DARRELL ROBSON 1965 - 1986 STATION AGENT GDV LNK MOT BIL BZN I remember riding flight 503 from Billings to Little Rock one time just to pickup a rental car and deadhead it back to Billings. If I remember correctly, the flight went BIL-COD-WRL-RIW-LAR-CYS-DEN-COS-PUB-LBL-OKC-FSM-LIT. Made a very long day out of it, with a long drive back to Billings. All on a CV580, of course. -Darrell Robson (9/1/04) Darrell Robson (wife: Vonnie) Billings, MT 59102 Started out as a Station Agent in Glendive, Feb. 1, 1965, worked in Linclon, NE and Minot, ND, after a Military leave of absence. Left Minot in October or November of 1967 to work in Billings. Transferred to Bozeman, June 7, 1979. Worked there until the crash, at which time I went to work driving truck. (Worked part-time driving truck before the shut-down). Drove over-the-road until 1992. Got re-married in May of 1992. Worked as a Truck Driving Instructor until 1993 when I had to give up working due to medical problems. Have been medically retired since. Been working as 'Mr. Mom' since then, messing around with computers and wood working in my wood shop. Per the 2003 BIL Reunion booklet (5/15/05) In case you don't know who some of the people are in the BIL Reunion group photo I sent earlier, they are: Front row: Bob Voight, Ernie Harms, Irwin Humphrey, Lyle McGarvin, Lou Pecora, Hardy Hanson, Jim Purdy, Darrel Fenter and Jim Schwartz Back row left to right: Roger Greenlee, Al Krauter, Al Kwasney, Loren Holmgren, Ron Huet, Darlene Spieler, Doug Englehart, Ollie Brunz, Dee Martenson, Vern Russell, Bob Hooper, Jerry Schimetz, Darrel Robson, Larry Sanger, George Smith and Bill Beukenhorst. -Dee Martenson (8/11/06) Hi Jake, Just a quick note to let you know that I would like to receive the next newsletter. I didn't realize my subscription had run out, and I've been in and out of the hospital a couple of times and didn't get the money sent. It will be on the way, though. Thanks, -Darrell Robson (10/5/06) Hi Darrell, Sorry to hear you've been ailing. This getting old ain't for sissies, is it? I'll be on the lookout for your letter and hope you mend real fast. -Jake Lamkins (10/5/06) These damned "Golden years" ain't what they're cracked up to be! Just put a 2 year subscription in the mail. You should have it in a few days. -Darrell Robson (10/6/06) FLacebook: Darrell Robson Posting from room 360 at St. Vincent Hospital. Having intestinal bleeding. Maybe tomorrow will reveal what the problem is. Debbie Keil Morgan Get well soon Darrell Darrell Robson GI Doc is going to scope the upper part of my gut to see if there is an ulcer there. He seems to think that's the problem, and I agree. Jake Lamkins Hang in there, Darrell! (7/26/11) Hi Darrell, Hope you are home and MUCH improved by now. I really like the Twin Otter simulation you sent several months back and have made a notecard with it - see attached. Is it okay to share it with the FLamily? Get well, -Jake Lamkins (8/4/11) I am home and feeling good. Headed for Jackson Hole in the morning for a bike rally. Use that photo as you wish. -Darrell Robson (8/4/11) FLacebook Darrell Robson I worked GDV (actually hired on there). Back then it was mostly a one person operation. Two people there, but we did get days off. We had to do it all, including using the F Drop phone to Center to file/get flight plan info and clearances and write it all down. Had to take WX, monitor the "H" marker, check for local traffic, etc. If we had strong winds, we had to meet the DC-3s out on the runway and put the rudder lock in place. Never dull there! That was good training for LNK MOT BIL BZN, wasn't it, Darrell? -Jake Lamkins (5/6/13) FLacebook Darrell's 70th birthday is today. -Jake Lamkins (10/1/15) Darrell Robson on FLacebook 9/21/16 To all of my friends: Most of you are aware that I've had some health issues lately. Some have wondered/asked if I have cancer. The answer is no, I do not. What I do have, is a debilitating disease called Chron's Disease. I was diagnosed with this in 1970, and have had multiple surgeries since then, (13 or 14). So many that I can't remember the exact number. These surgeries all resulted in the removal of sections of my small and large intestine that appeared to be infected. Chron's is an inflammation of the intestine. Chron's is also called Eisenhowers Disease, after President Eisenhower. There is no known cause, and no known cure, other than removing infected areas. As a result of these surgeries, the portion of my gut that absorbs nutrients from the foods I eat, has been mostly removed. Therefore, I suffer from malnutrition. I do have a port inserted in my chest that has a line running beneath the collar bone, and into the main artery that goes across the chest. This port is activated by inserting an IV type needle into it, and can be used to draw blood, or for infusing nutrients. I am currently doing this, with a special formula of TPN, (Total Parenteral Nutrition), which has been formulated by pharmacists and designed especially for me based on lab results from the blood draws. This TPN will help me regain some of the weight I've lost over the years, and give me the nutrition that my body requires. Thanks