ANGELA NICHOLS DILLER 1973 - 1986 FLIGHT ATTENDANT SLC DEN Pictures of Angela Diller and I in Denver recently. She is still with United so thought you might enjoy seeing us. It's always nice to see old Frontier employees -Chris Bonatti (5/14/05) Hi Chris, Just got the pix you sent. Thanks a bunch. Which are you? left or right? Was Diller a flight attendant too. Were yall based in DEN or elsewhere? -Jake Lamkins (5/26/05) I am not sure as I can't see picture. I am the brunette and Angela is the longer haired light . I am more dressed up. Angela flew out of SLC most of her career and then transfered to Denver. -Chris Bonatti (5/27/05) FLacebook messenger from Chris Bonatti Angela Diller passed away this morning in Denver. I will get you more info as I get it. 5/3/23 Jake Lamkins Thanks, Chris. So sorry you lost a friend. (5/3/23) FLacebook on 5/3/23 Christina Bonatti Dear friends of sweet Angela Diller. Angela passed this morning in Denver. Not much more to report but knowing how special she was wanted to let friends from Frontier and others know. (5/3/23) Chris Cordova Thank you so much for the pictures of Angela and your days flying with her. She told me so many good stories of those days - how they used to call her Denver big hair because that woman had so much hair on her head! She was so very good to me and my children ! I love you Angela ! (5/3/23) Christina Bonatti When did Angela graduate? I think it was one or two after my class in 72. Jake Lamkins The Aug 1974 F/A seniority list shows your seniority date as 6/2/73. I cannot find Angela on it. Did she have a different name then? How long did she fly? (5/4/23) Chris Bonatti Yes she did have different name. Angela Nichols She flew till we went bankrupt June 29 1973 was her senority date one class after me. Based SLC. A NICHOLS Flight attendant seniority date of 6/30/73 Per the Aug 1974 flight attendant seniority list. A HATFIELD Flight attendant seniority date of 6/30/73 Per the Aug 1981 flight attendant seniority list. A M NICHOLS Emp# 11589 Flight attendant seniority date of 6/30/73 Per the Feb 1986 flight attendant seniority list. A M DILLER Emp# 11589 Flight attendant seniority date of 6/30/73 Per the Aug 1986 flight attendant seniority list. -Jake Lamkins (5/4/23) Patti Hara Taylor I just heard about Angela Nichols Diller passing from Chris Bonatti. Angela and I graduated in the same class. Graduation date June 29 1973. Class 73-4. I found our graduation photo and presentation page. Thanks so much for the great class photo. I had this newsletter article with the IDs of the class. Send any additional pix as you come across them. -Jake Lamkins (5/4/23) To Chris Bonatti I'm ready to start on Angela's memorial webpage but I can't find anything online about her death. Have you seen an obituary? -Jake Lamkins (5/15/23) Chris Bonatti Not yet. I will find out let you know (5/15/23) Chris Bonatti I reached out. They will get back to me with since info. (5/17/23) Angela's Facebook page ID and at Angela Diller 114 friends • 8 mutual Intro International Flight Attendant at Retired United Airlines flight attendant Went to Wasson High School Lives in Aurora, Colorado From Colorado Springs, Colorado Born on August 27, 1952 -Jake Lamkins (5/18/23) FLacebook FLIGHT WEST POSTED ANGELA NICHOLS DILLER 1973 - 1986 FLIGHT ATTENDANT SLC DEN Still need an obituary for Angela. Post your remembrances of her. Her memorial webpage is the 2400th one posted. -Jake Lamkins (5/19/23) Texted to Chris Angela's webpage is posted at Please post it on her Facebook page. Send the obit info when you get it. -Jake Lamkins (5/19/23) Chris Bonatti Awe thank you. I well get to her family And get an obituary soon. FLacebook request to join David Diller Works at J&D Custom Walls My Mother passed and worked for you guys 35 years ago. OKayed -Jake Lamkins (5/19/23) Pam Coffman Ellis Prayers for her family and friends Ron Abfalter Such a wonderful woman. R.I.P. Fred Watson R.I.P Chris Bonatti Years ago. Presidential award. We saved a mans life, choking victim, St. Louis to Denver. I Have the plaque somewhere. She was a great person and proud she was my friend Merrilee Lingren Condolences to her family. Cherylann Morgan So sad. RIP my friend. Liz Gomez Angela; was in my class of “73! RIP! Patti Hara Taylor Such sad news about Angela. Looks like you and I are the only ones left from our class. Hope you are doing well. Liz Gomez I’m so happy to hear from you, Patti! Are we really the last of our class!? Yes, very sad about Angela. I’m doing well, thank you. I still live in Denver! How are you? Stay in touch. Our 50th year will be coming up soon in June! (Class of June’73) Jolie Haas Larder I remember flying with her:-( (5/19/23) Merri Bryant So sorry for your loss. Angela was always so much fun to fly with...never a dull moment. (5/20/23) Mary Katherine She was WILD! Loved to party. She took ballet as a child and had foot problems flying in heels. On her overnights she filled the bathroom sink with Epsom Salt and sat on the counter to soak her feet for hours. Sad to watch but she said ballet was worth it. Rest in peace. We'll be following shortly.... (5/21/23) Mary Seefluth I liked Angie. We had fun at Frontier. She was also in my class at United. She was so much fun. Will truly miss her. RIP my friend! Loved her! We had a lot of fun at United! (5/22/23)