DICK ORR 1948 - 1985 PILOT, DIVISION CHIEF PILOT, REGIONAL DIRECTOR OF FLIGHT OPERATIONS, ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER OF FLIGHT OPERATIONS, VICE PRESIDENT-FLIGHT OPERATIONS BIL DEN January 10, 1966 Idaho Free Press from Nampa, Idaho · Page 6 A cockpit window of a Frontier Airlines plane carrying Gov. John A. Love, his family and a touring Japanese wrestling team cracked in flight over Colorado Sunday, causing de-pressurization of the plane's cabin. But there were no injuries, and the Convair 580 landed safely in Denver. The cockpit window cracked during the flight from Durango to Denver. The pilot, Capt. Richard J. Orr of Denver, dropped the plane from 21,000 feet to 14,000 feet. The incident occurred over 10,000-foot Kenosha Pass in central Colorado. -https://www.newspapers.com/newspage/32204251/ (Found online 3/8/21) Wife Phyllis has recipe in 1979 FL Pilots' Wives Cookbook. (Also called RJ Orr and Richard Orr in an entry) (11/7/04) R.J. Orr Date of employment 11-15-48 Pilots' system seniority list dated 9/1/55 -Jake Lamkins (1/9/06) Here is my check for 1 year of Frontier News. Bonnie Dahl gave me a copy and I found it very interesting. 37 years wwith Frontier. Thanks, R Orr (5/13/06) Hi Dick, Thanks for subscribing to the FL newsletter. Your support is appreciated. I'll start your subscription with the Summer edition which is due out in July since Bonnie gave you the latest one. Email me if you're online and I'll connect you with the FLamily. Best regards, -Jake Lamkins FL station agent 1864-86 (5/13/06) Dick sent $15 for a subscription for Bill Wayne's widow B.J. -Jake Lamkins (4/29/11) R. J. ORR: BIL captain DOB 5/1/21 DOH 11/15/48 Per the Feb 1960 FL Roster -Jake Lamkins (4/29/11) Posted at FL Club & Facebook: FL VP-Flight Ops Dick Orr is 90 today. You can phone him at 303-758-2380 to wish him a Happy Birthday. And former FL President Hank Lund turns 90 on Tue, May 3rd. You can email him at Hank.Lund1@gmail.com -Jake Lamkins (5/1/11) I congratulate you on knowing everything. My birthday date is not normally published. I want to thank you for all the effort you put out to publish such a great news magazine. I always read it cover to cover and as you know I gave a subscription to BJ Wayne after Bill passed away. I told Bill to subscribe but he never did. Also, really miss Ace Avakian as he and I were close to each other on the seniority list and we did a lot together prior to 1950 when he lived close to me in Denver. -Dick Orr (5/4/11) FLacebook Dick is 92 years old today. (5/1/13) FLacebook: I had a letter from pilot Dick Orr who renewed his FL News subscription for 8 years. Dick has that Frontier spirit. He was 92 years old earlier this month. -Jake Lamkins (5/17/13) FLacebook Has anyone heard anything on pilot Dick Orr. His last newsletter came back as unable to forward. I've left two voicemails but no response. His 93rd birthday is May 1st. -Jake Lamkins (1/29/14) Hi Jake, Patty O'neill told me she got a phone call from Dick Orr, who left a message. When she calls him back she will ask him where he is living so I can give you an address. Lots of guys at FARPA today, including Gene Postlewaite, who lives in DEN but he's a new face. He's doing well. Everyone having a good time, lots of stories. -Bonnie Dahl (2/12/14) Thanks for the help, Bonnie. -Jake Lamkins (2/12/14) FLacebook Congratulations to pilot Dick Orr on his 93rd birthday. -Jake Lamkins (5/1/14) FLacebook The postal mail had a nice surprise today. 