LIBBY DECKER WOODFILL 1948 - 1950 CHIEF FLIGHT ATTENDANT DEN Note with renewal and article from 1948: The group of stewardesses hired by Challenger Airlines about 1948. Male stewards first cabin caretakers when I was hired 1947. Man is gov WYO + his (two) attendees. Alice Wright, Mary Jones, Sylvia Diedricks, Ellie Bastar, Isabell Wilson, Vicky Marason, Mary Warhover, BJ Schider, Carol Speck. Kitty Knete, Gov Hunt (3), Libby Decker (chief stewardess), Pat Larson. -Jack Schade (3/10/11) Her weblink is She is in Greg Stearns' book on page 53. -Jake Lamkins (12/6/13) ELIZABETH DECKER DEN chief stewardess per the 7/15/48 CHA Directory. Interesting that Challenger allowed her to work while married. Most airlines of the time did not allow married stewardesses. Not sure when Libby left to return to United but likely in 1950 when Challenger merged to form Frontier. -Jake Lamkins (12/28/13) Photo of Libby from 1948 reprinted with permission from the book FRONTIER AIRLINES: A HISTORY OF THE FORMER FRONTIER AIRLINES 1950-1986 by Gregory R. Stearns -Jake Lamkins (1/2/14) Posted at FLacebook and the FL Club. DEN chief flight attendant Libby Decker Woodfill's memorial webpage is posted. Libby helped establish the stewardess program at Challenger in 1948. -Jake Lamkins (1/2/14) FLight West: Libby Decker Woodfill DEN chief flight attendant Libby Decker Woodfill's memorial webpage has been updated at Another item found for this pioneer Challenger Airlines flight attendant. -Jake Lamkins (1/13/17)