GARY HEIKES 1978 - 1986 STATION AGENT OMA DSM FLacebook request to join: I worked in OMA, DSM, and back to OMA from 1978 until we closed. Best time of my life. Live in Novi, MI now and stumbled across the old F-M site which led me here. Really appreciate you keeping the FL history alive. -Gary Heikes (7/20/14) Welcome aboard, Gary. Be sure to check out our website at and we have a quarterly newsletter too which is $12 per year. You probably have some Ed Hatfied and Mark Stuhr stories to tell. I worked with both in ALEA matters. Both damn good men to have around. -Jake Lamkins (7/20/14) Yeah, Hatfield the practical joker and you always knew when you pissed off Mark because the vein in his forehead would pop out! Great guys. I was really good friends with Leo Maldonado. Got together with his wife when me and my wife were in Vegas a couple of years ago. -Gary Heikes (7/20/14) Facebook posting: How are you? Hope all is well. Still fighting my cancer down in Missouri. So far I'm still winning the fight. -Gary Heikes (4/26/19) I found Gary's obituary while doing a periodic web search for Frontier deaths. -Jake Lamkins (2/1/20) G D HEIKES Emp# 14777, ORG# 3335 - DOB 11/2/54 DOH & Station agent seniority date of 11/4/78 Per the Oct 1986 FL/ALEA Seniority List. -Jake Lamkins (2/7/20) FLacebook - FL Club FLight West: Gary Heikes OMA DSM station agent Gary Heikes' memorial webpage is posted at Post your remembrances of him. -Jake Lamkins (2/8/20) Colleen Hartin-Heikes Joined FLacebook on Apr 7, 2020 Lives in Omaha, Nebraska My husband, Gary Heikes, worked for Frontier in Omaha, Nebraska until they closed. I think it was the best job her ever had. As Gary's widow I am still quite interested in our old Frontier Airline activities, functions and newsletters (4/7/20) Mike Jensen Welcome, Colleen. I worked with Gary in DSM. Great guy. (4/8/20) Dennis McNeal Welcome Colleen, I remember Gary working with Gary. (4/9/20) Mary Robertson Harter I remember Gary well. I was the secretary in Omaha. I think working for Frontier was the best job many of us had. (4/12/20) Colleen Hartin-Heikes Thanks for remembering him. Gary passed last November due to cancer. He was in excruciating pain for five years. I do miss him so. We were high school sweethearys, my one, my only and the love of my life. I will be scheduling a memorial burial in Omaha after this coronavirus thing gets under control. I do miss him so. (4/13/20) Mary Robertson Harter I’m so sorry for your loss. I never got to know him well, he was kind of quiet, but he was always nice. It’s unbelievable how many of the old Omaha crew are gone, many of them too young, and unfortunately many from cancer, and I’m sorry he had to suffer so long. Stay strong. (4/13/20)