to everyone for your concern and your words of comfort during this time. Joyce Swanson What a wonderful thing that you have some meds that will help you along. Are you feeling better? We pray for your health and good results from this. Donna Jones Oh im so happy that they found, some thing to help you.uncle take care and listen to the dr. Rick Chouinard cuz, hope it all goes well so we can get together some more. i do enjoy your company Bonnie Van Bruggen Y ou can't keep an "old buzzard" down! Nor do we want to!!! You need to stick around for a lonnnng time... We LOVE YOU!!! Praying GOD's protection over you... Pat Olson Wilken Praying for you Darryl. Thankful there is something to help with your nutrition. Take care. Jake Lamkins Hang in there, my FLriend! My thoughts are with you. (9/21/16) FLacebook messenger Loren Holmgren Elmer Kwasney & l went to Billings and met up with Bob Voight (recouping from cancer), Hardy Hanson (recouping liver cancer), Darrell Robson & Jim Purdy. The six of us all worked BIL together late 60s early 70s. Both Bob & Hardy are doing well and looked good. (7/28/21) FLacebook Messenger Hi Jake, Had breakfast with Bob Voight, H. O (Hardy) Hanson and Jim Purdy on Tuesday. Gave us some time to reminisce a bit about Frontier. -Darrell Robson (6/28/23) Darrell, Good to hear that the BIL Old FARTS are still meeting. -Jake Lamkins (6/29/23) Posted by wife at his Facebook account on 9/10/23: Darrell Robson This is Vonnie posting on Darrell's FB. It is with a sad & broken heart I had to say goodbye to my husband & best friend, Darrell Robson. He passed away the morning of September 9th @ St Vincent Hospital after a long fought battle of pain & suffering. Life is not going to be the same but I know he is in a better place and out of pain. We have so many wonderful memories. His funeral service will be Saturday September 23rd@1pm at Smith Funeral Home - West End. (9/10/23) FLacebook on 9/10/23: GONE WEST DARRELL ROBSON 1965 - 1986 STATION AGENT GDV LNK MOT BIL BZN "This is Vonnie posting on Darrell's FB. It is with a sad & broken heart I had to say goodbye to my husband & best friend, Darrell Robson. He passed away the morning of September 9th @ St Vincent Hospital after a long fought battle of pain & suffering. Life is not going to be the same but I know he is in a better place and out of pain. We have so many wonderful memories. His funeral service will be Saturday September 23rd@1pm at Smith Funeral Home - West End." This news truly saddens me. Darrell was a strong union man and held various ALEA officer positions over the years. He kept in touch with me and often posted here on FLacebook. -Jake Lamkins (9/10/23) Dee Martenson Don't know if you have seen this, Jake, but Darrell Robson' wife posted his death notice I will make sure you get his obit. Carolyn Boller Thx Dee. Jake Lamkins So sorry to hear this! (9/10/23) Fred Watson R.I.P Darrell Karen Berry RIP Darrell Steve Humphrey R.I.P. Darrell Trish Swanson-Hawk Sending prayers to his family and many friends. RIP. Pam Coffman Ellis Prayers for his family and friends. Steve Tidler RIP Darrell (9/10/23) Pamella Corvelli My sincere condolences to the family and friends. Reply (9/11/23) Vern Lahman Rip Darrell. (9/12/23) Dee Martenson on Facebook 9/13/23 Jake, I got Darrell Robson's obit sent to your email. https://www.smithfuneralchapels.com/obituaries/Darrell-K-Robson?obId=28998315 Jake Lamkins THANK YOU! Dee. Al Sprenger So sorry to hear of your loss Was always good to work with Darrell when he worked in Bozeman AL Sprenger (9/13/23) D ROBSON Emp# 07532 DOB 10/1/45 DOH 2/1/65 and station agent seniority date, #298 Org# 3388 - BZN Per the Oct 1986 FL/ALEA Seniority Lists. -Jake Lamkins (9/21/23) Posted at Darrell's Facebook page on 9/21/23 Darrell Robson Our family would like to thank everyone for their love, support, prayers and kind words during this difficult time. Darrell is missed so much. He has left us with so many countless memories. On Saturday the 23rd there will be a celebration of life. For those of you who can't be with us the service will be live streamed at 1:00 p.m. attached is the link from Smith's Funeral home. Step 1: Open this link: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063201252875 This link will take you to the Smith Funeral Chapel's Facebook Step 2: Hit the More tab Step 3: Choose Live (Events) Step 4: Choose Darrell's service Step 5: Wait until the service begins FLacebook FLIGHT WEST POSTED DARRELL ROBSON 1965 - 1986 STATION AGENT GDV LNK MOT BIL BZN http://FAL-1.tripod.com/Darrell_Robson.html He was a great guy who worked for his fellow station agents for many years as an ALEA union officer, including council chairman. His Facebook page is at https://www.facebook.com/darrell.robson.5 Post your remembrances of him. -Jake Lamkins (9/25/23) Posted at Darrell's Facebook page. All of Darrell's many friends at the old Frontier Airlines are saddened to hear of his passing. Our condolences to his family. http://FAL-1.tripod.com/Darrell_Robson.html -Jake Lamkins (9/25/23) Jake, I am going to scan and email the four pages of Darrell's funeral folder to you for the website. -Dee Martenson (10/20/23)