BILL WAYLAND 1959 - 1984 PILOT DEN W D WAYLAND Pilot seniority date of 2/9/59 on the 9/1/81 FL/ALPA seniority list. He is not on the 9/1/85 list. -Jake Lamkins (7/6/09) WM. D. WAYLAND DEN Co-Pilot DOB 1/26/25 DOH 2/23/59 Per Feb 1960 FL Roster Probably retired in Jan 1985 when he turned 60. -Jake Lamkins (6/25/11) Adeline phoned to tell me Bill Wayland flew west this morning. Service will be held later. -Jake Lamkins (4/15/14) FLacebook - FL Club George Meshko has company on his flight west. Bill Wayland passed away this morning too. More later. -Jake Lamkins (4/15/14) Do you have any details about Bill Wayland's passing... I just talked to him less than a month ago... -Walker Ross (4/17/14) Yes, Bill flew west day before yesterday as did George Meshko. Lots posted about both at the FLacebook page. -Jake Lamkins (4/17/14) Adeline phoned to tell me that Bill Wayland's memorial service will be at the VFW Hall 602 Lesser Drive Fort Collins, CO 970-493-9909 Saturday, May 3, 2014 Noon til 4 pm Lunch and memorial service -Jake Lamkins (4/17/14) Hi Adeline, Thanks for your voice message about Bill's obituary. I have been working on Bill's memorial webpage. I have his autobiography written for Ace Avakian's Frontier newsletter which ran in two installments but ceased when Ace passd away in 2011. So I only have the years up to 1952. Do you have the rest of Bill's autobiography? I would love to have all of it for his webpage. Thanks -Jake Lamkins (4/25/14) Photo of Bill from 1964 reprinted with permission from the book FROM THE COCKPIT TO THE GALLEY by Bonnie C. Dahl and Patty A. McNeill. -Jake Lamkins (4/25/14) M A WAYLAND DEN clerk typist DOH 7/29/59 DOB 3/31/36 --------------- WM D WAYLAND DEN co-pilot DOH 2/23/59 DOB 1/26/25 per the Feb 1960 FL Roster -Jake Lamkins (4/26/14) FLacebook - FL Club DEN pilot Bill Wayland's memorial webpage is posted. Be sure to read his autobiography. His WWII service and adventures rank right up there with George Meshko. -Jake Lamkins (4/26/14) Thank you for getting the sad news out there for us. I was unable to get Bill's memoirs to attach to this, so I will mail you a copy. Thanks again, -Adeline Wayland (4/26/14) I'm looking forward to reading them, Adeline. My address is below. I hope you like Bill's memorial webpage. Let me know if you want to add anything. Condolences, -Jake Lamkins (4/27/14) I just read his autobiography - I sure wish I had known all this when I used to fly with him.... would have loved to hear his stories!! -Ramona Nelson (4/27/14) A wonderful human being and glad I knew him. R I P -Ginger Treptow (4/27/14) Captain Wayland was always nice to the flight attendants and also he has a wonderful, beautiful wife Adeline. He was a good pilot and fun to fly with. His autobiography is incredible! He told us about 10 yrs ago at the reunion in PHX he was inviting us to his funeral and was going to buy us all a martini! -Bonnie Dahl (4/27/14) I always enjoyed flying with him, nice guy. -Ruth Pitts (4/27/14) FLacebook - FL Club DEN pilot Bill Wayland's memorial webpage has been updated. His widow Adeline sent the complete text of his memoir and gave me permission to share his story with the FLamily. It is now posted at his webpage. I think you will enjoy it as much as I did. -Jake Lamkins (5/8/14) I just sent a few photos from Bill Wayland's memorial, May 3, 2014. It was hard to get everyone gathered up to take a photo. There were 4 Frontier folks there, Ellen Quinn, Joane Griffiin, Bill Watkins and I. It seems a lot of people did not know when the memorial was even though you and I had sent it via e-mails. It was also in the Denver Post. But lots of family were there, his wife Adeline, his 3 children, nephew, several grandchildren and friends. Photo is his daughter and grandson singing and they were very good! I can't remember some of the names. It was a nice service and good stories from the kids. Great family who loved him. Pix: VFW , Ft Collins Bill's daughter Debbie and grandson singing Debbie and grandson Adeline with Bill's photo -Bonnie Dahl (5/12/14)