DICK FAUCETT 1947 - 1950 FLIGHT STEWARD, STATION AGENT DEN MVS I just found your web site and being an old Monarch flight steward found it enjoyable reading up on Monarch. I was a passenger on the first flight to ABQ and Vern Carlson was the flight steward. Finding that I was ex. Navy Air in WWII, he asked if I wanted a job as flight steward with Monarch so I joined them in early 1947. Jerry Fox was my boss and I seemed to fly a lot with Ben Stewart and Ed McCann. I used to go to the midget races at Lakeside with John & Donna Myers. After stewards were eliminated I went to station agent at MVS (Monte Vista) but did like it and the head agent was stealing from the company. So I reported him to Vern Carlson and Vern had just hired him from TWA so you know who went!! me. But I had my revenge as the agent that was stealing got caught in about two months but if I could not fly I did not want to go back. After I left FL I had several jobs in ALS but in those days there was not too much money around. I saw an ad in the Denver Post about United wanting mechanics at their base in San Francisco at $1.85 per hr. That was a lot better than ALS so up to Denver in 1951 and United hired me so off to California. I went only to discover that $1.85 per hr. was low. So I went to work for Hiller Aircraft in Palo Alto, working up to senior buyer in raw material. I really loved that company but after ten years they sold out to Fairchild and moved the whole operation to Maryland. I had been in California long enough to realize that I was not going to Maryland. So I found a job with FMC Corp buying casting and forgings for military tracked personnel carriers. After a few years I transferred to ordnance engineering as a high strength aluminum casting buyer. I retired at 56 years old from FMC as procurement manager. We moved back to Hayden, Colo. as we had a son that lived there. I still made a trip to Calif, Oreg. and Washington once a month to consult on high strength castings but after five years decided to really retire and do that fishing that I really wanted to do. After nine years in Colorado we elected to move to Tyrone OK (near LBL) as Marjorie's mother lived there and needed a little help. And here we are today. I am 82 years old and still going as we had a blizzard yesterday and now today I must get on the tractor and move 5 foot drifts so I can get the car out. P.S. I have some photos that I will scan and mail to you later. -Dick Faucett (3/27/09) Hello Dick, I'm delighted to hear from you. A few of the Monarch folks are still around - pilot Ace Avakian comes to mind. Your FL newsletter will be in the mail tomorrow. -Jake Lamkins (3/27/09) Jake: Just sending this scan date on back of picture was 1947 This was made for publishing in San Luis Valley newspapers to try to drum up some customers knowing that a local was working for Monarch. -Dick Faucett (3/29/09) That's a great photo, Dick! Thanks for sending it. -Jake Lamkins (3/29/09) I rode as a passenger on one of the first flights from Monte Vista (MVS) to ABQ. and return. Vern Carlson was the flight steward and when he found that I was ex U S Navy Air he asked me if I wanted a job with Monarch. We flew DEN COS PUB CAN MVS DRO FMN GUP ABQ then ABQ GUP FMN DRO GJT PUC PVU SLC and return by way of DRO to DEN We entered the San Luis Valley over Mosca Pass as we always flew over the Great Sand Dunes (https://www.nps.gov/grsa/index.htm) which was a great tourist point of interest. I remember Jack Weiss, George Fox and pilots Ainsworth, Myers, McCann, Stewart, Aden, Shellenburger, Joe Romano. I remember going to Monte Vista as a station Agent when the merger happened, Vern Carlson was in charge of all the station agents at that time and was based in Denver. -Dick Faucett (4/20/10) Dick sent two pix with newsletter renewal but only notes on pix. Both are posed in front of a MON DC-3. Scanned both and returned originals to Dick 3/18/11. Mrs (Marjorie) Richard Faucett Ben Stewart Chief Pilot - Ed McCann co-pilot. -Jake Lamkins (3/16/11) Poted at FL Club Let�s see how many old Monarch Lines people are still out there. Question: Does anyone remember Monarch Pilot Joe Romano? How about Indians at Gallup, New Mexico and Joe's burlap bag from Indians to Joe then into rear baggage area. This was the worst flight that I ever had with Monarch although the air was calm and a great day for flying. Always Monarch -Dick Faucett (4/24/11) Dick may be the only living Monarch steward. I suspect it was him in the rear cargo pit getting those burlap bags. Joe Romano was the captain on the CV340 which crashed and burned at GRI on Dec 21, 1962. The co-pilot Karl Bancroft was flying at the time. Joe retired Sep 5,1980 after 34 years and died Jul 30, 1992 at age 71. -Jake Lamkins (4/24/11) The little story that I was telling you was my only flight with Joe and he bought rattlesnakes from the Indians and shipped them to his brother in Florida to milk venom. I really did not like that trip. When Monarch went to stewardesses I was transferred to MonteVista but did not work well with the station agent (not a Monarch person) Himby was his last name I think so I went my way at that time. -Dick Faucett (4/24/11) Note with renewal: Jake: I guess that I will be around for another year. So must get a check to you. Great article on Cal Reese. He joined Monarch after I left so I must have been really early with Monarch. Are there any left that joined Monarch when I did? -Dick Faucett (1/25/13) Note with renewal: Jake: Find check $25.00 for 1 yr plus some postage. Really enjoyed story by Bill Wayland as I saw several names that I worked with. That first bunch at Monarch just fresh out of WWII and were hell raisers (Joe Romano, Swede, Stewart, Myers, McCann, Aden) -Dick Faucett (1/21/15) Jake- My dad Dick Faucett passed away on Oct. 16th. in Liberal Kansas. He was 92 and worked for Monarch Airlines in Alamosa as a Flight Attendant. Could you please add his name to the GONE WEST list. Thanks -Dan Faucett (10/17/19) Dear Dan, I'm really sorry to hear about this. Dick and I had emailed each other the past 10 years and I delighted in his stories of his time with Monarch. I'll build him a memorial webpage to post at our website. Email me any photos/info you wish added to it. I'll email you when it's completed. My condolences to you and his family. -Jake Lamkins (10/17/19) FLacebook - FL Club FLight West: Dick Faucett DEN flight attendant & MVS station agent Dick Faucett's memorial webpage is posted at http://FAL-1.tripod.com/Dick_Faucett.html Dick was called a steward when he hired on with Monarch in early 1947. He became a Monte Vista, CO station agent when the stewards were eliminated in the summer of 1950. -Jake Lamkins (10/24/19) Jake- Thank you for a great job on the Flight West for my Dad. -Dan Faucett (10/24/19)