Mojo's Ramp Pix 221-227


(Click On Thumbnail Pic For Full Image)

221. Willie Montgomery & Stacey ?
Is it Stacey Bodaness? - Jake Lamkins (4/17/10)
222. Chuck Wade with ?
223. Somebody with Herbie ? Bob ?
Herbie in the back is Hervie Bolden - Jake Lamkins (4/17/10)
The bearded one with his back to you is Bob Wright - Bill Hoermle 5/29/13)
224. This is Norm Rosendale and ?
Picture #224 is Norm Rosendale and I can't be sure on the other guy - Connie McAlister (8/5/10)
225. Doug Kempfer, Pete Gouge and an unknown.
Foto 225 is when we worked that PEX 747. The guy on the left is Doug Kempfer. Can't tell on the others. - Jim Burbank (2/14/11)
226. Who's this working the honeywagon?
227. Who might these two be?
228. Another unknown station agent

More Mojo Pix: 1-20 21-40 41-60 61-80 81-100 101-120 121-140 141-160 161-180 181-200 201-220 221-227

Jake Lamkins