BOB SALAZAR 1959 - 1986 STATION AGENT, SENIOR STATION AGENT LNK DEN Re: FL ESOP money I looked thru the list and saw a Robt. L Salazar. Could be Bob that I worked with in DEN. If it is, I talked to him on the phone last winter. He winters in Laughlin, Calif. -Jim Lane (5/9/13) Thanks, Jim, Tell him to contact the bank. -Jake Lamkins (5/9/13) His obituary found while doing a periodic web search for Frontier deaths. Robert Salazar Obituary Robert Leroy "Bob" Salazar of Aurora, Colorado, passed away on August 29, 2023... He worked as a freight agent for 28 years with the original Frontier Airlines... -Jake Lamkins (10/2/23) R L SALAZAR Emp# 7695 LNK station agent DOB 6/8/39 DOH 7/25/59 Per the Feb 1960 employees roster. ------------------------------ R L SALAZAR Emp# 7695 DEN senior station agent DOB 6/8/39 DOH 7/25/59 Per the Dec 1970 employees roster. ------------------------------ R L SALAZAR Emp# 7695 DEN OO Per the Nov 1984 employees roster. ------------------------------ R L SALAZAR Emp# 7695 Org# 3301 - DEN OO DOB 6/8/39 DOH 7/25/59 and station agent seniority date, #156 Per the Oct 1986 station agents seniority list. -Jake Lamkins (10/5/23) FLacebook FLIGHT WEST POSTED BOB SALAZAR 1959 - 1986 STATION AGENT, SENIOR STATION AGENT LNK DEN Post your remembrances of him. -Jake Lamkins (10/7/23) Del Zimmerman I worked many years with Bob. He was fun to work with, and had a very dry sense of humor. So sad, we are losing a lot of good people. Bob and Bob Lawson were great friends. Does anyone know anything about Bob Lawson? Jake Lamkins Del, I last heard from Bob & Carol Lawson in 2005 and they were in Arvada, CO on W. 75th Ave. Fred Watson R.I.P Bob. Karen Berry RIP Bob. Jan Lefler R.I.P. Bob. Trish Swanson-Hawk Sending prayers to his family and many friends. RIP. Jim Meade RIP Bob Ginger Treptow Rest in Eternal Peace, Bob Salazar! (10/7/23) Buck Hawk Sorry to hear about Bob. Worked many a day with him. R.I.P. Jim Ronan RIP Bob enjoyed working with you! (10/19/23)