CHESTER FITCH 1953 - 1982 AIRCRAFT MECHANIC, LEAD INSPECTOR SLC DEN Chester H. Fitch's date of hire was May 17, 1953. His date of birth was April 1, 1917 and death was December 20, 2001 in Denver. He worked in the DEN hangar in the Non Destructive Testing (NDT) office. -Ken Schultz (1/2/02) I transferred to SLC in Dec 1955 and worked there until the closedown. Lou Berets was manager but also worked for Dick Lohbeck, Duane Phelps and Harold Maxwell. Some of the oldtimers - Tom Morris, Meredith Dexter, Jim Crosley, Bruce Anderson, Russell Boice, Jeanette Sumrall (TCA), Dex Alger (sales mgr), Sydney Soyka (CTO), Jim Lether, Gary McCarrell, Gary Bollschweiler, Stan Covington, Mike Caldwell, Don Brady (lead mech), Scott Keller (chief pilot), Angelo George (mech), Gary Horne (mech), Chester Fitch (mech), Ray Duffek, Clem Church, A.G. Smith, Gene Swingler, Merle Beeler. Worked with many more, but the memory dims with age. -Don Anderton (4/11/09) Retirements Chester H. Fitch - Lead Inspector, DEN January 29, 29 years of service. Item in the Mar 1982 FL NEWS -Jake Lamkins (8/4/09)