94 year old Dick Orr who was vp-flight operations sent me a Mar 1984 FL Credit Union newsletter. I've scanned and posted it to our website: http://FAL-1.tripod.com/FL_CU-JetStreamNews1984Mar.pdf Download a copy for your FLiles. -Jake Lamkins (11/24/15) Hi Dick, Thanks so much for the credit union newsletter you sent me. I scanned it and posted it to the Frontier Family. I've attached a scan for you too. Hope you are well and thriving. Happy Thanksgiving! Jake Lamkins (11/24/15) Re: FL credit union newsletter I knew quite a few of the people mentioned in the newsletter and thought it would be interesting to some of the old guard. I really appreciate your publishing the FL magazine and thank you for all the effort it takes. Happy Thanksgiving to you. -Dick Orr (11/25/15 FLacebook - FL Club Congratulations to pilot Dick Orr on his 95rd birthday today, May 1, 2016. -Jake (5/1/16) Dick Orr had his 95th birthday yesterday. He lives just a few houses from us. He is in amazing shape. I just delivered a birthday card and signed it from all his Frontier buddies. -Gary Turner (5/2/16) Dick is 96 today. -Jake Lamkins (5/1/17) FLacebook VP flight ops Dick Orr turned 98 the 1st of the month. He still takes the Frontier News. -Jake Lamkins (5/18/19) Frontier Flight Crews Tuesday luncheon Hi Jake, Photo attached of Capt Dick Orr & Capt Marion Tongish. Dick is 98 yrs old. Would he be the oldest pilot for FAL still living? -Bonnie Dahl (7/9/19) Thanks a bunch for the pic. Dick is the oldest FL person I know of. Marion is 88 by my records. -Jake Lamkins (7/9/19) FLacebook post Today L-R Dick Orr and Marion Tongish attended the DEN pilots luncheon. Dick, at 98, is the oldest FL employee alive so far as I know. Marion, the youngster, is 88 years old. Thanks to FA Bonnie Dahl for the pic. -Jake Lamkins (7/9/19) Hi Jake Can you tell me who the oldest surviving FAL pilot is? -Joe Ferguson (5/11/20) Dick Orr was 99 years old on May 1, 2020. He's still with us as far as I know. The oldest pilots gone west are George Ceshker, FTW ACF GSW DAL DFW pilot, 1/22/2017, age 101 10/7/1915 - 1/22/2017 101 yrs, 3 mos, 15 days Les Harper, FTW ACF GSW DAL DFW pilot, 9/13/2016, age 100 4/6/1916 - 9/13/2016 100 yrs, 5 mos, 7 days -Jake Lamkins (5/11/20) Happy Birthday Dick and CONGRATULATIONS turning 99! That makes you likely the oldest Frontier pilot ever! May you live as long as you want to, and want to as long as you live! Billy & Cheryl Walker (5/1/20) Thanks Billy. All you have to do is keep busy and keep breathing. -Dick Orr (5/1/20) FLacebook - FL Club Belated Birthday Wishes DICK ORR 1948 - 1985 PILOT, DIVISION CHIEF PILOT, REGIONAL DIRECTOR OF FLIGHT OPERATIONS, ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER OF FLIGHT OPERATIONS, VICE PRESIDENT-FLIGHT OPERATIONS BIL DEN I was reminded today that Dick's birthday was May 1st and that he is now 99 years old. Dick said his secret is, "All you have to do is keep busy and keep breathing." Best wishes, Dick. FLriends wanting to send birthday greetings may email him at ophirlake@earthlink.net As far as I know, Dick is the oldest living Frontier employee today. -Jake Lamkins (5/11/20) A great guy and a great guy to work for! -George Fay (5/11/20) Jake, During my first set of interviews with Frontier, in February of 1984, I interviewed one-on-one with Dick Orr in his office in the hangar, and then, if I am recalling correctly, went downstairs and did the 737 simulator evaluation with him. -Mark Ingram (5/12/20) Jake, Will you please confirm that Dick Orr is 99 years old. I have some friends that don’t believe me. Bonnie Dahl (10/26/20) Hi Bonnie, I can see why they would doubt it. He looks great in the pic you sent. He's 7 months away from 