DALE ALLEN 1968 - 1975 STOCK CLERK DEN Found his obituary while doing a routine internet search for Frontier deaths: Dale William Allen passed away on October 22, 2020, after an eight month battle with cancer... Published online on Sept. 9, 2021 courtesy of Legacy Remembers. https://www.taborfuneralhome.com/obituary/Dale-Allen -Jake Lamkins (4/5/23) D W ALLEN Emp# 00328 DEN stock clerk DOB 6/8/46 DOH 3/18/68 Per the Dec 1970 employees roster. He's not on the Nov 1984 roster. D W ALLEN Stock clerk seniority date of 3/18/68, #25 Per the Nov 1974 FL/IAM seniority list. He is not on the Nov 1976 list so he must have left in 1975 or so. -Jake Lamkins (4/5/23) Dale's headstone 57 Sandhill Crane What is the meaning of the Sandhill Crane emblem? The Sandhill Crane is a symbol of peace or as being one with land, water and sky… -https://beginmystory.com/meaning-of-each-religious-emblem-of-belief-for-u-s-military-headstones/#Emblems%2050-57 (4/14/23) FLacebook FLIGHT WEST POSTED DALE ALLEN 1968 - 1975 STOCK CLERK DEN http://FAL-1.tripod.com/Dale_Allen.html Post your remembrances of him. -Jake Lamkins (4/15/23)