotten in management somewhere along the way and lost some time since the 1/1/86 FL/ALEA seniority list has him at 5/13/63. -Jake Lamkins (8/27/08) Hi Gary, I got a message for you from Bill Wayne's daughter Vanessa at our FLacebook page after announcing Rusty's flight west: "Will you please tell him that the bratty daughter that was always late and he had chaperone to the gate says hello and sends a big hug for all the times he helped me out! He was always so kind to me." I told her you were on Facebook and gave her your eddress. Take care, -Jake Lamkins (1/4/18) Hey Jake...we still kicking - haven't heard anything lately? -Gary Mackie (5/24/21) Yep, got vaxxed and out and about again. No email lately from me because Yahoo shut down their clubs six months ago so our email tree is no more. Most contacts now are on our Facebook page which has 1250+ members - weblink below. No printed.mailed newsletters either because the post office went to shit on deliveries. Now the newsletters are all online - see weblink below. Hope you are well in these challenging times. -Jake Lamkins (5/24/21) FLacebook req to join on 1/2/21 Gary Mackie Joined Facebook 12 years ago Worked 1961 till the end...ended up in TUS FLacebook Welcome aboard to our newest member: GARY MACKIE 1961 - 1986 STATION AGENT LBB, PVW, AMA, MLC, TUL, OKC, DAL, TUS -Jake Lamkins (10/2/21) He celebrated his 49th wedding anniversary today on Facebook so he married 6/30/73. -Jake Lamkins (6/30/22) FACEBOOK POST ON 5/1/24 Danielle Mackie Fogarty is with Gary Mackie In the early morning hours yesterday my daddy gained his Angel wings. He was the BEST dad my brother and I could've ever asked for and I'm so very blessed he was ours!! He was a devoted husband to my momma for 50+ years and a great Papa to Peanut!! He fought cancer hard for the last 18 months of his life but he lived a great life for 83 years! If you knew him, you know he was a funny, outgoing, kind hearted human who was fun to be around. He loved to make people laugh and smile. To say that our family is devastated is a complete understatement and he will be missed every day!! Rest In Peace, daddy!! Until we see you again you will forever be in our hearts! Love you so very much!! November 5, 1940 - April 30, 2024 <114 comments as of 5/2/24> Ron Herring Oh no, had no idea he had been sick and so sorry to hear of his passing. He was one of the best guys to work with in TUS and a good friend. We did have some good times and I know he loved his family so much. GOD speed and RIP Gary. Diane Mackie Thanks, always remember the good times in Tucson. (5/1/24) FLacebook FLIGHT WEST REPORTED GARY MACKIE 1961 - 1986 STATION AGENT LBB, PVW, AMA, MLC, TUL, OKC, DAL, TUS -Jake Lamkins (5/2/24) Fred Watson R.I.P Gary Diane Wright Smith A wonderful agent in Tucson - ah the memories - Gary always made me laugh - Rest in peace. Larry Lankford Gary was asst manager in OKC. He hired me in 1967. Very good friend and actually shared a home with Gary and his brother Dwight for a while. Trish Swanson-Hawk Prayers for his family and many friends, RIP. Karen Hirschfeld Absolutely Gem - he will be missed. Jan Lefler Prayers sent to his family and friends rest in peace Gary Karen Berry RIP Gary. (5/5/24) His Facebook page is at 150 comments on his death. -Jake Lamkins (5/13/24) FLacebook FLIGHT WEST POSTED GARY MACKIE 1961 - 1986 STATION AGENT, SENIOR STATION AGENT LBB, PVW, AMA, MLC, TUL, OKC, DAL, TUS Post your remembrances of him. He was well known for running the TUS Golf Tourney for many years and was a very likeable guy. I worked with him on the 1985 ALEA Uniform Committee. -Jake Lamkins (5/14/24) Posted at Gary's Facebook page. All of Gary's many friends at the old Frontier Airlines are saddened to hear of his passing. Our condolences to his family. -Jake Lamkins (5/14/24) Bonnie Dahl God Bless you Gary Karen Berry RIP Gary. Pam Coffman Ellis Prayers for Gary's family and friends. Trish Swanson-Hawk Sending prayers to Diane and the family. RIP. (5/14/24) Karen Hirschfeld Hired in TUS by Cargo Development Group CDG, wholly owned subsidiary of Continental Airlines shortly after Frontier folded in 1986. HE was an asset with all his airline experience and transferred to IAH ATO after CDG was absorbed back into CAL. A great guy. Fred Watson R.I.P Gary Mackie Family Thanks for all your kind comments. (5/15/24)