100! Two proofs from Frontier files: R. J. ORR: BIL captain DOB 5/1/21 DOH 11/15/48 Per the Feb 1960 FL Employees Roster R. J. ORR: DEN flight manager DOB 5/1/21 DOH 11/15/48 Per the Dec 1970 FL Employees Roster -Jake Lamkins (10/26/20) Thanks Jake, Yes, he’s doing great, drove himself to Emerald Isle, not too far from our old place, The Panda. He works out couple days a week. I gave my last Issues of Frontier News to Marion and Verne, they wanted them real bad. Hugs, -Bonnie Dahl (10/26/20) Dick sent a letter and a check for $100. Spending the winter in PHX. DICK ORR 40040 N LYTHAM WAY PHOENIX, AZ 85086 -Jake Lamkins (3/1/21) Posted at Facebook: FLight Advisory DICK ORR 1948 - 1985 PILOT, DIVISION CHIEF PILOT, REGIONAL DIRECTOR OF FLIGHT OPERATIONS, ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER OF FLIGHT OPERATIONS, VICE PRESIDENT-FLIGHT OPERATIONS BIL DEN Dick is 100 years old today, May 1, 2021. Happy Birthday, Dick! -Jake Lamkins (5/1/21) FLacebook Bonnie Dahl Just talked to Dick Orr, 101, he’s doing fine in AZ for the Winter. (1/10/22) Posted at Facebook: FLight Advisory DICK ORR 1948 - 1985 PILOT, DIVISION CHIEF PILOT, REGIONAL DIRECTOR OF FLIGHT OPERATIONS, ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER OF FLIGHT OPERATIONS, VICE PRESIDENT-FLIGHT OPERATIONS BIL DEN Dick is 101 years old today, May 1, 2022. Happy Birthday, Dick! He is the oldest living member of the FLamily that I know. -Jake Lamkins (5/1/22) Email to Bonnie Dahl Heard anything on Dick Orr lately. He would have been 102 years old last month. -Jake Lamkins (6/6/23) Jake, I heard he’s still alive. He and his wife moving to retirement community. But this is all second party. -Bonnie Dahl (6/6/23) FLacebook messenger on 8/8/23 George Fay Hi, Jake... hope all is well with you! I heard a rumor that Dick Orr, VP Flight Ops, has passed. Have you heard any confirmation of that? Thanks for all you do! Jake Lamkins I've been wondering about Dick but have not heard about him catching a flight west. He was 102 years old on May 1, 2023. Let me know if you hear anything. George Fay I did a search... seems he passed July 29. https://www.horancares.com/obituaries/richard-orr Jake Lamkins Thanks for the help, George. (8/9/23) FLacebook & Walker et al FLIGHT WEST REPORTED DICK ORR 1948 - 1985 PILOT, DIVISION CHIEF PILOT, REGIONAL DIRECTOR OF FLIGHT OPERATIONS, ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER OF FLIGHT OPERATIONS, VICE PRESIDENT-FLIGHT OPERATIONS BIL DEN https://www.horancares.com/obituaries/richard-orr At 102 years old, Dick is the longest lived Frontier employee known Post your remembrances of him. Thanks to pilot George Fay for the alert. -Jake Lamkins (8/9/23) FLacebook George Fay is feeling sad. Sadly, I heard a rumor of Dick Orr's flight west. On searching I found the following link where he passed away on July 29 and services will be held on August 11 in Denver. https://www.horancares.com/obituaries/richard-orr Dick was a friend and a mentor and was responsible for moving me from the line and into management early in my career. He had a deep love of aviation and was an excellent leader and manager, having risen to the position of VP of Flight Operations. He will be deeply missed. Truly one of a kind. Wishing him a smooth flight west and may he rest in peace. https://www.horancares.com/obituaries/richard-orr (8/9/23) John Heimburger Thanks Jake, for the alert. Dick 'done good' all the way! "102" is a good flight #! Donna Harrison Sad to hear of Dick Orr's passing. Can't say I really knew him, but we all knew who he was. Great leader of our pilots