FRED KLATT 1948 - 1964 STATION AGENT, STATION MANAGER CEZ DRO Smoke Signals Publication for Fort Lewis College alumni FORT LEWIS COLLEGE ALUMNI NEWS, Fall 2003 Fred 40 and Margaret Klatt celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary in June. Mr. Klatt was a pilot in the South Pacific war zone during World War II. Upon his return he worked for Frontier Airlines for 14 years. He then opened the first travel agency in the Four Corners area. Upon his retirement in 1982 his son and grandson continued the business. Mrs. Klatt worked as a registered nurse at Mercy Medical Center for many years. She now does volunteer ombudsman service in Arizona. They also have a daughter in Durango, three grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. -Jake Lamkins (8/6/08) F. W. KLATT Jr. DRO station manager per the 11/4/55 FL Personnel Roster The 8/15/63 - 2/15/64 FL Sales & Service Personnel Rosters shows Fred as a DRO station agent. He is not on the 3/15/64 roster. Date of hire 5/24/48 & date of classification 7/1/48 per the 11/1/55 FL station seniority list. He is shown as 8. Klatt, F. W., Jr. D 7-1-48 on the Mar 1, 1962 FL/ALEA seniority list. -Jake Lamkins (12/15/08) One summer evening flight from GJT to DRO to ABQ in 1949, I was advised by DRO manager Fred Klatt that cast members for a movie, TICKET TO TOMAHAWK starring Dan Dailey, were boarding for ABQ. There were four dancing girls who promptly took their seats, leaned back, placed their tickets on their laps and dozed off. Two seated together were extremely striking; one a blonde who had hung her leopard coat on the rack and the other a very pretty brunette. I quickly snatched the tickets from their laps, took out the proper coupons and returned the envelopes to their laps. The name of the blonde was one I never forgot - Marilyn Monroe. (She was Clara in the film.) -Cal Reese (Fall 2001 FL NEWS) My name is Fred Klatt III and I'm a two-time loser with Frontier. Worked in DRO in 1963, and again when STL opened...worked COS, DEN, and FMN. In addition, my Dad (still living & into emailing at 92) started with Monarch, then stayed with Frontier for over 15 years back when. I know he would be interested in this site also! -Fred Klatt III (2/19/12) Perhaps we still have some members who will remember Fred Klatt, Jr who died on July 28 at age of 92. He started working with Monarch and followed to Frontier in Durango, CO. He opened the airport in Cortez. He retired from Frontier in 1963 and became a travel agent in Durango and continued to be a "very good friend to Frontier". I saw Fred several times during the past eight years and he loved to reminisce about the good old days and inquiring about colleagues of the past. He remained a kind and gentle person to the end. -Barbara Turner (8/3/12) F. W. KLATT, JR. Notation says Fred DRO station manager DOB 3/3/20 DOH 6/7/48 per Feb 1960 FL Roster. -Jake Lamkins (8/3/12) Posted at FLacebook and the FL Club: DRO station manager Fred Klatt has died. He left FL in 1964 and started a travel agency. He was 92 years old. -Jake Lamkins (8/3/12) When i worked in DRO 1969-1971? I helped Fred out at his agency.. doing ticketing and such. I was new to the whole Airline life.. but remember that working the DRO sation at that time I was among the highest in seniority and i was the gopher for lots of things.. working with the Fred Klatt agency was just part of the learning experience.. I was paid a little out of his pocket to do the grunt work as well as working for FL. I cherish those days .. Was a different world. Great memories of Fred and his family. -Eric Mason (8/3/12) While manager in Durango for Frontier, I worked with Fred and his son, they ran Klatt travel agency. A kind and generous man active with the city in many areas. It is sad to see how time marches on and one day we will all meet our maker. So long, Fred. -Ron Berg (8/3/12) Saw your posting on "FLace book" but could not print it from that site. Could you email it to Wanda Garrett? She worked in Durango for the summer a few years and said Fred was a terrific manager. -Ginger Treptow (8/3/12) Posted at FLacebook and the FL Club: DRO station manager Fred Klatt's memorial webpage is posted. Post your remembrances of Fred. -Jake Lamkins (8/6/12) Kai Hill on FLacebook Re Fred Klatt I knew Fred. He was a good guy. He was also on the bowling team with my grandfather, Dick Hill (7/29/24)