group. Blessings and condolences to his family and close friends. Karen Berry RIP Duck Orr. You were chief pilot and in charge of everything when I was based in MCI Ginger Treptow My Condolences to his family and grandchildren. May Dick Orr Rest in Eternal Peace. What an amazing life he had and I had the brief pleasure of knowing him when I was employed by Frontier Airlines in Phoenix. Always friendly and kind. A gentleman at all times! Rest in Peace Dick! Fred Watson R.I.P Captain. Wishing you clear air and unlimited visibility on your flight. Tyler Vance Last of one of the greats. Fair skies and tailwinds. Bonnie Dahl Dick was a great pilot and a nice man. I flew a lot with him, and he joined our lunches at Rodney’s restaurant in Tamarac Area, Denver. 2006 -2014. I also saw him a lot at The FAL Pilots luncheon in DEN . I’m very sorry he has flown West. Phil Stallings RIP Captain Orr. Rick Broome A dear friend and collector of my Frontier art. Dick was really special. Here’s a Toast Pamella Corvelli My sincere condolences to Dick's family and friends. I remember him also in MKC, then later in DEN. A really nice guy and great pilot. Ed Woodson Captain Orr is the person who hired me in 1978 . I remember the interview very well. He was interested in my flight time in the DC-3 which I flew in Vietnam. Thanks for the job. You will be missed !!! (8/9/23) Cherylann Morgan Such a good guy. Rest in peace Captain. Trish Swanson-Hawk Sending prayers to his family and many friends. RIP. Kayla Pfeiffer Naima My condolences to his family and friends, may Richard RIP. (8/12/23) Vicky Veldboon I will always remember Dick Orr as one of the people responsible for my employment at Frontier. Thank you again, Captain. It was truly an honor to have known you. (8/17/23) Photo of Dick and Patty in 1967 reprinted with permission from the book FROM THE COCKPIT TO THE GALLEY by Bonnie C. Dahl and Patty A. McNeill. -Jake Lamkins (8/17/23) FLacebook FLIGHT WEST POSTED DICK ORR 1948 - 1985 PILOT, DIVISION CHIEF PILOT, REGIONAL DIRECTOR OF FLIGHT OPERATIONS, ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER OF FLIGHT OPERATIONS, VICE PRESIDENT-FLIGHT OPERATIONS BIL DEN http://FAL-1.tripod.com/Dick_Orr.html Post your remembrances of him. -Jake Lamkins (8/18/23) Yes he was!!! Donna Carr Very nicely done!! The family will definitely appreciate your hard work!! -Kathy Orr Wow Mr. Lamkins what an incredible tribute to my Dad. Thank you for all your efforts and time making this page! Thank you Jake for your kind words. It does ease the pain knowing that he lived his life with such great people at Frontier like you. -Dave Orr Billy Walker Condolences on your family’s loss of the patriarch. Your father was extraordinary in so many ways. Likely no one in.the Frontier FLamily will surpass his longevity. Connie Larsen Welcome Dave! Your dad was the best!!! Phil Stallings Welcome aboard, Dave. George Fay Welcome, Dave. Your father was a great guy and a wonderful mentor. My deepest sympathies in your loss. Mynette McKamey I flew with your dad a few times. Welcome, Dave! (8/18/23) Rick Broome Top contributor I met your wonderful dad when I was only 24 years old at COS. I had just been furloughed from United in LAX and Frontier Airlines designated me as their “Artist in Residence!” I never got photos of my paintings in the Lobby and figured they would always be there. Congratulations on your career too. (8/20/23) Karen Berry RIP Dick Orr Pam Coffman Ellis Prayers for his family and friends Karen Hirschfeld RIP Christina Bonatti RIP Jan Lefler RIP DICK (8/22/23) Vern Lahman RIP DICK. (9/12/23)